Thought you should see my new greyhound Chris. It takes me back in time not in the distant past but about a year ago. Today a candel has been lit to celeberate my dear old whippet´s 11 birthday sadly he was ten years and two months old when I had to let him go to the Rainbow Bridge. I was completely shattered much more so than I thought I would be I had know Mike since he was six months old and I loved him dearly he was with me through some bad times as well as good times always there when I needed him so to having to let him go was by far one of the hardest things I ever had to do. A huge void filled my heart and there was once again an empty spot on my sofa I began the search for a hound that needed a home and thus came across a kennel that bred greyhounds for racing I thought If they had a pup that they diden´t want I would love to give that pup a home. I sort of forgot that I had written to them then around the 18 of November I was on my way to visit my sister and there was a text message from the kennel on my phone. Eventhough I had a great time with my sister and her family I was rather antsy as I just wanted to answer that text message in private finally I was back home and I emidiatly called the number and a very kind kennel owner asnwered the phone and we talked she said she would keep an eye out for a youngster for me and then she asked me if I would help her find a home for a five year old greyhound who was through with racing since he sustained a tear in a muscel on the inner left thigh. I said I would do all I could to find him a good home I asked her what he was like what his history was ect ect. She told me and then I looked him up on the greyhound data base and I fell in love with him. His story is thus: Chris was born into a racing family his very first experiences in life were a cage with his mother and siblings then he moved into his own cage at racing kennels he was trained for racing and apparently found good enough to export to Ireland now wether that was as the result of a pup deal his dam was Irish her name was Vintage Song Chris´s sire was American his name was Lonesome Cry Chris was born in Texas. He was exported to Ireland and sold again to a woman in Germany now in that place he was starved beaten and neglected. He was sold again this time to the lady with the Kennel here in Denmark it took some time to get him back on his feet he recovered from his ordeal and embraced his life he raced 59 times he did win a few races he was the kind of greyhound that would run his heart out.He sustained an injury and because he had reached the age of five years he was thus unwanted well how could I turn my back on him? in truth I could not I called his owner and told her that he now had a home to go to namely mine she accepted and the day after I had been to a show with my youngest greyhound Collin who had done execptionally well. I said good bye to my dear mother who had looked after Darcy and Tristan and then in the late afternoon the call came my new greyhound was minutes away he had been transported all the way from Jutland to where I live in the North of Zealland I went down to the parking garage and a biggish van came two women got out and I could see it said Something racing on the side of the van I went over to them and introduced myself one of the women went to the back of the van I followed and there in a transport cage I saw my new greyhound for the very first time it was love at first sight I felt such love and tenderness for my new greyhound his fate touched a core in my heart. I got a new collar on him and we went up to my place I had already put muzzels on my three other greyhounds and Chris was wearing a muzzel to and we let the greyhound meet there was a bit of growling and sniffing but it went realativly quiete and we talked signed the transfer of ownership and the former owner and her friend left I took Chris and the others for a long walk and slowly but surely my new greyhound and my three others got used to each other I muzzeled them to begin with if I had to go downtown or had other things to do I let them loose in the huge fenced in paddoc muzzeled to prevent any bites. Chris is now part of the pack he is loved and he has come home. I wanted to share his story with you to let you know that even if Chris diden´t have the best start in life he has come home where he is loved and cared for just as he should have been from the get go.
Hello Don good to see you here and thanks yes I will be there for Chris always. He now has an FCI registration certificate he is registred in The Danish pedigree studbook I have proof of ownership I did before too but this is now a part of his official studbook registration. He is not yet approved for breeding but I am sure he will be next year when we enter our first show we will see just far he can go. Collin is already a showdog and he has been approved for breeding and has already got very high marks and his critiques are good. I am sure Chris will be too.
God bless you Lisbeth for all you do. I know loosing Mike was a horrible thing for you, but you opened your heart to Chris and gave him a loving home. Nobody can ask for more of a person than what you have given. Lots of love to you and the lads.
Kathi, Mickie and Sassie
That is so inspiring, congratulations for rescuing each other and giving him a very loving home. Chris sounds a great addition to the pack!
He is a wonderful fun loving lad with his life ahead of him loved and cared for as long as he lives.Thanks Kathi give my best to Mickie and Sassie and yourself too dear friend God bless you and yours too.
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