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Janie Lerner
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  • United States
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  • Mandy Slinkard
  • Geordie
  • Kathi
  • Barbara Anderson

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Jason W joined Janie Lerner's group

Holistic Care For Dogs + Pet Tech

This Group focuses on holistic health care.See More
Apr 21, 2015
James McDonald commented on Janie Lerner's blog post The Smallest GPS Devices
"Have You Seen This.. Mini GPS Tracking Device. The MINI GPS TRACKER The Mini GPS Tracker works based on an existing GSM /GPRS network and GPS satellites, this tracker is a small and powerful tracking device that is developed for personal…"
Oct 19, 2014
Janie Lerner posted a blog post

Biologically Appropriate Raw Food

Our dogs are becoming sicker and sicker.  Obesity, cancer, colitis, diabetes, digestive issues, skin issues, dental issues, organ diseases, and the list goes on and on.  Why are our dogs so sick?  Diet is directly linked to the health of our dogs.  What’s healthy?  What’s not?  What type of food keeps dogs healthiest?  I choose Barfworld dog food.  Maybe watching this video will help you understand why I made that choice.  The video in this article is from the UK.  It provides the most…See More
Sep 26, 2014
Janie Lerner commented on Janie Lerner's blog post The Smallest GPS Devices
"Too cool, right!  Please check out my website.  I have other cool stuff!"
Aug 26, 2014
Wanda P commented on Janie Lerner's blog post The Smallest GPS Devices
"Awesome, I'd love one"
Aug 23, 2014
Janie Lerner posted a blog post

The Smallest GPS Devices

When a dog gets lost it is no party.  I have discussed GPS gadgets for dogs in the past.  As technology is constantly evolving, smaller lighter units are appearing on the market.  Here are some new devices.  I have included devices that are not yet in mass production.  They are available for pre-orders.  Finally will be able to keep track of our little dogs as well as the big guys.  To…See More
Aug 4, 2014
Allison Aikman joined Janie Lerner's group

Holistic Care For Dogs + Pet Tech

This Group focuses on holistic health care.See More
Aug 1, 2014
Janie Lerner replied to Allison Aikman's discussion Raw Diet
"Yes!!!  It is the type of thing that you can research forever!!!  My advice is to ask questions, be open, and double check what you are told."
Jul 20, 2014
Janie Lerner replied to Allison Aikman's discussion Raw Diet
"I am so happy to hear that the switch worked out so well!  I am not the least bit surprised.  Raw is the healthiest form of food for dogs.  Any decent raw product will give you great results.  I checked out the product that you…"
Jul 19, 2014
Janie Lerner posted a status
"I JUST figured out how to add my RSS feed!!! This way people can check out my recent articles."
Jul 9, 2014
Janie Lerner updated their profile
Jul 9, 2014
Janie Lerner replied to Allison Aikman's discussion Raw Diet
"Hi Allison & Kyra- I blog all about holistic care for dogs.  Nutrition is so important.  Allergies have become so common in dogs.  Part of immunity is a healthy diet which enables the immunity system to function.  Please…"
Jul 9, 2014
Janie Lerner posted a blog post

Keeping Your Dog Cool in Hot Weather

We are now in the hottest time of the Summer. I have some tips to guide you to keep dogs safe. I also have a few interesting products and gadgets that could come in handy to keep your dogs cool in the hot weather. First of all, heat exaustion can sneak up on dogs as well as people. The first signs that indicate that a dog is at risk for heatstroke include:• Panting• Seeking a cool/shady spot• Excessive salivation• Enlarging tongue• Red gums/lips• Increasing heart rate• Anxious or distressed…See More
Jul 5, 2014
Janie Lerner favorited Barbara Anderson's profile
Jun 30, 2014
Janie Lerner posted a blog post

Fireworks are Coming! Oh No!!!

Uh oh… The 4th of July is drawing closer. I can visualize my dogs on that evening. As the fireworks blast, Beverly (AKA Bevi) is fine, but Harriet is a whole different story. When she hears loud noises the panting starts, her tongue is out, and her eyes practically pop out of their sockets. She trembles on my love seat which makes sitting next to her feel like an experience with a cheap coin-operated vibrating bed in trashy old motel rooms long ago. When Harriet hears a sudden loud noise she…See More
Jun 30, 2014
Janie Lerner commented on Janie Lerner's blog post The Truth About Holistic & Organic Dog Food
"Hi Geordie! It's been a while.  I just published another newsletter on my site and I wanted to share on of the articles.  I hope you are ok in the storm.  It's clear where I am."
Jun 11, 2014

Profile Information

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Hometown, State or Province / Country: We'd all love to know what part of the world you are from.
Want to Share Another Web Site? - Please, do not include a link to a Direct Competition site, like another Pet Community. Also, no adult content or profanity contained in external URLs permitted. And please, no links to sites where Pets/Animals are Sold, or Animal Activist sites - - your account WILL be deleted.
Pet Name(s):
Harriet, Beverly (Bevi), Lester & Wendy
Parents: (Pet's Owners)
Breed(s) / Type(s): Nice VIRTUAL PETS Welcome Too! (any embedded code)
Chinese Crested mixes and an Austr. Terrier mix
Boy(s) or Girl(s):
3 girls
1 boy
If "In Loving Memory of your Pet Angel": (and you want to share the dates) Please give their name.
Wendy & Lester
Was the arrival of your Pet Kid(s) planned or is there a story?
All of my dogs were adopted from shelters and rescue organizations.
Personality Characteristics:
Sweet, Gentle, Energetic, Playful, Loving, All Bark and No Bite, Loyal
Their raw diets!!!

Brushing Fido's Teeth is important

How important brushing your dog’s teeth?  It sounds ridiculous, but is it really?  You can’t imagine how many people ask groomers to brush their dogs’ teeth.  People typically have their dogs groomed once every four to eight weeks depending on the breed.  Grooming establishments frequently offer this service for an additional fee.  Now think for a moment.  Would you ever dream of brushing your teeth once every four to eight weeks?  What do you think would happen to your teeth?  It takes only a few days of neglect for plaque and tartar to develop for people and dogs as well.  If your think that crunchy food and treats would suffice, then think again.  That’s like saying that when we chew on crunchy food and snacks there would be no need to brush our teeth.  Some dogs just have great teeth that keep clean without intervention, but for the majority of dogs that is not the case. 

The most common disease amongst dogs is gum disease.  Gum begins when plaque accumulates on the teeth.  Plaque is the substance that makes your teeth feel like they are wearing sweaters.  Daily brushing removes the majority of plaque (depending upon the diligence of the person brushing.)  Remember, in only a few days when plaque begins to  harden and tartar forms.  The scene is being set for problems to develop. As the condition progresses, a professional dental cleaning will be the only way to remove the buildup.  Dental cleaning are usually a big expense.

Tooth decay leads to loss of teeth and gum disease.  As bacteria grows under the gum tissue, the teeth separate from the gum line causing bacteria to grow and spread further.  The roots of the teeth become infected, weaken and to the point that the gums become unable to hold the teeth.  Teeth rot and fall out.

Gum disease leads to many serious health issues including abscesses, bone loss, and sinus infections because the sinuses are so close to the infected area.  The bacteria and infection travel to the roots of the teeth.  Once this happens the bloodstream becomes contaminated.  Studies have confirmed that as bacteria travels throughout the dog’s system, the lungs, kidneys, heart and liver become diseased.  A Purdue University study found that there is a strong link between gum tissue degeneration and heart disease and infections of the heart valves.

The most common disease amongst dogs is gum disease.  Gum begins when plaque accumulates on the teeth.  Plaque is the substance that makes your teeth feel like they are wearing sweaters.  Daily brushing removes the majority of plaque (depending upon the diligence of the person brushing.)  Remember, in only a few days when plaque begins to  harden and tartar forms.  The scene is being set for problems to develop. As the condition progresses, a professional dental cleaning will be the only way to remove the buildup.  Dental cleaning are usually a big expense.


Janie Lerner's Blog

Biologically Appropriate Raw Food

Posted on September 26, 2014 at 10:08am 0 Comments

Our dogs are becoming sicker and sicker.  Obesity, cancer, colitis, diabetes, digestive issues, skin issues, dental issues, organ diseases, and the list goes on and on.  Why are our dogs so sick?  Diet is directly linked to the health of our dogs.  What’s healthy?  What’s not?  What type of food keeps dogs healthiest?  I choose Barfworld dog food.  Maybe watching this video will help you understand why I made that choice.  The video in this article is from the UK.  It provides the most…


The Smallest GPS Devices

Posted on August 4, 2014 at 9:53pm 3 Comments

When a dog gets lost it is no party.  I have discussed GPS gadgets for dogs in the past.  As technology is constantly evolving, smaller lighter units are appearing on the market.  Here are some new devices.  I have included devices that are not yet in mass production.  They are available for pre-orders.  Finally will be able to keep track of our little dogs as well as the big…


Keeping Your Dog Cool in Hot Weather

Posted on July 5, 2014 at 7:35pm 0 Comments

We are now in the hottest time of the Summer. I have some tips to guide you to keep dogs safe. I also have a few interesting products and gadgets that could come in handy to keep your dogs cool in the hot weather. First of all, heat exaustion can sneak up on dogs as well as people. The first signs that indicate that a dog is at risk for heatstroke include:

• Panting

• Seeking a cool/shady spot

• Excessive salivation

• Enlarging tongue

• Red…


Fireworks are Coming! Oh No!!!

Posted on June 30, 2014 at 3:30pm 0 Comments

Uh oh… The 4th of July is drawing closer. I can visualize my dogs on that evening. As the fireworks blast, Beverly (AKA Bevi) is fine, but Harriet is a whole different story. When she hears loud noises the panting starts, her tongue is out, and her eyes practically pop out of their sockets. She trembles on my love seat which makes sitting next to her feel like an experience with a cheap coin-operated vibrating bed in trashy old motel rooms long ago. When Harriet hears a sudden loud noise she…


Comment Wall (18 comments)

You need to be a member of PetBrags Pet Lovers Paradise: Pet Community for All Pets to add comments!

At 9:36pm on September 21, 2014, Barbara Anderson said…

At 10:41am on August 31, 2014, Helen said…
 photo hellogreenflowerstrip_zpsa50fd606.jpg

Blessings Always Helen

At 11:21am on June 14, 2014, Wanda P said…

Welcome to Petbrags, please feel free to make your self at home, check out some great groups and wonderful people from all over the world. My name is WandaP just click on a members face or name and leave a comment in the comment box like this one and press add comment. 

Cheers WandaO=ww and my love Lelo 

At 2:04pm on June 3, 2014, Barbara Anderson said…

At 4:31pm on May 11, 2014, Barbara Anderson said…

At 1:29pm on April 25, 2014, Barbara Anderson said…

At 4:01pm on April 13, 2014, Barbara Anderson said…

At 12:51pm on April 5, 2014, Barbara Anderson said…

At 11:01pm on March 16, 2014, Mandy Slinkard said…
I hope you have a nice week!

At 7:48pm on March 16, 2014, Barbara Anderson said…


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