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why does a dog bark is it mad happy sad oy just wants to bark

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Barking is usually a form of excitement in one form or another. This excitement can include happiness, playfulness, warning, aggression, dominance, protection, communication to another dog/s, greeting and a number of other things. To know what your dog means, pay attention to the rest of his/her body language and the immediate situation. Things like tail position, ear position, eye contact, general body stance, one paw up, tail wagging (not necessarily friendly), position relative to you or another animal, type of bark etc. when put together can tell you what he means.
Well put schnauzer!
Schnauzer is right, but left out another reason. Dogs usauly bark out of bordom, not walking a dog or taking a dog out of the house can make them extreamely bored. So they bark, howl, dig or become destructive, because they are just bored. Fixing this problem means exersice and discipline, take your dog on walks more and correct the behavior. Watch the "dog whisperer", and figure it out how to correct an unwanted behavior.
I think schnauzer and Brianna covered it all.  Great answers.
Barking can indicate numeroes feelings the dogs want to tell their sourounding area and other dogs. My greyhound Tristan shouts at other dogs to keep them at bay as it were he is not agressive just outspoken then there is the who is there bark it does sound as if they ask who is there then there is keep away from us which is a much deeper sinister sounding bark it is an outright warning. Then there is the happy snorts kind of barking it can sound as laughter. There is the alarm bark I am waking the entire neighbourhood because there is something wrong. There is the intruder bark get out of here or I will do something. It is an entire language therefore it is crucial that dogs are not discouraged from barking as their barks have diffrent meanings we just have to figure out what it means. then there are some breeds more prone to barking than others. Sighthounds do not bark very frequently. Beagles make a lot of noises including a kind of yodeling as does the Basenji then there is the husky that actually sings so does the malamuteand other spitz breeds. The greyhounds roo at times this is purely for their own pleasure and only when they hear other greyhounds roo. I have a right chatterbox among my three greyhounds namely Tristan the others are not as vocal then there is Mike as a whippet he is more energetic in the bark department.If the dogs show behavior such as Briana has outlined it is from lack of stimuli should barking be prohibited I don´t agree with that I think it is much better to find the cause of the exessive barking digging holes as said it sounds more like lack of stimuli than anything else.Dogs have their reasons for behaving the way they do we just have to figure out why and help them ajust.
i watched a dog show in november and a coonhound i beleive came out and the announcer said they can bark 125 times a i might be wrong on the amount ,it might be kigher for all i know. noisey critters aren't they.LOL
Yes I agree. There is a dsachhund some doors down from here you should hear that ruddy creature every time anyone walks past that door the ruddy thing barks it seems a bit dimwitted as well as my sisters doxie not much activity up stairs there.The lads never bark without reason and only when something is realy up. 

donald de macio said:
i watched a dog show in november and a coonhound i beleive came out and the announcer said they can bark 125 times a i might be wrong on the amount ,it might be kigher for all i know. noisey critters aren't they.LOL
You have to listen to the tonalities of the barks; when he is happy is different of when he barks at the door, or of excitement for seeing bunnies or squerrils (trust me, I know when Pepper does this!).
Too right you do as it says it all. so to prohibit a dog from barking can cause a lot more harm than good.

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