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From Tilly the Rescuedog - My Grooming Day

The things us girls go through
Hello again everyone,
Just thought you might like to see this short video of me being groomed by my Mum. Because of all the problems I had before being rescued, with my coat being allowed to grow wild, leaving me a scruffy mess, I've never been too happy at the feel of the brush or comb, but my Mum has showed real patience with me and now I am not too bad and quite happily allow her to make me look pretty every Saturday, when she does a nice job of tidying me up. As you can see, she even manages to have a bit of fun with me as she works on me, so that must show how I've improved in my relationship with the dreaded slicker brush! Of course, I get a daily brush as well, but Saturday is the day when she does all of us dogs, and anyone who needs a bath gets one too. 
Anyway, the things us girls go through to stay good looking eh?
Lots of love to everyone
Tilly XX

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Comment by Kathi on May 8, 2011 at 6:16pm

Hi Tilly:

Did you have a good bath, and were you really good for your Mom?  I hope you gave her a big Mother's day kiss.  Now, a new week is beginning and you can start all over again finding the yukky things you like to roll around in.  You have a good week sweet Tilly, hugs to you and all of the other furbabies with you.

Much love Kathi, Mickie and Sassie


Comment by Brian L Porter on May 7, 2011 at 1:15am

I suppose you're right, Kathi. I'll have to be a good girl and endure the dreaded bath and then begin all over again hunting for nice, 'doggie perfume' smells on the field. I'm glad your Mickie is of a similar ilk to me. You see, us dogs really do know what we like and what we REALLY like is nice, stale, yukky things that have lots of character and pungency, not like those sweet smelling things you humans like to pour on yourselves. I guess we'll never get you to understand that, though...sigh!

Have a lovely Saturday


Tilly XX

Comment by Kathi on May 6, 2011 at 5:13pm

I know Tilly it takes a lot of effort to do all of that, Mickie finds the stinkiest things she can roll in  and then wants to be hugged!!!  Yuck!!!  By the time your Mum is finished she will be ready for a bath!  I know you will be a good girl, and then you can start all over again and have lots of fun.

Hugs and Kisses to you sweet girl.

Comment by Brian L Porter on May 6, 2011 at 1:19pm

But Kathi, it's taken me weeks and weeks to accumulate this lovely doggie smell from rolling in the grass on the field and rubbing up against all those lovely bushes and fences and things...hehe  After my bath, I'll have to start all over again. But I do agree, the treats and hugs are nice. I'll try to be a good girl, and not struggle and soak Mum too much....woof!


Tilly XX

Comment by Kathi on May 6, 2011 at 1:08pm

Poor Tilly, my Mickie hates baths too.  But just think how much better you will feel afterward and smell really good too.  I bet you'll get some special treats and a lot of hugs and kisses.  Be a good girl, talk to you soon.


Comment by Brian L Porter on May 6, 2011 at 11:55am

Hi Kathi,

Thank you so much. I must say, I do get well looked after, don't I? and yes, I don't mind having a bit of fun with my Mum while she's attending to my coat.I'm also lucky to have a dog groomer for a Mum. She used to do it professionally but had to give it up when she developed a problem with her wrist. she said it was some kind of 'tunnel' sounds funny eh? Now, the real test comes tomorrow, because Harry says I have to have a BATH. I hate baths!!!

Will let you know how I get on.

Lots of love

Tilly XX

Comment by Kathi on May 6, 2011 at 6:09am

Oh Tilly, what a lucky girl you are to have such a great Mom to take care of you.  I must say you are very beautiful from your grooming and you were a really good sport going through all of that.  Just remember girls must keep up a good appearance!!!  Love ya Tilly.


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