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 Connor my seven year old greyhound rescued from Spain has died today. He fell ill on Wedensday night throwing up and haveing the squids. Thursday he seemed to have recovered from that. He was rather larthargic and slept a lot. He was slower than usual when we were out for our walk and morning run. However I diden´t see anything alarming. I did call my vet for advice on Saturday morning.I decided to take Connor to the vet Monday as it has been hollidays this weekend.Around five oclock I was at the computer when Connor who was sleeping omitted a sigh. I called him but he had  died what I heard was his last breath. I am shattered it was so unexpected . I just wanted you to know. I loved Connor with my soul he was such a lovely lad and he is so missed. However there are always greyhounds waiting in the wings so one soon a new needy greyhound will join my pack or rather my family.Connor died where he felt best among us who knew and loved him. Rip my lad my Connor we all love you Lisbeth and the lads. 

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Lisbeth and Don, good explanations, and from now on I can be more precise in my words. Also, I had never heard of the Greyhound Database until Lisbeth mentioned it.  Well organized and holds an impressive amount of detailed information.

Certainly does hold a lot of information it is a profesional database and very good is you are researching geneology of greyhounds as they can be traced back through the centuries.It also hold all the information you need about the races of your greyhounds where they were raced ect ect.My trip is completely planned with traveltime ectect. I look forward to getting my new greyhound home on Monday.Lots of love to you all Lisbeth and the lads.
hey lisbeth we all want to see pics as soon as possible. im very happy for you.
Don if you look at this website you can see pictures of my new lad. the website is. you then find the small search box in the far right hand corner you then prin in his racing name which is Geneva Noisy. he is there and quite a stunner.Tell me what you think. 

What a guy. I saw his picture several days ago when I looked him up on the database. Beautiful brindle coat and white markings around his head and neck. His face looks smart and friendly. Greyhounds are intelligent and I remember reading that they're fairly closely related to herding dogs. You did well, Lisbeth. He's going to be great.

A few years ago, a neighbor had a greyhound that would get loose from time to time. The dog had a good sense of humor. She'd be trying to catch it, and we'd try to help. The dog would run up to us but when we'd reach out to grab his collar he'd jump back. Great game for him. She'd always tell us that greyhounds were hard to catch if they got loose because they're SIGHTHOUNDS. That might be true, but I'm convinced that this particular greyhound thought it was a game and kept playing it until he was ready to go back into the house.

Are sighthounds typically hard to catch when they get out? Is it a personality characteristic of "sighthounds"?

I see from the photo that your dogs have nice soft beds. Good thing too, because their bodies are so lean. You're going to have so much fun taking care of Collin. He'll think he's in heaven living with you.


Bill Fronek

Thanks Bill. The sighthound group are a singularly uniqe group of the canis familiaris. They are built for speed and are called sighthounds because they hunt by sight and speed. They are the second fastest landanimal only superseeded by the cheetah they are extremely inteligent in fact most herding breeds have a smidge of greyhound blood in them which lends them both speed and inteligence.The greyhounds are some six to eight thousand years old as a breed and thus the oldest most nobel of all dog breeds. Refined and royal and yes they certainly have a sense of humour and some of them send you big toothy smiles and yes they seem to be abel to master laughter as well. Connor certainly did both. I look forward to getting Collin home and taking care of him you have seen him he is absolutely gorgeous and I already love him.The rest should be relativly easy to take care of.Greyhounds have a very high preydrive and this is what they utilise in racing these hounds will chase anything that runs away from hence it is very difficult to recall them from a chase that is why I only let my lads loose in a fenced in paddoc where I know both they and others will be safe. Tristan plays ball with hedgehogs in spring and Autum. .Eventhough I am careful it happens.Connor ran a hare to ground and killed it. They are fast and courageous hounds with the speed and grace to match. 


I just pulled up the pictures of Collin, he is gorgeous.  What a beautiful color he is.  I am so happy for both of you and I know he is one lucky lad to have you.

Hugs Kathi

Thanks Kathi. I am fortunate enough to be abel to help him and to love him for the rest of his hopefully very long and happy life.

Lisbeth ,I'm sorry for your loss sending prayers your way.


Peggy ,CJ ,Joey,Leo,Buster and Grace


Thanks Peggy. He is loved and sorely missed.I do have a new greyhound to look after which takes the edge of the worst grief meaning it makes it a lot easier to have something to ocupy my mind with some one to love and help through the transition from track and kennel life to a home filled with love and understanding as well as all the creature comforts.His racing name is Geneva Noisy his new name is Collin. He answers to it and is an absolute gem. The introduction into my wee family has gone realy well and things could not have been better than they currently are in that respect.So now I am abel to smile through the tears of grief and loss. I am forever greatful for the time I had with Connor. I sometimes sense him which might sound crazy but there it is. Love you all lisbeth and the lads.

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