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We have all heard the phrase the dog is like its owner and visa versa.This got me thinking how much truth is there in that phrase? We all have our prefered breeds. We have various reasons for picking our particular breeds. Some pick a German Shepard because they want to seem tough. Some pick an English bulldog because they love their looks and their clownish caracter. Some pick tiny lap dogs because they prefer a dog they can stuff in a bag and take with them some pick terriers because of their tenacity and their protective qualities. then again some pick the sporting breeds because they want to go hunting and thus pick say a pointer or setter depending on what kind of hunt they take part in some pick more versatile breeds because they see themselves as more well rounded people. If we look at the variety of dogs and hounds we have on this site it becomes clear that we have made our choices based on some of these doggy doctrines. Some say I want mutts because they are healthier than the purebreds. Which has turned out to be an old wives tale we know that it is a question of genetics as well as enviroment including the nutritional status of the individual breeds.If a breed become particularly popular all dogs of this prefered breed are bred from creating an entire host of genetic defects. such as hip dysplacia and other genetic defects. Is this something we take into account when we choose the breed of our heart or is this also passed down from our ancestors? Do we prefer one breed to another because they look cute or because we have knowledge of that specific breed or group of breeds? I know it sounds complicated and maybe it is. This is why I brought it up as a topic for discussion what do you think and why have you picked the breed that has become your family member? I am curious because we have soo many diffrent breeds among us and just as many reasons as to why we chose our breeds or mutts. So let´s discuss this and see where it leads to.

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Hi Lisbeth,  I read your note about dogs and their owners and I think people have all types of reasons they pick their particular animals. There are people that prefer only one certain breed but then their are people like me that love to experience all types of breeds. I love all types of breeds of dogs especially but also love all types of cats. In my life there have been all types of dog breeds that have owned me and I loved everyone of them. Calvin and I have had two or three differend breeds or crossbreeds at a time and not one was loved any more than the other. We have had Terriers, hounds, collies, Great Pyrenees, Chihuhas, bulldogs, mixed breeds, pure breeds and now we have Harley, he is Poodle/ Shih-tzu, Katie mostly Shih-tzu and we have a cat that thinks he is a dog. So when it comes to a certain breed of dog I don't have a preference. I think that each breed has it's own type of personality and to me that is the reason I like to have all types and breeds at a time to just enjoy. Most of our pets live to be quite old and when they cross over the rainbow bridge they are still here in my heart and mind forever. I have learned that the larger breeds have a shorter life span and that is very hard  as I was used to dogs living to the age of 15 to 17 years and cats 15 to 20 years. Pyrs.only live to about 9 or 10 yrs so I guess in the long run smaller dogs are best for me.
When it comes to age of breeds large or small the greyhounds have an extremely long life span typically 15-18 years on average.However some never reach that age just as some small breeds never do either . Personally I think it is down to genetics some have the genes for getting very old without any defects some die young because they some defects either in their circulatory systems (bloodstream) they can have the popencity for say blood clots this is what my Connor died of just seven years and four months old. Where as Tristan is as strong as ever he will be eight years old in two days time so it is a very individual ocurance just as in humans.I grew up with dogs of diffrent breeds too. However I prefer the sight hound group because of their caracters and their grace and beauty. I guess there is as many reasons as there are people which is what got me interrested in this issue in the first place. Thanks for sharing very enlightning.

Out of all those breeds out there, my favorite or most prefered would have to be Pit Bulls and mutts. I have meet and cuddled many pitties and know they just love the attention and their owners. Rocket has taught me that pits wag and lick alot (and if your not careful- jumped on you). I love pits cause their loyal, caring, and cute.   :)

I love mutts cause they almost always have the best of the breed they are. Steel is my example; he is calm around strangers even though they accuse him of being "mean-looking", he loves pettings and attention. I have no idea what his breed is, I'm very curious though, might even run a DNA test. Mutts seem to be the dogs most in shelthers, and some of the best dogs on earth too.

I've had in my short life time: labs, a cocker spaniel, lab mixes, golden retriever/boxer/blood hound, Steel, a doberman (Apollo), and a pit Bull (Rocket). I don't really remember the millions of labs i had at probaly an age of 2, but i know there active just like Apollo is (but much more). So i prefer mutts and pits.       :)



Hi Lisbeth, i basically have had poodles, due to the fact that they don;t shed hair (but do have dander if not bathed regularly).We basically picked a breed and adopted what was available. Both black dogs developed diabetes, the white dogs have lived to a ripe ole age. I believe a little dog should be dog and not torchered with constant grooming and brushing, they should be socialized with other small dogs, as they can be worse than big dogs, with there neurotic behavior.U treat them like petulant children and not correct issues early. It can be disastrous for everyone. I think if you get a dog with intention of breeding it, then you should know its back ground, before breeding. But i am afraid some people breed for greed and not the breed. Its up to us to stop and say, no i will go get a rescue, yes they come with more work and some times hidden issues, but, thats the challenge right.. I do know i will be a bit confused in heaven with 2 white dogs and 2 black toy poodles lol
I think we can say that in that case black and white is dynamic dynamite together they look great. Besides I agree with you.
I love all breeds of dogs and mutts. Every dog has its own character and personality. I searched German Shepherd rescues and ended up bringing one home from one of those rescues. I chose a gsd not because it would make me look tough, but because I love the loyalty and intelligence of the breed. I feel the only downfall to the breed are genetic problems that have been bred into them and the bad reputation they have from irresponsible humans. Sargeant has a great temperment and personality. Since he is a rescue there are a few ticks. He does not know how to handle his excitment. People think he is being aggresive when he gets excited and starts jumping around and barking. They just see a big german shepherd barking and automatically think, mean dog. When other dogs do this, people do not think that.  I have tried everything trainers have suggested but so far, no luck.I am looking for a behaviorlist. In my life I have had a number of different dogs, gsd, gsd mix, corgi/beagle mixes, terrier mixes and a cockapoo all had their own personalities which we loved them for. 
I also have had all breeds of dogs, mutts, GSD's, & Boxers.  I have never met a dog I didn't like.  Each one has their own special traits. I have had GSD's since I was a child, I love them for their intelligence and loyalty, they are one of the best breeds but there are too many physical problems that they have now I think from all the inbreeding.  I love Boxers, they are the clown of the dog family, sweet, loving, and loads of fun, unfortunately they also have genetic problems but I wouldn't give anything in this world for Mickie, she is the best.
I like most dog and hounds but there arebreeds that I am not overly fond of.There is one group of hounds that have captured my heart and that is the sight hound group.I like all dogs but I love the sight hounds I guess they have my heart more than any other group or breeds will ever have.They have no genetic defects and are long lived as well as extremely inteligent.I can say this they are not for everyone. Some wouldsay they are too catlike and they certainly demonstrate a caracter that is unlike any other groups of dogs.They are uniqe in ways that no other dogs will ever be I guess we all have our favorites regardless. I certainly have my prefrences I think we all do.It has to do with who we are and how we feel about certain things in this case dogs or hounds some prefer the tiny chihuahua others prefer the giants of the canine world.We can´t always give a reason it is just what is a part of our caracter wether by birth or what we were raised to think of as ideal or aestics.However I find it endlesly fasinating that some prefer one group or another group of breeds without knowing exactly why we have these prefrences is unknown but with the variation of breeds andgroups there is one for all those of us who love dogs or hounds and even mutts.Thanks for the answers I think they are all great in their ways.Love you all just as you are.:
I also have had all breeds of dogs, mutts, GSD's, & Boxers.  I have never met a dog I didn't like.  Each one has their own special traits. I have had GSD's since I was a child, I love them for their intelligence and loyalty, they are one of the best breeds but there are too many physical problems that they have now I think from all the inbreeding.  I love Boxers, they are the clown of the dog family, sweet, loving, and loads of fun, unfortunately they also have genetic problems but I wouldn't give anything in this world for Mickie, she is the best.
I love the greyhounds to Lisbeth, there are too many breeds that catch my eye and my heart.  I prefer medium to large dogs, but that is just my preference.  If I were rich I would have more dogs than two and would have a hard time choosing which breed.  In volunteering at the SPCA I come in contact with so many breeds and I guess I am just crazy about them all!!

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