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JackandKolbiesMom's Blog (5)

My Cat Jack Died Yesterday Morning-cannot even breathe!

I woke up yesterday to find Jack dead on my floor. I am so devastated and beyond words of how upset I am. I think I am still in shock. Jack and Kolbie were only 7 years old and Jack was not sick. This was a sudden and unexpected tragedy. He was laying next to me when I went to sleep.... I patted him as usual and then the next morning he was not on my bed. I looked over and thought he was sleeping on the floor. When I went to pet him and he would not wake up...I shook him and then realized he…


Added by JackandKolbiesMom on December 9, 2011 at 12:20pm — 6 Comments

Are Holidays Hard For Anyone Else? Also, Help with my page?

Hi Eeryone,

I first want to wish you all a very happy Holiday and a very Happy New Year! Last year I said, this year has to be better. This past year has been really tough, so I am saying that again. I was wondering if anyone else has a difficult time during the holidays. There are a few reasons for me why Holidays are hard, but I did not know if I was alone with my fellow furr parents. Kolbie's last surgery took every last dime I had and I said then that I would not put him thru that…


Added by JackandKolbiesMom on December 24, 2010 at 1:09pm — 2 Comments

Kolbie had surgery last Monday to remove another tumor

Hi everyone,

I just wanted to share that my Kolbie kitty had another surgery to remove 2 cancerous MAST cells on his side and on his mouth last Monday. His recovery was a little slow and this made me a wreck! His past 2 surgeries he was back on his feet the next day and it did not happen like that this time. I was so worried and called the VET. He finally started acting like his normal self by pulling my hair in the morning, yelling at me for food, pouncing on Jack and…


Added by JackandKolbiesMom on December 3, 2010 at 7:09pm — 1 Comment

I am not sure if I owe an apology? About spouting my cats cancer in the wrong place?

I realized that I wrote about Kolbies tumor on the voting page and it is not there now. I was not trying to do anything wrong or ruin the mood at all. When I came online, I had just found his tumor and I think I was not only hurting but hoping that my other fur parents would understand. I really did not mean to put it in the wrong place. Kolbie has had 2 surgeries already but this time I do not have the money right now so it is very frightening. He has Cancerous MAST tumors that grown on his…


Added by JackandKolbiesMom on October 21, 2010 at 7:58pm — 6 Comments

My Kolbie Kitty has ANOTHER tumor (so sad)

Hi everyone,

Just a quick blog to first introduce myself. My name is Ali and I have 2 cats Jack and Kolbie. Kolbie has already had 2 surgeries in the past to remove 9 total MAST cancerous tumors on his skin. The night before last I was feeling around on him as I always do to make sure he is ok and I found ANOTHER one! It is under his left arm (armpit) area and it was not easy to locate. it moves around and I had thought I felt it there before. It hurts him because when I found…


Added by JackandKolbiesMom on August 22, 2010 at 11:50am — No Comments

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