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kanga  is a rescue dog  i adopted him when he was just 14 months old, i had just lost my beloved dog joey [lurcher] to cancer he too was a rescue dog but passed away at 6yrs old. i was devastated  at losing my best friend, i didnt know if i could cope with the heartache of losing another dog  so wasnt sure if i wanted to get another one. I often visited the dog rescue centre taking blankets and food toys etc for the all the dogs there and i would take a different one out each time i visited . on the day i visited i saw kanga  the minute i set eyes on him  i fell inlove with this cute little puppy with his sad eyes and saggy jowels, he greeted me with so much enthusiasm wagging his tail and getting very excited at the thought of a outing  so from that first day of our chance meeting  i knew we would end up together, it was along 2 weeks  to get the adoption process set up and for me to be allowed to take him  to his forever home  with me but it was worth the wait,  i brought him home on 22nd december 2006 we had a wonderful christmas together  i spoiled him with lots of toys and treats and introduced him to friends and family  and he lapped up all the attention and cuddles, 5 yrs on i love him now as much as i did the first day i brought him home  he is my constant companion  i hate being parted from him  he sleeps at the side of me on my bed and each morning i wake up and see him lay there looking at me with his big beautiful brown eyes  i cant help but smile, hes brough joy and complete happiness in to my life, he is my best friend  he loves me unconditionall as i do him  he never complains he comforts me when im sad  and shares my joy when im happy , he welcomes me home with his tail wagging and shows so much excitment  to see me. hes my wonderful baby boy  hes my Kanga   xxxx

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Comment by Jessie Thompson on June 4, 2011 at 1:44pm
I liked both stories. I'm so sorry about your Joey.  I lost two wonderful dogs to cancer.  Kali at 13 and Lexi at 7.
Comment by Regina D.-PBP Event Admin on May 30, 2011 at 10:49am
Sorry to hear about Joey. May he rest in peace. Looks like Kanga took over where Joey left off. So glad to hear that you have a loving companion. Thanks for sharing.
Comment by Brian L Porter on May 30, 2011 at 8:38am

So sad about Joey, but what a lovely story you tell about your life with Kanga, Sharon. It's clear you hold great love for him, and he for you.

Love from Tilly and the gang.

Comment by Sylviastarling Brown on May 30, 2011 at 3:32am

Enjoyed reading both stories - aren't animals just amazing creatures loving us just as we are, warts and all and not looking at the outside ...



A dog doesn't care if you're rich or poor, big or small, young or old.

He doesn't care if you're not smart, not popular, not a good joke-teller, not the best athlete, nor the bestlooking person.

To your dog, you are the greatest, the smartest, the nicest human being who was ever born.

You are his friend and protector.


No matter how little money and how few possessions you own, having a dog makes you rich......


Comment by Wanda P on May 29, 2011 at 4:55pm
And he never hogs the covers lol!! What a sweet story honey and god bless you my lelo was adopted as well, my husband noticed her in this small car and it was a hot day and she was just looking at him with her soul full eyes, he was building a condo building and the people were buying a condo, karl commented on how cute she was and they said they were looking for a home for her as they were spending the winter in their homeland of columbia, and she was only 1 year and they couldn;t take her.. so we had lost yoda about 9 months before and we were on the short list for red haired "katrina" dog that was 10 years old, i really wanted a red haired poodle and wanted to help in some way with the Katrina victums. I really didn;t want another white dog, but little did i know that god had other plans. my husband calls me and wakes me up about 8am and i was ticked at him and he was so excited and he said "honey, iknow your mad but you have to see this dog named lelo" but she is a white dog.. He is like i am going to bring her over, ok??? grrrrrrr my grumpy self said.. So she came and she had never been in a yard and Zena was in love, being white she took to her right away. I thought she was so beautiful but really under weight, she barely weighed a pound.. So i said to the family i will keep her over night and if they get along, we will take her.. They were sad, espcially the little girl who was 3 at the time, so lelo was terrified when they left and we just let her be, we sat on the couch and she would come over and cuddle with me. Hence the love affair between lelo and wanda was born.. she is my boo and a little trouble maker.. but her story was sad in that they were going to school during the day and she was kept in the car all day, she was trained to go on piddle pads and i am still trying to get her to go outside.. once i heard that i told them the next day i would take her.. they have given her the best in toys but just didn't have the time and she is a howler.. so that is how lelo was adopted to our family.. hugs sharon.. i hope you didn;t mind me adding my story.. this is a good  idea.. hugs again from lelo ww

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