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Our dear friend Brian Porter & his family needs our support!!

Hello everyone:

Please read the message below, Brian Porter  and his family really need our love and support right now.  If anyone has any ideas on how we can help please post them.  I received this message from Brian when I inquired about Sasha.

I know he and his family will be thankful for any support we can give them.

Thanks Kathi


Sasha had her stitches out today and is doing well, thanks. Another 2 weeks of rest and then more x rays to see if the joint is healed with the new plate and screws in place. Barney has settled in well but we are very upset and worried at present because one of our neighbors is trying to force the council to make us get rid of some of our dogs because they say living next door to all these dogs is devaluing their property and they also complain of us causing a noise nuisance, which is nonsense as we control the dogs very strictly re barking etc.  You can imagine how we're feeling.

Best regards



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Comment by Kathi on June 15, 2011 at 6:28pm

Hi Brian:

Is there any possibilty that you could move from there?  Have you heard anything about the complaint made against you?  Lots of questions and no solutions from this end.  Please, please take care of yourselves, it is easy for me to say since I am not in your situation.  You must look forward and do the best you can, things do get easier with time believe it or not.  Sometimes all we see is a very dark road ahead of us but there is a light at the end, and I know you and Juliet and the girls will see that light, it just takes time.

Hugs and love to all Kathi

Comment by Brian L Porter on June 15, 2011 at 5:03pm

Hi Kathi,

It's been another tense day here, and still, nothing feels normal to us. I wish we could get rid of the feeling of dread that appears to have settled over our home and family, but it just seems to get worse each day. Believe me, your moral support is very important to us and I wish all our dogs could give you a big personal lick and cuddle to say thank you to and everyone else who has voiced their support. We can hardly bear to look at those next door any longer and try not to outside when they are, and so on, an awful way to feel in one's own home.

Comment by Kathi on June 14, 2011 at 7:13pm

Brian, I can totally understand what Juliet has gone through, I just wish I had some better answers or advice.  If you both are on meds that is all that you can do.  Like I said abuse is a horrible thing and when it is both verbal and physical it takes a long time to recover if you ever do.  People today talk about PTS, well it has occured for many years and now it is coming to light.  I just wish I could help you more, being so far away all I can do is give you my moral support.  Take care my friend and give Juliet and your sweet girls a big hug from me.

Love Kathi

Comment by Brian L Porter on June 14, 2011 at 5:26pm
Sorry, Kathi, I meant to add that Sasha has now reached 17 kilograms in weight, and she's only just 6 months old!
Comment by Brian L Porter on June 14, 2011 at 5:25pm


I have suffered from a chronic depressive illness for many years in addition to my physical illnesses and am already on some very strong anti depressants and anti psychotics, and Juliet is also on anti depressants, so, medically we both receiving all the help we can get. Her ex husband was so abusive it once needed an armed police siege to get her girls back, way before I knew her, so you can guess the kind of things that go through her mind. He was both physically and mentally abusive to her, and she is having recurring nightmares about him since the verbal abuse she received from next door.

Comment by Brian L Porter on June 14, 2011 at 5:21pm
Thanks again, Lisbeth. The support from you and our fellow members is so wonderful and i and my family are just so grateful to know there are such lovely warm hearted people out there, who know and understand what we are going through at this horrible time.
Comment by Lisbeth Mønsted Larsen on June 14, 2011 at 3:48pm
Hang in there Brian and know we understand and love your family and you for who you are both your daughters and dogs are among friends here vent when you feel like it and keep us posted about your nasty next door neighbours. Shame on them and their petty ways and nasty behaviour. Hang in there prayse and thoughts sent your way with all my love and warmth. Lisbeth and the lads.
Comment by Kathi on June 14, 2011 at 3:22pm

Sasha looks wonderful Brian, she is really growing!!!  I am so sorry Juliet is going through such trauma, abuse is not something easily put behind you and forgetting, I know I grew up with a very abusive father.  I hope things start getting better for all of you it sounds to me like you truly need to try and relax as best you can and enjoy the pups you have with you now.  I know easier said then done!!!  Have either of you spoken with a Doctor about possible medication that will help with all the anxiety?  If not you should because stress can take a terrible toll on our bodies and if a med can help relieve that stress that is what is important.  Give big hugs to the whole pack from me, tail wags and licks from Mickie and Sassie.

Please take care of yourself my friend and if you need to vent we are all here for you.

Love to all Kathi

Comment by Brian L Porter on June 14, 2011 at 12:43pm

Hi Kristin,

Thank you for your lovely kind words. Like you, we had 17, but now it is down to 14 and may be 13 if we find a new home for out lovely Misty. Our dogs have in the past deterred robbers, and potential break ins around our home and as you say, you'd have thought they'd appreciate that, as our other neighbors appear to. what a shame we can't move to your place. That would be our dream, to live somewhere where we could love and look after all our rescue dogs without fear or interference from outside. The only way that might ever happen for us would be a lottery win, so we'll keep buying the tickets.

I just tried to add you as a frined but it seems I've used up my allocation of friend requests, so if you'd like to add me, I'd be grateful.


Bets regards and thanks


Comment by Kristin S Key on June 14, 2011 at 12:33pm
We are new to this group me and all my many dogs. From everything I have read my heart is truly bleeding for you. No matter if you have two or 17 (like I do) they are all part of your family and loosing them is terrible. We pray that your loss will get better and Sasha will keep improving. Wish we could relocate you to our place here. We have plenty of land and we live in the country. Those people should really appreciate your dogs warning them about unwanted visitors rather than complaining about them. Stay strong if for nothing else to help your family and the remaining dogs. My the Lord bless you.

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