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table scraps are not good for a number of reasons.

Yes, some pets do love table scraps. But pets don't always know what's best for them - it's the pets owner's job to keep their pets healthy. And eating table scraps can cause pancreatitis in some pets.
I want to tell you a little about pancreatitis and how to prevent it.

The pancreas lies in the upper abdomen near the stomach. Acute pancreatitis results from sudden inflammation of the pancreas. It is characterized by activation of pancreatic enzymes that can cause the pancreas to begin digesting itself.

Predisposing causes for this condition include obesity and getting into the trash, and cases can range in severity from mild to life-threatening.

A dog or cat case can get serious. they can get treated with IV fluids, antibiotics, pain medications and medications to control the vomiting. It was long and painful but in five day's time a pet got through it and it was okay. But because of an owner's angry response, I'm not sure that the owner won't continue to feed table scraps.

That kind of attitude always amazes me - after all that happened you'd think that people would have learned their lesson here. But instead, people says, "they likes it" without really thinking about what is best for there pets.

Yes, it may be tempting to give your pet all those picnic or barbeque leftovers, but try to resist your pets soulful begging or he could end up like some. You're the adult. It's your responsibility to protect your pets health.

Mayonnaise and other dairy-based items can be particularly bad for your pet, because they do not have the necessary enzymes to digest dairy products (and spoilage can cause food poisoning).

Even if you feed your pets non-dairy table foods like fried chicken or hamburgers, his pancreas may not be prepared for those foods. Your pets pancreas could become inflamed, leading to pancreatitis and abdominal pain, anorexia and vomiting.

Please be especially careful during picnic season. In addition to table scraps, charcoal and lighter fluid can also be dangerous to your dog especially. Ingesting ash or charcoal can result in significant stomach irritation.

I hope these tips help keep your pets safe.

Until next time,

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