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Aina Kintsu
  • 39, Female
  • United States
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Aina Kintsu's Friends

  • Tex
  • iadybug423
  • Hamela P
  • Moji
  • luccy4lyfe
  • gizmo
  • BrindleAPBT
  • Ali
  • Maddie
  • Lasha
  • Jessica
  • Melissa/Kelsey
  • Brandy
  • yuko


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    Simple and Clean (Full English Original)

The "Zoo"

Profile Information

Where did you hear about
Hometown, State or Province / Country: We'd all love to know what part of the world you are from.
Pet Name(s):
Rats: Seila, Tex, Peanut, and Luna
Mouse: Yuki
Cats: Salem, Bear, Kyo-kun, Huidini. Sassy, Kiko, Whisper, Tobby, Jet, Jazzy, Tyson, Garfield
Dogs: Heidi. Maiya, Whimper
Bunnies: Stardust, Su-su
Boy(s) or Girl(s):
Rats: 4 girls
Mouse: 1 boy
Cats:9 boys, 3 girls
Dogs: 2 girls, 1 boy
Bunnies: 2 boys
If "In Loving Memory of your Pet Angel": (and you want to share the dates) Please give their name.
She-She- my first cat and friend. She was the best cat/friend. Being a youngster, she put uo with me dressing her up in my dolls clothes and putting bows on her ears and tail. She was always by my side, and in a way, she took care of me. I will never forget her. <3
Babybums- She was my sister's, but she was very special to the entire family. She loved to snuggle in your lap and be petted.
Tiger- he was the boss man of all the kitties.
Pretty-Kitty- she really lived up to her name. She always made sure he fur was clean and perfect.
Love: She was very loving and was the mother of Pretty-Kitty and Queenie. She had actually given birth to them in the back of my dads big truck, which at the time, was being used to transport garbage. My dad actually found them, while he was emptying the truck at the dump.
Fluffy: This kitty loved attention. She was the guest greeter. Whenever someone came to the door, she would beg them for pets. She was always a great hostess.
Queenie: this kitty girl had attitude, and would be the first to eat out from the food dish before any other kitty could.
Katie-Bear- My first bunny and she was god to me. I was in FFA and I showed her. We received 1st and 3rd place.
Snowball the 2nd: Snowball is from Fluffy's first and only litter of kittens. She was given to some neighbors and lived as an outside cats for many years. However, in 2004, the neighbors moved away and couldn't take their cats with them. So we took back Snowball. However, she had skin cancer from being a white, outside cat. (at the time, none of us knew that white kitties were more susceptible to skin cancer). I did the best I could, she was even going in to get surgery to remove the infected areas, but she ended up having cancer in her eyes as well, so they couldn't do the procedure. For the first time in my life, I had to make the hardest decision to end her suffering. :'(
Mum: mouse. got her from a petstore pregnant. She had 12 babies. She passed away shortly after that. I kept one of her babies (Mousy)
Fatso: mouse. I got her at the same time as Mum. She was a sweetheart and lived for 3.5 years.
Mousy: mouse, off spring of Mum. Sadly, I never got along with her. She never liked me :( Even so, she was with me for a very long time (4.5 years)
Molly and Ana: They were both sweet and beautiful girls. I didn't have them very long, Ana always seemed weak and Molly just passed away suddenly in her sleep :(
About Me/Them: (Please ask your Pet Kid(s) what they want you to say about them.)
We are playful and full of energy. We love to run/bounce around and explore new places. Fruits and veggies (rats and bunnies) are the best!
Treats (cats, dogs) are great ! We all LOVE toys!
Was the arrival of your Pet Kid(s) planned or is there a story?
SHEILA and TEX: My boyfriend was moving into an apartment that didn't allow rats, so I took them in :3
PEANUT: I got her from work after a customer returned her for URI problems. After she was medicated for a good time, the customer still didn't want her, so I brought her home :3
LUNA: I got her from work as well. She came in as a Large rat (although she wasn't full grown yet) and she would cower in the corner away from the other ratties. While at work, I would take her out and hold her and fell in love with her. I eventually took her home in fear that she would be sold as a feeder. She gets along wonderfully with my other girls and is the first to the cage door when I enter the room. :3

YUKI- Like 2 of my rats, I got Yuki from work. He had been attacked by another mouse, and was taken to the vet and treated. He ended up having a few other problems that were treated. He now lives a spoiled life. :3

SALEM: I got Salem in 1996 from my sister's science teacher after she found a pregnant cat on the school grounds. She took the cat home, where she had 2 kittens. Salem is one of them. He is my number one baby. :3
TOBBY: 1998, He is one of the most affectionate kitties ever! He is always wanting attention and is always up for a good snuggle. He also loves to hunt moles. He'll sit for hours watching one mole hole. We got Tobby from a friend, who's cat had kittens.
KIKO: 2000. She is very shy, but enjoys to be petted. She doesn't really care for the company of the other kitties, but will accept/put up with Whisper. We got Kiko from a cat horder. The conditions she was living in were terrible. Now she has 6 acres to explore and she loves it.
WHISPER: 2002. We got Whisper from the cat rescue at work. She was born a ferrell kitty and thus acts like one most of the time. But she still enjoys a good pet sometimes.
BEAR: 2003. He's really my sister's cat, but he is a big part of the family. We got him 4 yrs ago from a person who was not a great pet parent. In fact she was getting rid of all her kittens way too early. He was about 3 weeks old when we got him. About 2 years ago he went missing and scared us all. He showed up out of the blue, but he couldn't move and was barely breathing. We rushed him to the vets, where he slowly regained his health. We still don't know what happened during the time he was missing.
KYO-KUN: 2005. He is my other baby boy. I got him from a rescue at work. His mom was owned by a couple who only saw her as a money maker. They used her for her kittens. She got out one day while she was pregnant and because pregnancies can have multiple fathers, the couple dumped her at the pound. Luckily, the cat rescue saw her and took her in. She had 3 healthy kittens, one of them being my Kyo-kun. :3
HUIDINI and SASSY: 2006- brother and sister, a year old. A lady and her 2 children came to my place of work and pretty much said that if no one took the kittens they would dump them at the pound. The background story she gave us, was that their somewhat stray cat gave birth and then went missing after 2 weeks. So here were these 2 week old kittens with a dim future... that is till they became a part of our family! :3
JET, JAZZY, and TYSON: 2005/2005/2007 are all related. Awhile back someone dumped an unfixed male and female on your road. The reason we know they were unfixed... A whole lot of kittens. Jet and Jazzy were the only 2 we could catch and socialize from the first litter, and Tyson was the only one we could catch and socialize from the third litter. (We did our best to catch the others and those that we caught we had fixed, but they won't let anyone near them).
GARFIELD: 2005. We took him (and his 2 siblings)in for a friend. They were her'and her boyfriend's cats. They went through a tough living situation (where they were living in a hotel, until they could find a place) so we took their 3 cats in. Garfield was the only one to stick around. The other 2 decided to live with other families near by (we know this because we see them occasionally in the area.)

HIEDI: 1996. She was the runt of the litter and also the odd ball. She is a brittany spaniel and if you know that breed, then you know they have big blotchy spots. However, Heidi is mostly white with a reddish-brown mask. My dad originally got her as a hunting dog, but she ended up being gun shy and now is a 11 yr old couch potato. :)
MAIYA and WHIMPER: 2004. brother and sister, children of Heidi. These babies were not planned. After telling my dad for 8 yrs that we should get Heidi fixed, he wasn't convinced until one day her bird dog instinct took over and she took off. She came back to use pregnant! My mom was in denial saying it was just a fasle pregnancy until one summer day my sister and I are calling her up saying she's having the puppies! Heidi had 8 puppies, all of them healthy. And it was obvious that their father must of had black lab in them because you look at Maiya and Whimper and you would never guess they were Heidi's. Of the 8 puppies, we kept the runt (Maiya) and the biggest (Whimper). Maiya is out going and hyper while Whimper.... lives up to his name .

STARDUST: 2000. I have no idea how old he is. The reason, because he was found by a couple, at the side of the freeway. They crought him into my dad's firestation and my dad brought him home. For some reason he only has one eye (the vet couldn't tell us why). He also is very social and from the very beginning I was able to hold him like a baby.
SU-SU: 2005. Su-su was a bitter sweet surprise. I got him the day after the sudden loss of my Katie-Bear (bunny) How he came into my life was when my sister's boyfriend's 90 yr old grandma had a female bunny who got out of her outside pen. She ended up having 3 babies. My sister's boyfriend was only able to catch 2 of the babies. My sister took me over to see them and I fell in love with Su-su. At the time I though he was a girl (the reason for the feminine name) but I later found out she was a he. XD I was glade I took Su-su in, because his other siblings were left to free roam (farm yard, not an enclosed backyard) and were killed by hawks :,(
Personality Characteristics:
Sweet, Gentle, Energetic, Playful, Lazy, Sleepy, Demanding, Loving, Shy, Social Butterfly, Spoiled, Seriously Spoiled, Funny, Knows they're Funny, Just Self-Confident, Loyal
Fruits and veggies (rats and bunnies)
Treats (cats and dogs)
Food (Heidi)

All love attention and to run around and explore.
most of my cats don't like their tails touched. Bear doesn't liked to be talked to when he isn't getting what he wants >.< he twitches his tail in announce every time. Heidi doesn't like to share her food with the kitties and will only bark to scare them away.
Nicknames / And by Whom:
Only some of my babies have nicknames:

Salem: Salavee, salem-baby, sal
Tobby: Tobbers, Tobby-one-kenobi
Kiko: Kiko-mon
Heidi: Heiders
Jazzy: Jazzy-juice XD
My Favorite Toys:
The rats: Ferret frenzy balls! they love them. The little beads in side the balls drive them insane, so they chew a hole (takes them a few weeks) into the ball and when the beads come out... the toys no fun anymore. They also love the cats' feather toy XD

Cats: Feather toy! (well... Hui's is my make-up brushes >:( but I still love him

Dogs: When Heidi was younger she loved her soccer ball. but she doesn't play with toys much anymore. And for some reason, we could never get the puppies to play with toys....

Bunnies: Maze ball, and plush fruits. Their all time fav is their rattle carrots.
My Favorite Treats:
Rats and bunnies: Fruits and veggies! And Yogies!

Cats: soft canned food every evening

Dogs: Biscuits
Favorite Type of Walk:
The dogs have a huge yard to run in, but occasionally they got for walks down the street and back (its a long country street), the rats love to run my room or the bathroom. The bunnies have a pen outside they liek to run in (son't worry they're inside bunnies)
Favorite Ride:
Heidi is the only one who likes car rides, but unfrotunatelt she gets car sick, so we don't take her anywhere very often. Everyonce in awhile I take Sheila to out to visit my coworkers. :)

Please Visit the group :3

My Rats!

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Aina Kintsu's Blog

Help Luna!

Posted on July 17, 2008 at 10:27pm 0 Comments


everyone! I entered my lil Luna's photo into the Petco Foundation

Calendar Photo Contest. I hope she wins the December spot (since she is

pictured in a Christmas tree).

Anyhow, if you believe Luna is the best for the December spot (She will not be offended if you think Spot or Scooter is better :P ) then please create

a zootoo account and vote for her!

Here is…

Stupid Pet Oweners should be banned from owning pets!) Thanks )

Posted on June 22, 2008 at 12:51pm 1 Comment

With my line of work I come across a lot of stupid pet owners (SPO) that I wish i could just tell off, but being that I work for a corporation, speaking my mind is frowned upon.


A man comes into the store with his granddaughter caring a box. This is always a bad sign and I immediately know that he wants to abandon an animal. He walks up to me and asks me to take this dwarf hamster off his hands. He then tell my manager and I that he bought the hamster for his… Continue

Interesting articles, videos, etc. on rats!

Posted on May 12, 2008 at 9:39pm 0 Comments

I will be adding to this blog as I find articles, videos, etc. So keep an eye out for the new and interesting!

An article from the New York Times: Smart, Curious, Ticklish. Rats?… Continue

Rat Toys!

Posted on December 26, 2007 at 8:24pm 0 Comments

Many first time rat owners don't realize that rats will play with toys as long as there is a goal behind it. Some toys are seen as ways to keep teeth at a healthy length, or to get a treat out of. Some just keep your ratties entertained. :3

BIRD TOYS: Yes, any bird toy made of plastic, wood, or rawhide, makes a good toy for your rats!

BIRD PERCHES: You can use bird ladders as well, to help ratties get around.

-… Continue

Turning a one level cage into a multi level cage!

Posted on December 16, 2007 at 5:49pm 0 Comments

I am part of a rat community on

and I come across a lot of

posts asking about how to make their rats one story cage, into a

multilevel cage. Most of the cages in question are these kind of cages,

which are made for rabbits, cavies, and ferrets. Depending on the size

of the cage, the most rats that can fit in these cage… Continue

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At 6:18pm on September 22, 2013, Wanda P said…

At 3:55pm on September 23, 2012, Barbara Anderson said…

At 1:07pm on September 23, 2012, Gladys Rydbom said…

happy birthday dog

At 9:58am on September 22, 2012, Wanda P said…
At 2:33pm on October 23, 2010, Wanda P said…

Hello just popping in to say hello, to all my new petbrag friends. I am wandap from Calgary Alberta Canada. I hope you have a spooktacular Halloween!

We have lots of new friends to come and talk with as well as new groups, so come and visit us and say hello..
At 10:22pm on October 14, 2010, Wanda P said…

At 10:16pm on September 23, 2010, PetBrags Pet Lovers Paradise said…
Happy Birthday Aina! I hope you and your pet kids are doing well.
At 3:27pm on September 23, 2010, Wanda P said…

Wishing you a very happy birthday with all your favorites, big hug wandas and the gang
At 12:23pm on September 23, 2010, Gladys Rydbom said…
At 9:36pm on September 22, 2010, Barbara Anderson said…
HI Aina, Have a great Birthday. Hugs from the gang.

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