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Our dear friend Brian Porter & his family needs our support!!

Hello everyone:

Please read the message below, Brian Porter  and his family really need our love and support right now.  If anyone has any ideas on how we can help please post them.  I received this message from Brian when I inquired about Sasha.

I know he and his family will be thankful for any support we can give them.

Thanks Kathi


Sasha had her stitches out today and is doing well, thanks. Another 2 weeks of rest and then more x rays to see if the joint is healed with the new plate and screws in place. Barney has settled in well but we are very upset and worried at present because one of our neighbors is trying to force the council to make us get rid of some of our dogs because they say living next door to all these dogs is devaluing their property and they also complain of us causing a noise nuisance, which is nonsense as we control the dogs very strictly re barking etc.  You can imagine how we're feeling.

Best regards



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Comment by Brian L Porter on June 14, 2011 at 11:57am

Hi Kathi,


We still feel like we're living in a house where someone's died. The girls and my wife are still so upset and my wife feels like she's being abused again as she was in her previous marriage. I can't tell you how much the man next door has upset her by his words and the way he spoke to her. He was little better with me, but it has affected Juliet very badly and she had to go to her doctor this week. The children miss their pets so much they are still breaking down in tears every now and then, and our lives seem to have changed totally for the worst at present. 

Sasha is improving and growing and her leg seems much stronger. I think the new flexible plate they put in the joint is making a great difference and helping her heal much quicker. We'll know more in 2 weeks when I take her back for her next check up.

My own depression is getting worse and my spinal and shoulder pain is very much worse, probably through the stress. As well as my back brace I'm now also wearing a double shoulder and neck brace too, which is very hot and uncomfortable in the current hot weather we're experiencing.

Thank you so much once again for your kind words and your thoughtfulness.

Best regards


Comment by Kathi on June 13, 2011 at 7:05pm

Hi Brian:

How are you doing?  How are your wife and daughters?  I hope things are getting a bit easier for you as time goes on, you will never forget those precious ones you rescued and I am sure they will never forget you.  Your neighbors are very sad pittiful human beings when they can't see the good you are doing.  All I can say is that when they meet their maker I hope they have good reasons for what they have done.  How is Sasha doing?  Is her leg healing well?  I think of all of you often and I know this has been a horrible time for you, I don't know that I could have been able to make the decisions you all have made.  I am proud of you for doing what you have done, and again you are in my thoughts and prayers.

Love and hugs to all Kathi

Comment by Brian L Porter on June 13, 2011 at 6:11pm

I think you are correct again Lisbeth. They are very 'cold' and emotionless people who appear to place material things above all else. Other people in the village tell us what wonderful thing we are doing for our dogs but they are just so mean and nasty. Their cats roam all over the place, as cats do, and meet up with other cats too, so it is highly likely they are involved in the night time 'cat's chorus', but they just say "It's not our cats," and no one can prove otherwise.

I'm sure Connor is now running free from cares, released from all pain at the Rainbow Bridge, where he will have the loving company of so many other dogs who have passed over, including my dachsies Sophie and Candy, who I'm sure will have welcomed him with tails wagging.

Comment by Lisbeth Mønsted Larsen on June 13, 2011 at 3:26pm
Any time Brian that is the nature of friendship. We care about each other and that is the way it should be as for those petty neighbours of yours It is most likely their cats causing a nuisance why else would they try to blame you and your dogs. I think they are cowards who simply won´t see the others as being kind or anything else that is decent people like that make me angry. At the same time I pitty them as they will never know love. My new greyhound will be as loved as my other three lads are a much needed and welcomed new familymember whom we can love and care for. You know where I am at if you need to vent.Thanks for your sympathy regarding the passing of Connor my precious lad. I will let you know about my new greyhound as soon as I know. With all my sympathy and love Lisbeth and the lads. 
Comment by Brian L Porter on June 13, 2011 at 12:33pm

Lisbeth, you also have my deepest sympathy on the loss of Connor, whose photos I have seen and who was such a lovely dog. I know he will always be in your heart and I just hope your new rescue will be as loving and faithful as Connor was. He or she certainly couldn't wish for a better home.

Love from all here at Tilly's Pack.

Comment by Brian L Porter on June 13, 2011 at 12:31pm



You are so right in everything you say, and yes, the folk who let those cats wander the streets at night are very irresponsible. They don't care who they upset and then my dogs get blamed for warning us that they are out there. The daft thing of course, is that my wife and I are woken up by the cats, BEFORE my 2 alert dogs bark to tell us, and then it only takes my about 20 seconds to quieten them again. That being the case, how come my neighbors don't get woken by the cats and only seem to want to blame the dogs? Could it be because they have 2 cats? As for them saying that living next door to us is devaluing their property, I've never heard such nonsense in my life, especially as their house isn't even up for sale!


Best regards and thanks again for your, and everyone else's kind support.



Comment by Lisbeth Mønsted Larsen on June 12, 2011 at 1:13am
Dear Brian & Family.The ones we have lost still live on in our hearts. No we won´t be abel to get them back but some day we might be abel to give a home to someone else who needs it. I am so very sorry for you predicament and I understand the loss you have suffered. I lost Connor a week ago today. He died and will never come back but another needy greyhound will join my wee family in the not too distant future.I take solice in the fact that Connor died in his sleep here at home sourrounded by those of us who loved and knew him. I consider myself fortunate because I know that another greyhound will be needing a new home and that I can provide one. I am furious with selfish neighbours like yours who let their cats out and leave them to scream down the neighbourhood. The cats the females scream to get the males attention when they are in heat which tells me that your neighbours are iresponsibel people at every turn. They can´t be very fond of nature or other people  and as for the cats they would be better of being spayed and neutered. To speak nothing of the rare species of doormice and small birds. Endangered because of peoples loose pet cats.So in fact you might be abel to do something to rectify the situation with the council. I think you have shown a lot of courage and determination by the actions you have taken.The dogs you loved have a second chance of happiness a very small consolation but never the less much better than the pound. I wish you the very best future  and luck in the given situation. Know that I am always here if you need to vent. Lisbeth and the lads.   
Comment by PetBrags Pet Lovers Paradise on June 11, 2011 at 11:57pm

So very sorry Brian. I've been praying for a miracle in your life, and will continue to do so.

Best to you and family,


Comment by Kathi on June 11, 2011 at 7:19pm

Brian:  I think Sharon just about summed it all up.  My heart breaks for you and the sweet pups you have had to rehome.  I can't imagine you not rescuing anymore, what a tragedy that is for all the ones that will be left behind.  I have no words for these horrible neighbors you have, all I can do is hope and pray that things will change for you.

How is our sweet Sasha doing?  Is her leg better?  Much love and hugs to you and your beautiful family,  I hope you are feeling better.


Comment by Brian L Porter on June 11, 2011 at 5:52pm
Thanks Sharon, for your caring thoughts. I've never felt so depressed and so sorry for those poor dogs who we have loved and made a part of our family, only to have to let them go to new homes when they should still be with us, in a loving and safe home for the rest of their lives. I can't really express our feelings for those next door, but I'm sure you can guess...

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