I know I am dating myself when I mention the Brady bunch but heck I am old and I do not care who knows it. When people ask me to describe the fun personalities of my girls I tell them we live with the Brady girls Marsha, Jan and Cindy aka Mali, Rani and Yuki.
Mali is very much like Marsha. First of all she is the eldest. Mali is very confident and well liked by everyone who meets her. She always carries herself with her head held…
Added by Hedgewitch on March 8, 2010 at 11:58am —
1 Comment
~ This is a very old post but I thought you might enjoy it, Mali is now 2 years old~
Every night Steve and I take Mali to the green way. The green way is a 17 mile walking park. In between the trails we walk and the return course there is a large field and today there were tractors racking and bailing hay. Mali loves going to go to the green way. She has many friends there, who often walk with us in a pack as we travel our three mile…
Added by Hedgewitch on March 8, 2010 at 11:36am —
I am not sure what passes for psychic in animals. I have a young service dog named Mali. I got her when she was 11 weeks old. I had a trainer come to my home to help with her training through advanced obedience and hand signs, since then I have done the rest of her training and Mali has passed all the rest of her tests with 100%. At this time, Mali is only 15 months old.
Mali had only had her harness for a couple of months. We were very proud of her, as she had passed the adult…
Added by Hedgewitch on March 8, 2010 at 11:30am —
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I just wanted to spread the word to all the pet lovers out there about how they can get $1000 of free pet supplies from…
Added by Scott on February 18, 2010 at 7:17pm —
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Added by wanda farrow on February 18, 2010 at 6:21pm —
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never to replace, but to start a new
Raven a girl will always be love and there is no comparison,
Dakota Valentine is a Boy with his own personalty one is a pom and the other is a shibu inu and I'm just happy that I'm ready to move forward, with the lesson
that Raven have…
Added by wanda farrow on February 18, 2010 at 5:56pm —
1 Comment
Hello everyone,
I'm sure you'll all remember little Sheba, our latest pack member who Harry and the family rescued between Christmas and New Year. You may recall that she's been terribly starved and all her little bones were showing when she first came to live with us, and she…
Added by Brian L Porter on February 14, 2010 at 8:18am —
Added by wanda farrow on February 11, 2010 at 10:10am —
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'Tilly's Tale' has already received some wonderful reviews in addition to it's two awards, but the latest one is, I have to say, truly fantastic. I'm so pleased that people are seeing Tilly's story in the way it was designed to be seen and that they believe it can have a positive effect on people's attitudes (and children's in particular), towards dog abuse and neglect. If Tilly's Tale can help just a few dogs to find new homes and raise awareness in people of the need to take good…
Added by Brian L Porter on February 8, 2010 at 12:52pm —
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I'm really delighted to see another great review of Tilly's Tale appear at
Amazon.comHere's what the reader had to say
Tilly's Tale The Best Little Animal Book, …
Added by Brian L Porter on February 8, 2010 at 12:51pm —
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Added by wanda farrow on February 8, 2010 at 11:43am —
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Toxic and Dangerous Foods for Pets
Do you know which foods and beverages might be harmful to your pets – and what to do if your pet ingests something toxic?
By Elizabeth Mason Woods for WebVet
Reviewed by Amy I. Attas, VMD
Poison is a growing concern among pet owners. Household poisons are not the only thing that can harm your pets. Many common household foods and drugs can also be toxic to your pets. The following are foods that can be toxic or poisonous…
Added by wanda farrow on February 4, 2010 at 10:06am —
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Added by Robyn on January 30, 2010 at 5:12pm —
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I just wanted to share the great new review received by Tilly's Tale, on a site called Books4Moms I'm so pleased that Tilly's life story continues to reach out and touch people as it was designed to do. Here's what the reviewer said;
Tilly’s Tale by Harry Porter
Author: admin // Category: Book Reviews, Children's Books, inspirational
Tilly's Tale by Harry Porter
About the Book
Rescued when life looked bleak and her future uncertain, Tilly found…
Added by Brian L Porter on January 24, 2010 at 5:50pm —
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Added by MPAT on January 21, 2010 at 9:47pm —
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It's not only me! just the other day I was home waiting on the UPS guy and when he arrived and I received my package while signing for my package I was looking for the UPS guy to place my package in my door being it was a little heavy and when I notice that he was looking around and not helping me, he mentioned where is the little one and wondering who was he talking about it hit me wow, oh she passed away and see the reaction on his face I was touched by his reaction, as we…
Added by wanda farrow on January 19, 2010 at 12:58pm —
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Today is the last day of polling in the Preditors & Editors annual Awards, and having led the Authors Category almost from start to finish, this morning I slipped into 2nd place. Just a few votes could make all the difference between 1st and 2nd so please can I ask any members who feel inclined to support me and who may not have voted previously, to vote for my nomination at…
Added by Brian L Porter on January 14, 2010 at 1:57pm —
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Okay everyone! Here I am again shamelessly begging for your votes. all my nominations are doing very well so far, but I would especially like to ask if anyone would add their votes to my nomination in the Authors category at
http://www.critters.org/predpoll/author.shtml I briefly reached the number one slot last night only to be knocked off again this morning. Obviously competition is very strong and every vote could…
Added by Brian L Porter on January 10, 2010 at 4:56pm —
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Some kind person has added my name to the list of nominations for Best Author at the Preditors & Editors awards. If anyone hasn't yet voted in that category and feels kindly disposed please would you consider adding a vote for me at
http://www.critters.org/predpoll/author.shtml where I'm listed in the poll as Brian L Porter
I would really appreciate any votes I receive, for this and my other nominations,…
Added by Brian L Porter on January 5, 2010 at 2:02pm —
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I hope all my friends won't me asking for your support for my nominations in this year's annual Preditors & Editors Awards. As always, I really appreciate all the support given to me and my work by all of my friends and contacts and hope you will all feel able to do so once again. Voting opens on 1st January and closes at midnight on the 14th.
My latest release
'Tilly's Tale' written as Harry Porter is nominated for
Best Children's Book and also for
Best… Continue
Added by Brian L Porter on January 1, 2010 at 9:37am —
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