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Okay, I have been reading so much about the raw diet. I am trying to find all the pro's and con's that I can before I make a decision. So far it seems the pro's weigh out the con's, and I have been giving her a little bit of raw food for dinner only and cutting back her other food accordingly. Any suggestions, opinions, or experiences? Also any webpages you have found to be informative are appreciated! 

- Allison & Kyra

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Hi Allison & Kyra-

I blog all about holistic care for dogs.  Nutrition is so important.  Allergies have become so common in dogs.  Part of immunity is a healthy diet which enables the immunity system to function.  Please check out my blog: What I Feed My Own Dogs.  There are plenty of articles about food & nutrition.  If you type in "FDA" you will find some interesting articles.  I hope that my blog will be helpful to you.  Best of luck!


I had to just dive in as my LELO was just starving herself,so for the past month, she has alternating buffalo meal, salmon meal, and turkey's the site CANADIAN, so our pet food is higher standards!
She gets 1 puck a day, 1/2 in the morning,1/2 at night,no vomiting, diarrhea at all.. She's like a puppy, comes running for dinner. It's 8.00 for 8. Pucks they are frozen, if she is not having salmon I put a small amount salmon oil in the turkey meal or buffalo, plus instead of treats she gets a frozen buffalo bone, the occasional organic cookie!

I am so happy to hear that the switch worked out so well!  I am not the least bit surprised.  Raw is the healthiest form of food for dogs.  Any decent raw product will give you great results. 

I checked out the product that you are feeding your dogs.  Although I am not crazy about the veggies & fruits they use, the overall product looks very good. 


What I like about the one that I have on my website (which I feed my own dogs) is that some of the recipes include tripe which is one of the greatest sources of nutrition for dogs.


I also like that it includes garlic and cayenne.  I just wrote an article about cayenne peppers and I hope to publish it some time next week. 


Garlic has many benefits, but like cayenne, the dose must be correct.  Barfworld has it down to a science.  In my article What I Feed My Own Dogs, if you look at the comments, you can see a long list of the health benefits of garlic. 


The fruits, veggies, and other ingredients that I like (that are in the product on my site) include:  Broccoli, Celery, Spinach, Carrot, Ground Flax Seed, Dehydrated Alfalfa Meal, Apple, Pear, Grapefruit, Orange, Dried Kelp, Cayenne Pepper, Cod Liver Oil, Garlic

Thanks Janie, it's great to get in put, once I'm back from holidays, I'm going to check out ur info!.

Thanks for the information guys! I feel this is a subject where you cannot research it enough, good or bad reviews all included! That way I can make the best informed decision I can for my sweet pea!

- Allison & Kyra

Yes!!!  It is the type of thing that you can research forever!!!  My advice is to ask questions, be open, and double check what you are told.

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