How Do You Deal With Loss?????
Please! Some person tell me ,because nothing works, time ,and diversion-thats what I try to do while I am waiting out the time! But,so far my diversion has been hit by another LOSS! I can't DEAL with all of them,so what do you do? Sink lower,and lower,and hope you come out of it? Iwill not drink-that makes it worse,and then I kill my liver! I will not benge on food because I don't…
Added by Employee of the Month on May 31, 2010 at 1:00am —
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When I came up with the idea of adopting a puppy I had in my head the idea that I would raise this puppy to be my perfect dog. I was listening to the dog whisperer books and I was prepared I was going to do his formula and mold myself the perfect dog. I started out really well I made sure he never had an accident in his crate running home every two hours from work to let him out and I walked him constantly. I was constantly training trying to mold this puppy into the dog I dreamed of. The…
Added by Michelle McClellan on May 27, 2010 at 11:56pm —
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My Pet DogI have always been an animal lover, especially dogs. When i was young I was never aloud a dog, then one summers night, me and my friends were sitting by the grassy burn near to where we all lived. An old cream car drove past and through a little black and white pup out of the car window. You could tell they done it in a way that they did not want to harm the pup.
The little pup came running over to us and started jumping all over us, licking…
Added by Gavin Boyd on May 27, 2010 at 6:34am —
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Dog bronchitis usually affects small to medium-sized breeds that are over one year of age. The causes of dog bronchitis are not always known. However, researchers say that cigarette smoke and urban pollution could be one of the causes that lead to bronchitis. The overpowered…
Added by Hadassah Alkana on May 24, 2010 at 2:10pm —
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Added by PURRfect Puppy on May 24, 2010 at 1:16pm —
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Yes, some pets do love table scraps. But pets don't always know what's best for them - it's the pets owner's job to keep their pets healthy. And eating table scraps can cause pancreatitis in some pets.… Continue
Added by wanda farrow on May 21, 2010 at 9:25am —
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I was watching a program about a rough neighborhood in Scotland the other night their and their was lovely dog called Bullet. Its owner was a druggie but he took good care of the dog and the dog loved him back. The bad news was he got the jail and the dog got left with his incompetent girl friend, the poor dog got run over when she let him out the house, he had a bad leg and the girl could not afford the vet bill. The dog needed an operation but they would not start it until she left a deposit.…
Added by Gavin Boyd on May 10, 2010 at 5:30am —
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Added by PURRfect Puppy on May 9, 2010 at 9:53am —
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Did you know that according to the Association for Pet Obesity Prevention 44% of all dogs and 57% of all cats in the United States are overweight or obese? This week PURRfect Puppy recognizes Nation Pet Week "Pets and People- Healthy Together" and isoffering a 10% discount on your entire purchase. Stop by today and see all the fun interacting toys for both dogs and cats we offer!
Coupon Code: PETS10
Added by PURRfect Puppy on May 6, 2010 at 4:30pm —
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Anyone who didn't catch the live broadcast and who would like to hear the interview I did with naturalist Susan Franks on the Wild About Pets show on Talk Zone Radio can now access the interview from the show's archive pages at at…
Added by Brian L Porter on May 2, 2010 at 6:42am —
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I'm so excited that this coming Friday, 30th April, I will be a guest on the 'Wild About Pets' radio show, on Radio hosted by Susan Franks. I'll be talking about my award winning book, Tilly's Tale and how I came to be writing the series of books under the collective title 'Harry Porter's Dog Tales, as well as talking with Susan about my life with my 14 rescued dogs. I do hope some of you will be able to tune in and…
Added by Brian L Porter on April 29, 2010 at 4:23am —
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Added by PURRfect Puppy on April 18, 2010 at 9:59am —
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Depending on the age and personality of your cat, there are many
inexpensive, yet effective, cat toys to keep your pet entertained. A
variety of
cat toys can be found an virtually any pet supply store.
Lightweight balls work well in keeping an active kitten engaged. Often,
this type of cat toy has small bells incorporated. This type of toy
helps keep your cat’s attention and encourages both a mental…
Added by Max and Mittens on April 15, 2010 at 9:42am —
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Tilly, my lovely little rescued dog, is 6 years old today. Me and all the pack want to wish her a very happy birthday. She'll be going for a nice long walk and a run on her favourite field this morning, where she can play with her tennis ball and play chase with the other dogs, her favourite game. Since her book,
Tilly's Tale, was launched, Tilly has made so many friends around the world and has already received a number of…
Added by Brian L Porter on April 14, 2010 at 5:24am —
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Added by PURRfect Puppy on April 11, 2010 at 10:43am —
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What do you get for the cat who has everything? Sure, your pet feline
may seem like a cool cat, but what does he/she really want for his/her
birthday? Here are a few ideas for the purr-fect present.
1) Spiderman DVD - You may think your cat may not be interested int his
kind of gift, but actually you'd be wrong. Cat's love Spiderman, not
only for his ability to land on his feet, each and every time, but also
because they are huge fans of the film's star:…
Added by Max and Mittens on April 7, 2010 at 8:30am —
1 Comment
This week PURRfect Puppy will be donating 10% of all our sales to
Friends of Rescued Mastiffs (F.O.R.M.)…
Added by PURRfect Puppy on April 4, 2010 at 10:38am —
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I'm really thrilled to have been contacted by Susan Frank, the host of the Wild About Pets Radio Show, who was interested in doing a feature on Tilly's Tale, and, following discussions with her, I've agreed to do an interview with her on her show on 30th April at Noon, CST. I'll be talking about Tilly's Tale of course, and also my other dogs. What makes this so exciting is that the show will go out live, and will interact with the… Continue
Added by Brian L Porter on March 30, 2010 at 5:23am —
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Added by PURRfect Puppy on March 26, 2010 at 1:29pm —
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The history of small dog clothing goes back to the days when King Arthur
ruled over Great Britain in 520 A.D. They used dogs in the military and
in law enforcement, so they wore protective clothing to help keep them
safe in an attack or from the environment.
small dog clothing is used for some of the same reasons. It
protects the dog from cuts, scratches and even bad weather. But today’s
small dog clothing is…
Added by Max and Mittens on March 26, 2010 at 8:41am —
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