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Angelica's Blog (45)

Dog Bronchitis: Is your doggie coughing?

Dog bronchitis usually affects small to medium-sized breeds that are over one year of age. The causes of dog bronchitis are not always known. However, researchers say that cigarette smoke and urban pollution could be one of the causes that lead to bronchitis. The overpowered immune system of a dog with frequent viral or bacterial infection is most of the time unwilling to protect the dog from such infection. Therefore symptoms such as wheezing, loss of appetite, frequent gagging and…


Added by Angelica on September 21, 2011 at 1:07pm — No Comments

Dog Allergies & Allergies to Dogs

Animals have allergies as well. Every day substances such as pollen, animal dander, mold spores, etc will deprive your dog from a healthy living. The most common signs a dog will show when having an allergic reaction are face rubbing, biting, scratching, and chewing the skin. Most allergies are inherited but they can be prevented by avoiding the causes thereof. A physical examination and taking some lab tests might help.  Dogs can…


Added by Angelica on July 13, 2011 at 9:08am — 1 Comment

Dog Shelters

Food prices are increasing, and our climate is rapidly changing. I’m not a preacher of global warming but I hope we ever change and let compassion warm our hearts. The amount of dogs taken to the shelters each year is increasing by the millions. The excuse is not having plenty of food to feed them or lack of resources... There are very little chances for these dogs to be adopted and euthanasia is applied. Our world is changing. Dog shelters have always been there but now they are increasing.…


Added by Angelica on July 6, 2011 at 10:34am — 2 Comments

Is your dog happy?

I guess the first sign of happiness we see in a dog is a wagging tail. My dog enjoys car rides and long walks on the park, sniffing on every duck butt and pooping on my neighbor’s lawn. Not sure why but these simple pleasures get them so excited. Sometimes I wish I was a dog. I would do some of the things listed above, specially pooping on some people’s lawn. What a satisfaction…But that’s not nice. We must teach good dog manners instead. The best way of doing that is bringing some treat in…


Added by Angelica on June 24, 2011 at 1:39pm — 2 Comments

Weather Forecast summer 2011

Temperatures soar and our sea levels rise leading to more precipitation. That means heat waves, droughts, and unbearable summers… Our crops and health are damaged by our hot summers. The northern hemisphere is experiencing extreme heat. Greenhouse gases are trapping heat in the atmosphere and we don’t seem to get any cooler. Our electric bills are soaring and our salaries seem to stay the same. I always advise people studying or…


Added by Angelica on June 7, 2011 at 1:57pm — 2 Comments

Dog Obesity

It can definitely shorten your pet’s life span. As much as twenty five percent of dogs and cats going to the veterinarian today are obese. Obesity might cause some health problems: heart and liver problems, diabetes, arthritis, bladder cancer, and skin disorders. Make sure you read dog food labels and get good info on what chemicals in the ingredient list are fattening or harmful for your dog. The first ingredients on the label…


Added by Angelica on May 20, 2011 at 2:00pm — 1 Comment

Mythic Dog Days

Hot-humid days of summer or dog days are approaching and some of us already have symptoms. The brightest start in the constellation Canis Major is called Big Dog.  The Canis Major constellation is shaped like a dog and the Big Dog Star is right on the doggy’s neck. Big dog is also known as Sirius in Ancient Greek meaning “scorching.” They believed that Sirius, although only visible in the winter, was accompanying the…


Added by Angelica on May 18, 2011 at 9:28am — 1 Comment

June 24, 2011 (Take your dog to work day)

How many times have you left your dog crying and only wished you would have taken him/her with you? Good News! On Friday June 24, 2011 you have the chance to take your dog to work. We spend more time with people at work than with our families, friends, and pets. Some of us are lucky we have friends at work but that’s not the case for everyone. Take advantage of this opportunity. It’s an especial day to take your canine friend to work.…


Added by Angelica on April 11, 2011 at 2:14pm — No Comments

Things to do with your dog

There are many fun things you can do with your dog. Dog camps, for instance. What can be more fun than taking your dog to a Dog Camp? Your dog will learn new things and develop competitive skills. Look for some health guidance in these camps, or weather or not they have a veterinarian, good trainers, or plain good skills in general. Each camp has a different style so just make sure you choose the one that better fits you. Games are…


Added by Angelica on March 2, 2011 at 4:32pm — No Comments

Hunting Hounds

There are different categories of hunting hounds, the sight hounds (hunt by sight), and scent hounds (hunt by scent). Some hunting dogs are good for working either on water or on land and some work on both. Dogs were able to provide men with food, clothing, and even helped out to build their rudimentary houses. Dogs were men’s best friend. I imagine, back then, the bonding between men and dogs was special since dogs helped you out on nearly everything. Nowadays we go to work and leave our…


Added by Angelica on February 18, 2011 at 3:24pm — No Comments

How to bury your pet?

These are subjects most of us don’t like talking about. We think our pet’s health will never deteriorate. However, the time will come when all of us, including our pets, will have to face death. Some people  pay for their burial expenses before they die because they just hate the idea of becoming a financial burden on their families. It is sad when families ask friends for money to bury their loved ones because it’s extremely…


Added by Angelica on February 14, 2011 at 4:33pm — No Comments

Famous Dogs

We all have heard of famous dogs in commercials such as Gitget “The Taco Bell Chihuahua.” She died in of a heart attack in 2009. She died when she was 15 years old. Can you believe this dog always flew first class? She is also the dog from Legally Blonde II. Chihuahuas’ are supposed to be, smart, friendly, and very loyal dogs. Does anyone remember Lassie produced by Robert Maxwell? (Also known as Jeff’s Collie and Timmy and Lassie) It was televised from 1954 to 1973. I…


Added by Angelica on February 7, 2011 at 4:04pm — No Comments

Famous Dogs

We all have heard of famous dogs in commercials such as Gitget “The Taco Bell Chihuahua.” She died in of a heart attack in 2009. She died when she was 15 years old. Can you believe this dog always flew first class? She is also the dog from Legally Blonde II. Chihuahuas’ are supposed to be, smart, friendly, and very loyal dogs. Does anyone remember Lassie produced by Robert Maxwell? (Also known as Jeff’s Collie and Timmy and Lassie) It was televised from 1954 to 1973. I…


Added by Angelica on February 7, 2011 at 3:45pm — No Comments

Famous Dogs

We all have heard of famous dogs in commercials such as Gitget “The Taco Bell Chihuahua.” She died in of a heart attack in 2009. She died when she was 15 years old. Can you believe this dog always flew first class? She is also the dog from Legally Blonde II. Chihuahuas’ are supposed to be, smart, friendly, and very loyal dogs. Does anyone remember Lassie produced by Robert Maxwell? (Also known as Jeff’s Collie and Timmy and Lassie) It was televised from 1954 to 1973. I…


Added by Angelica on February 7, 2011 at 3:41pm — No Comments

Is your doggie drinking water?

Just like humans most pets don’t like drinking water or they might just simply forget. They usually like fresh water so adding a couple of ice cubes to the water might help and also in order to provide a better taste try giving them some filtered water. If your doggie is very sick try giving him/her some beef or chicken broth. They love how it tastes. Dogs should drink 1/2 to 1 ounce of water per pound of body weight per day. Every time you take your dogs for a walk take some water with you.… Continue

Added by Angelica on January 28, 2011 at 4:00pm — No Comments

Interesting questions and answers:

You might come up with some other good questions & answers. Feel free to write them on the comments.

-Which president had the most children?

John Tyler, Jr. He had 15 children, 8 from his first marriage and 7 from his second marriage.

-How many people eat fast food a day in America?

About 50 000 000 people

-Name a few evergreen trees (trees retaining their…


Added by Angelica on January 26, 2011 at 2:36pm — No Comments

Interesting questions and answers:

You might come up with some other good questions & answers. Feel free to write them on the comments.

-Which president had the most children?

John Tyler, Jr. He had 15 children, 8 from his first marriage and 7 from his second marriage.

-How many people eat fast food a day in America?

About 50 000 000 people

-Name a few evergreen trees (trees retaining their…


Added by Angelica on January 26, 2011 at 2:32pm — 1 Comment

Is your dog overweight?

Dogs can gain some extra pounds just as we do that might cause serious health complications. Those extra pounds put greater stress on their joints, hearts, lungs, liver, and kidneys so it’s easier for them to get injured & it could be dangerous if they undergo surgery. Why is your dog overweight? Too much food or very little exercise… Your dog will be more playful after losing those extra pounds. It’s just not good on their…


Added by Angelica on January 14, 2011 at 12:54pm — No Comments

Helen Keller & her love for dogs

How can a person being blind love dogs so very much like Helen did? Dogs are such angelical creatures. Sometimes our dogs don’t act like angels but they are always very happy to see us. They make our tough days more bearable. I’m sure Helen’s days were more bearable with the company of her dogs. She was hearing and visually impaired. Blind people can walk faster & safer with a dog. Dogs are taken to school & taught to be patient and gentle since they are repeatedly told to go left or…


Added by Angelica on December 21, 2010 at 4:40pm — No Comments

Healthy Teeth

Have you ever thought about taking your dog to the dentist with you? It will certainly be fun. Your dentist will stare at you as you proceed to suggest he examine your dog’s teeth. Dogs can have tooth injuries. Inflammation and infection will be inevitable and your dog will experience pain and discomfort but don’t panic…There is always a remedy for everything in life! Many times teeth are broken by chewing on a hard object. You must take your dog to the vet immediately to complete an oral…


Added by Angelica on December 20, 2010 at 1:50pm — 3 Comments

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