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Our dear friend Brian Porter & his family needs our support!!

Hello everyone:

Please read the message below, Brian Porter  and his family really need our love and support right now.  If anyone has any ideas on how we can help please post them.  I received this message from Brian when I inquired about Sasha.

I know he and his family will be thankful for any support we can give them.

Thanks Kathi


Sasha had her stitches out today and is doing well, thanks. Another 2 weeks of rest and then more x rays to see if the joint is healed with the new plate and screws in place. Barney has settled in well but we are very upset and worried at present because one of our neighbors is trying to force the council to make us get rid of some of our dogs because they say living next door to all these dogs is devaluing their property and they also complain of us causing a noise nuisance, which is nonsense as we control the dogs very strictly re barking etc.  You can imagine how we're feeling.

Best regards



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Comment by Brian L Porter on June 8, 2011 at 7:34am
Thank you everyone for your continued support. Both my wife and I are suffering terrible additional health problems as a result of the mental strain of the current situation. Even though we have heard nothing officially yet, we felt we had to do something to ease the terrible mental burden that appears to have fallen upon us, as we have become almost paranoid every time one of dogs makes a noise. Today, we have re homed both our beautiful Westie, Molly, and little Pepe the miniature pinscher, both to lovely homes, but the tears are flowing here today. Snoopy is going to a new home tomorrow and we are waiting on a phone call that will tell us if new homes have been found for our lovely little Dinky and beautiful Misty. We hope that after that, we will not have to follow this terrible path any more, but we both know that whatever happens in the future we can never, ever, speak to our neighbors again after they have abused my wife in this way and caused the beak up of a large part of what we consider to be our family. Our dogs are are lives, and we are in deep shock and mourning for the loss of them from our lives. We only hope they will be happy in their new homes, and that this will be the last time we have to take such action, but, we just don't know.
Comment by Kathi on June 8, 2011 at 7:24am

Hi Brian:

How are you?  Any word on the complaint?  How is sweet Sasha doing, better I hope.

Joanne's Glitter Designs

Comment by Wanda P on June 7, 2011 at 10:18pm
thinking of you Brian.. stay strong hugs ww
Comment by sharon wiggins on June 7, 2011 at 6:00pm
hi brian how are things going for you, with your neighbours, i do hope things are getting sorted for you how is the beautiful saha doing  i hope shes well, im thinking of you dear friend i hope that matters with your neighbours havent become more difficult for, how are you feeling in yourself  the last time we spoke you was going through a really rough time , keeping my fingers and toes crossed for you and saying a little prayer too   sending hugs to you Tilly saha and the gang xxxx
Comment by Wanda P on June 7, 2011 at 12:08am
Hi Brian, how is Sascha today my friend.. We all wish to support you and your family. Its just hard to know what to do..Know that we have your back, and are saying prayers that if you have to rehome any dogs that, it be easy for them, and you my friend. with lots of love and compassion wanda and the girlsMarina some people think that they can bullies people, and take advantage, the truth will prevail for now we can send love
Comment by Marina Trofin on June 6, 2011 at 11:14am
How can be their property being devaluing if these dogs are at your place? This is completely insane, and maybe you should take action against these mean neighbors? I wouldn't let them take action for something which is not right! I know I would fight, and this is what you should do! Gosh, how can people be so mean? Their place is niot among good perople, this is for sure! I really don't know how to help, I would like to live closer to you, and support you, but only words can help now! Good luck, and don't let them put you down, be a fighter as much as you can!
Comment by Wanda P on June 5, 2011 at 6:12pm
Hi Brian and friends, u need to video tape the cats if at all possible, if its a fox, of coarse they are going to bark. Are there other neighbors that can vouch for you and support your side. My dogs get really ancy if a skunk goes by, long blog i should post, so they are only protecting the pack. I have more problems with cats then any neighbors dogs, some people are just miserable and nothing makes them happy.. so i would get as many neighbors as i could to vouch for you buddy, and video as much as you can.. Hang in there, i once had a neighbor from hell as well and i know how stress full it can be, were here if you need to talk ok big hug wandap
Comment by Brian L Porter on June 5, 2011 at 3:46pm
Thanks everyone. It seems these people are claiming that living next door to so many dogs is devaluing their property. Then they say our dogs wake them up at night but the only time they bark in the night is to alert us to strange noises, etc. Recently the local cats have been waking my wife and me up in the early hours making baby like screaming noises outside our window, and then two or three of our dogs bark. I immediately get up and quiet the dogs, who bark for no more than 30 seconds. what we don't get, is, how come we get woken up by the cats BEFORE our dogs bark and yet next door say they only get woken up by the dogs, (they have 2 cats) .Another neighbor tells me there is a fox prowling round at night too, so if my dogs sense it they are probably barking to scare it away, and therefore inadvertently saving the cats from being ripped to shreds by the fox.
Comment by Lisbeth Mønsted Larsen on June 5, 2011 at 3:06pm
Hello Brian. Some neighbours are not worthy of others if they want peace maybe a nursing home would suit them better.I will keep my fingers crossed for you and your dogs healing thoughts and prayers sent your way. With all my love and warmth Lisbeth and the three lads.
Comment by Jessie Thompson on June 4, 2011 at 9:41pm

Hello, I'm new here so don't know what has happened with Sasha.  I can imagine your worry about the council wanting you to get rid of some of your family.  I have 3 dogs, and they are not allowed to bark, but other neighbors let theirs just go on and on.  We have a very strict code in our town for barking dogs and I always worry that mine will be blamed for the others' barking.  I hope everything will work out for you, Brian.  I'm so sorry that you have such terrible neighbors.


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