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What are some crazy things your ratties have done?

For me, my rat Sheila chases my cat, Kyo!

*disclaimer* I do not recommend rats and cats play together. If they are ever in the same room they should be closely watched! I'm lucky my cat is scared of my rats.

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HAHAHA! what an oinker! XD lol he most have a big mouth. My girls can only pick up one of those blueberry cookies at a time.
YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! squishy ratties are so cute!
We don't have a rattie anymore. We got one from a friend years ago. He was almost three when we got him so he was pretty old but he lived about a year and a half more. From what I've read that's really old for a rat.

He was a lot of fun and so smart.

His absolute favorite food was green beans. The kids used to let him run a lot and because they were little would sometimes lose track of him. To get him to come out of hiding all I had to do was go to the kitchen, open a can of green beans and call his name. Without fail he would hustle from wherever his location and meet me in the kitchen.

Now of course no one in my house would admit to slipping Tox the green beans off their dinner plate but somehow he acquired a collection of them. I had a plastic shoe box under my bed with photos in it. One day when I went to retrieve a photo I found 'evidence' Tox had been in it. Much to my surprise tucked away neatly in one corner were about a dozen partially eaten green beans. :)
OMG Zoey! that is so cute! Thank you so much for sharing such a cute story. 4 years is definitely old for a ratty, but it means your lil guy was well cared for. :3


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