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My Sassafras has a very bad case of pancreatitis and needs our prayers. Cause is unknown as she does NOT get table food. She is fighting VERY hard but after 5 days still not improving. My heart is breaking for her. Her pancreas is at least 9 times larger than it should be and her tummy is very inflamed. Praying the meds start healing her soon before damage to her kidneys and liver sets in. :(

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Hi Sweet Jacque,

I'm almost without words, so shocked at how all of this has happened, without warning. I thought it was a bad case of pancreatitis, which I have had to deal with several times over the years with my Westies.  I am so very sorry to hear this news. I know your heart is breaking. I will continue to pray for you and Sassy. I firmly believe in miracles. But, I will pray for God's will.

Much Love,


JACQUE said:

26 minutes ago near Seaford
UPDATE ON SASSAFRAS...Her tests today did not fare well for her...they are going to do another biopsy w/cytology...should have results tomorrow but she had signs of cancer today in her liver. also they saw 2 fluid pockets in her pancreas that are new. Could be more infection. I should know more after my visit tomorrow (It may be time to give her peace ♥)


Update from Jacque's Facebook page:

GOOD NEWS...Sassy does not have cancer!
She was exhausted and miserable today but happy to see us . Her platelets were down when we left but they called and said they went back up so she doesn't need another transfusion. Her poor little bum is so sore from diareah but there is not much more they can do for that until she is eating on her own. She still refuses food but at least today she was trying to lick the stuff from her feeding tube so hopefully she will get interested in real food tomorrow. Still waiting for results from her culture in a day or two. Feeling hopeful

sending you lots of healing prayers and love. love you sassy

Wonderful news that Sassy does not have cancer!  What a relief for you Jacque and now hopefully she will improve quickly.  Prayers and love to you and Sassy.
PetBrags Pet Lovers Paradise said:

Update from Jacque's Facebook page:

GOOD NEWS...Sassy does not have cancer!
She was exhausted and miserable today but happy to see us . Her platelets were down when we left but they called and said they went back up so she doesn't need another transfusion. Her poor little bum is so sore from diareah but there is not much more they can do for that until she is eating on her own. She still refuses food but at least today she was trying to lick the stuff from her feeding tube so hopefully she will get interested in real food tomorrow. Still waiting for results from her culture in a day or two. Feeling hopeful

Update from Jacque's Facebook page:

Update on Sassafras...She is VERY ill with severe necrotizing pancreatitis . Talked to the vet this morning...more blood work and sonogram today and still waiting for her culture results
Update. 11:30pm. 11/1/13... No change today...not better but not worse...what a nightmare. :(. My husband and I are going back up to see her in the morning. It is sooo hard having her so far away, it takes us a couple of hours to get there, we get tho see her for about 1/2 hour then she is tired and needs her rest, then the drive home...and wait...and pray...and wait...and pray. I wish she would just start eating on her own. If she makes it through this she will have a long recovery. I just want this to be over and to hold her and love her. <3
UPDATE....11/2/13. 8pm....a HUGE difference since the day before yesterday... Sass just might make it...she started eating long as she tolerates it she should improve... the vets are amazed!!! She was bright and alert today.
I just hope it lasts this time. <3

What wonderful news! She is so adorable. I'll insert the pic here too, so it is displayed without having to click.

Thanks for the update, still praying!



So happy for you Jacque, it's mommas love that keeps them! hats off to the vets!

Thank God,  I am so happy to hear this Jacque, give your little Sass a big hug and kiss from me.
JACQUE said:

UPDATE....11/2/13. 8pm....a HUGE difference since the day before yesterday... Sass just might make it...she started eating long as she tolerates it she should improve... the vets are amazed!!! She was bright and alert today.
I just hope it lasts this time. <3
Thanks Jen...she sure has a LOT of people praying for her. <3

PetBrags Pet Lovers Paradise said:

What wonderful news! She is so adorable. I'll insert the pic here too, so it is displayed without having to click.

Thanks for the update, still praying!



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