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 Connor my seven year old greyhound rescued from Spain has died today. He fell ill on Wedensday night throwing up and haveing the squids. Thursday he seemed to have recovered from that. He was rather larthargic and slept a lot. He was slower than usual when we were out for our walk and morning run. However I diden´t see anything alarming. I did call my vet for advice on Saturday morning.I decided to take Connor to the vet Monday as it has been hollidays this weekend.Around five oclock I was at the computer when Connor who was sleeping omitted a sigh. I called him but he had  died what I heard was his last breath. I am shattered it was so unexpected . I just wanted you to know. I loved Connor with my soul he was such a lovely lad and he is so missed. However there are always greyhounds waiting in the wings so one soon a new needy greyhound will join my pack or rather my family.Connor died where he felt best among us who knew and loved him. Rip my lad my Connor we all love you Lisbeth and the lads. 

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My heartfelt condolences.  He is at the Rainbow Bridge with all of his friends and ours.  He is healthy and happy and wouldn't want you to be sad.  I believe our companions are here for the time they are allowed to accomplish what they need to do and now in heaven getting ready for his new assignment.


Lori and Toby

Thank you all for your warmth love and kindness. I have just been offered a four year old greyhound still racing. I do want to give him a home but need to know more about him need to know that he will be the one. He is a golden fawn and looks as if he might have some white spots on him. I am waiting for an assesment of his caracter and behavior from a friend who knows his current owner and goes to the track and races her own greyhound. She knows greyhounds and id good at sussing out their caracter. He is a lovely looking lad I just need some more information about him.I will keep you posted. With all my love and warmth Lisbeth and the lads.   
Dear Lisbeth. I'm very sorry to hear that Connor died. We probably all feel pretty much the same when a treasured pet passes away. What helps me is the knowledge that I helped him/her live a comfortable and happy life. All they want is to please us. I've never owned a Greyhound, but I understand that they're wonderful companions. I'm very sorry that you lost Connor. Bill Fronek, Houston, TX 6/7/11
Thanks Bill they are absolutely uniqe and so very diffrent from other breeds of dog. They are as diffrent from the dogs as the Chettah is from other felines. Their speed grace and inteligence is the stuff of ledgends. Connor was never a pet but a family member. He was one of my precious lads. One I will never forget and one that will always be a part of who I am and how my lads are. We miss him more than words can ever say. He was very special and deeply loved. Thanks for your very kind words it does help a lot to have friends during such a difficult time. With all my love and warmth. Lisbeth and the lads.
Hi Lisbeth,It does grief to me very much this to hear. I do not find tonight the right words. I am there always when you need help.

Your Friend Jo.
Thanks Jo the love and support I feel here is going to help me through this difficult time. Rescuing a needy greyhound is going to help just as much. I have been offered a four year old and his current owner is desperate to get rid of him. The racing world is a nasty one. This lad need a new home asap and as I have an empty spot on my sofa he will most likely join us in the very near future. I have asked someone I know within the racing fraternity to asses his behavior when near other breeds of dog and especially near other greyhounds if he is picking fights and showing agression I don´t want him. I need a peaceful goofy greyhound who will fit in with the rest of my wee family. So its early days yet it helps to have something to look forward to when a loss of this nature occurs. Thanks for your kindness Jo and everyone else it is very apriciated. Love you all. Lisbeth and the lads.Wrong picture wrong greyhound.This is Swanson Kaisar the greyhound I have just been offered.He might join us soon if he is the right one for my wee family.

Hi Lisbeth:

Just wanted to check on you to see how you are doing!!!  Lots of love to you and the lads, Kathi, Mickie and Sassie.

Joanne's Glitter Designs

hi Lisbeth  just wanted to seee how you are today love from sharon & kanga takecare thinking of you always dear friend xxxx
I am so sorry to read of the loss of your Connor.  What a beautiful boy.  The heartache may ease, but never goes away entirely, there's always that part that will forever belong to our missing loved one.   Big Hugs for you at this awful time.   Jessie
hes so beautiful  im sure you,ll know if he is right for you and your boys  if you decide he is then hes going to be one very lucky boy having a loving dedicated mum like you

Lisbeth Mønsted Larsen said:
Thanks Jo the love and support I feel here is going to help me through this difficult time. Rescuing a needy greyhound is going to help just as much. I have been offered a four year old and his current owner is desperate to get rid of him. The racing world is a nasty one. This lad need a new home asap and as I have an empty spot on my sofa he will most likely join us in the very near future. I have asked someone I know within the racing fraternity to asses his behavior when near other breeds of dog and especially near other greyhounds if he is picking fights and showing agression I don´t want him. I need a peaceful goofy greyhound who will fit in with the rest of my wee family. So its early days yet it helps to have something to look forward to when a loss of this nature occurs. Thanks for your kindness Jo and everyone else it is very apriciated. Love you all. Lisbeth and the lads.Wrong picture wrong greyhound.This is Swanson Kaisar the greyhound I have just been offered.He might join us soon if he is the right one for my wee family.
Dear Sharon he is a mature lad and might be a bit dominant and since I already have dominant lads it won´t work. I know for a fact that his owner is desperate to get rid of a lot of greyhounds I also know that there might be a a better suited greyhound for my pack of well integreted individuals. I have the time to wait for the right greyhound and since they are all needy it is better to keep my options open than cut myself short too soon and then get a greyhound home that might fight with my lot here. I will not take that chance. I agree he is gorgeous He will most likely find a home in Germany as his owner is known for shipping a lot of her surplus greyhounds that way for adoption. So remaining patient and open minded is the way to go. I have something to look forward to and what a priveledge it is to have a lot more to choose from. Thanks again for your symapthy in this difficult time.With all my love and warmth Lisbeth and the lads.
you know ,its a wonderful attitude and approach you are taking lisbeth. we could all learn from you. you are using your head not your heart. the right time and fit for your new greyhound is the way to go. patience is a virtue.  good job lisbeth.

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