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Brian L Porter's Blog (60)

Thanks to all who voted...

I want to say a great big THANK YOU to everyone who voted in the recent Preditors & Editors Readers Award Polls. The final…


Added by Brian L Porter on February 7, 2011 at 10:07am — 3 Comments

Only a few hours left to vote.

Hi everyone,

Today is the last day of polling in the Preditors & Editors Readers Polls. With just a few hours left to go, Requiem for the Ripper is in 2nd place in the poll for best thriller and Glastonbury is in the lead in the mysteries. Please could I politely ask anyone who hasn't yet voted to vote for my nominations and perhaps secure Glastonbury's place and maybe push Requiem for the Ripper up to the top slot? Polls close at midnight GMT.…


Added by Brian L Porter on January 26, 2011 at 3:42am — 6 Comments

Friends and Readers, Please Can I ask for Your Votes?

Hello everyone,


Many of you may know that as well as rescuing dogs, I'm also something of an author. I'm delighted that two of my novels have received nominations in this year's Preditors & Editors Readers Poll and I would like to ask if all my friends and readers could take a couple of minutes to vote for my nominations? Glastonbury has been nominated for Best Mystery Novel and Requiem for the Ripper is in the Best…


Added by Brian L Porter on January 23, 2011 at 3:30am — 10 Comments

An Abandoned Puppy is...To Love!

Just want to introduce you all to our latest rescue dog. Lttle Sasha is our 15th rescue. She's a little Staffy. We picked her up on Monday. She is no more than 7 or 8 weeks old and was found wandering the streets by the dog warden, who tookher to the loclpound, where we found her shaking with fear and lonely, pining for her mother. Poor little thing is too young even…


Added by Brian L Porter on January 22, 2011 at 12:56pm — 8 Comments

A Message From Tilly, The Rescuedog

Hello everyone, I wanted to stop by and ask you all to check out my very own book, Tilly's Tale.It's written by me, with a lot of help from the man you all know as thriller, but who claims he wrote it as Harry… Continue

Added by Brian L Porter on September 25, 2010 at 12:54pm — No Comments


Hello everyone,

Wow, did we all get a surprise on Friday. Harry and the family went out for a while and when he returned, guess what? When Harry let us all out of the house into the garden, what should be there, waiting for us to meet, but a beautiful little puppy. MUTTLEY is 18 weeks old and one of a litter of 9 Staffordshire Bull Terriers who were left at The Mayflower Sanctuary soon after they were born. Muttley was something of the runt of the litter, and no one had shown… Continue

Added by Brian L Porter on August 13, 2010 at 12:28am — No Comments

From Tilly - We Were All So Sad, Then Along Came Dinky and Henry

Hello everyone,

After all the sad things that have happened here in recent weeks, it's so nice to have some good news again. Harry and Mum were so depressed, and the children were so upset after losing 4 members of our pack, that this week, Harry and Mum went to the Dog Pound to see the nice people there, and guess what? Yay! We have 2 new pack members. Dinky and Henry are both little crossbreeds, and very quiet dogs, one of the things Harry specifically looked for when he… Continue

Added by Brian L Porter on July 18, 2010 at 3:10am — No Comments

A Very Sad Message from Tilly, Saying Goodbye to some friends

Hello everyone,

I'm sorry I haven't been around for a while, but so much has happened in the last couple of weeks and I have to admit that I'm the saddest Tilly in the world right now. It all began three Saturdays ago on the way back from training. Me, Dylan, Sheba and Xuxa were in… Continue

Added by Brian L Porter on July 12, 2010 at 5:50pm — No Comments

Tilly at the dog show

We had a great time on Sunday, when we took Tilly, Dylan, Mimi and Snoopy to a Fun Dog Show, held in order to raise funds for The Mayflower Sanctuary, where we adopted Tilly from. Everyone enjoyed it and Tilly won 2 rosettes, one for 3rd place in 'Dog with the Waggiest Tail' and one fro 4th place in 'The Dog with the X Factor'. Mimi got a 3rd place in 'Best Rescue Bitch' and Snoopy was runner up in 'Most Handsome Dog'. The dogs all received goody bags for taking part and we're looking forward… Continue

Added by Brian L Porter on June 8, 2010 at 12:42pm — 4 Comments

Harry Porter's Interview at Wild About Pets, For Rescued Dogs Everywhere.

Anyone who didn't catch the live broadcast and who would like to hear the interview I did with naturalist Susan Franks on the Wild About Pets show on Talk Zone Radio can now access the interview from the show's archive pages at

or at… Continue

Added by Brian L Porter on May 2, 2010 at 6:42am — No Comments

Please listen in to Wild About Pets Radio Show This Week. Me and Tilly will be there!

I'm so excited that this coming Friday, 30th April, I will be a guest on the 'Wild About Pets' radio show, on Radio hosted by Susan Franks. I'll be talking about my award winning book, Tilly's Tale and how I came to be writing the series of books under the collective title 'Harry Porter's Dog Tales, as well as talking with Susan about my life with my 14 rescued dogs. I do hope some of you will be able to tune in and… Continue

Added by Brian L Porter on April 29, 2010 at 4:23am — No Comments


Tilly, my lovely little rescued dog, is 6 years old today. Me and all the pack want to wish her a very happy birthday. She'll be going for a nice long walk and a run on her favourite field this morning, where she can play with her tennis ball and play chase with the other dogs, her favourite game. Since her book, Tilly's Tale, was launched, Tilly has made so many friends around the world and has already received a number of… Continue

Added by Brian L Porter on April 14, 2010 at 5:24am — No Comments

A Rescue Dog on Radio? Tilly's Tale to be featured on Wild About Pets!

I'm really thrilled to have been contacted by Susan Frank, the host of the Wild About Pets Radio Show, who was interested in doing a feature on Tilly's Tale, and, following discussions with her, I've agreed to do an interview with her on her show on 30th April at Noon, CST. I'll be talking about Tilly's Tale of course, and also my other dogs. What makes this so exciting is that the show will go out live, and will interact with the… Continue

Added by Brian L Porter on March 30, 2010 at 5:23am — No Comments

Sheba's Progress, A Message from Tilly, 'Pack Leader'

Hello everyone,

I'm sure you'll all remember little Sheba, our latest pack member who Harry and the family rescued between Christmas and New Year. You may recall that she's been terribly starved and all her little bones were showing when she first came to live with us, and she… Continue

Added by Brian L Porter on February 14, 2010 at 8:18am — 2 Comments

An Incredibly Wonderful Review for Tilly's Tale. Hope this helps Rescued Dogs everwhere!

'Tilly's Tale' has already received some wonderful reviews in addition to it's two awards, but the latest one is, I have to say, truly fantastic. I'm so pleased that people are seeing Tilly's story in the way it was designed to be seen and that they believe it can have a positive effect on people's attitudes (and children's in particular), towards dog abuse and neglect. If Tilly's Tale can help just a few dogs to find new homes and raise awareness in people of the need to take good… Continue

Added by Brian L Porter on February 8, 2010 at 12:52pm — No Comments

Latest Great Review of Tilly's Tale

I'm really delighted to see another great review of Tilly's Tale appear at

Here's what the reader had to say

5.0 out of 5 stars

Tilly's Tale The Best Little Animal Book, …


Added by Brian L Porter on February 8, 2010 at 12:51pm — No Comments

Tilly's Tale, Latest Review

I just wanted to share the great new review received by Tilly's Tale, on a site called Books4Moms I'm so pleased that Tilly's life story continues to reach out and touch people as it was designed to do. Here's what the reviewer said;

Tilly’s Tale by Harry Porter

Author: admin // Category: Book Reviews, Children's Books, inspirational

Tilly's Tale by Harry Porter

About the Book

Rescued when life looked bleak and her future uncertain, Tilly found… Continue

Added by Brian L Porter on January 24, 2010 at 5:50pm — No Comments

Last Day Votes Urgently Needed

Today is the last day of polling in the Preditors & Editors annual Awards, and having led the Authors Category almost from start to finish, this morning I slipped into 2nd place. Just a few votes could make all the difference between 1st and 2nd so please can I ask any members who feel inclined to support me and who may not have voted previously, to vote for my nomination at… Continue

Added by Brian L Porter on January 14, 2010 at 1:57pm — No Comments

Shamelessly Begging for Your Votes, My Friends

Okay everyone! Here I am again shamelessly begging for your votes. all my nominations are doing very well so far, but I would especially like to ask if anyone would add their votes to my nomination in the Authors category at I briefly reached the number one slot last night only to be knocked off again this morning. Obviously competition is very strong and every vote could… Continue

Added by Brian L Porter on January 10, 2010 at 4:56pm — No Comments

Another Nomination.

Some kind person has added my name to the list of nominations for Best Author at the Preditors & Editors awards. If anyone hasn't yet voted in that category and feels kindly disposed please would you consider adding a vote for me at where I'm listed in the poll as Brian L Porter

I would really appreciate any votes I receive, for this and my other nominations,… Continue

Added by Brian L Porter on January 5, 2010 at 2:02pm — No Comments

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