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Smudge Passed away a while ago, but I still think of her.
I had her mostley while I was growing up-I was her person.

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I would like to share with everyone that may have loss, this message

Your Own Grief

The death of someone who is significant to you is one of the hardest things you will experience in your life. Whether it is expected or a shock, the enormity of loss is something that impacts on you in a very profound way.
Grief takes a long time to work through. There are no hard and fast guidelines for this. It takes as long as it takes, but as a general rule it will take longer than you expect. It is important not to try to 'get over it' too quickly, not to adopt a 'stiff upper lip' attitude. Grief is an inevitable and human response. If suppressed, it may well surface at some later, less appropriate stage. Sometimes there seems to be an expectation that you will have recovered after a certain time has elapsed, but everyone has their own recovery time which cannot be hurried. The first anniversary of the death is an important milestone and can be particularly difficult. Subsequent birthdays and anniversaries can be poignant reminders of your loss, and you may need to find your own way of dealing with such times by either marking them as special commemorative events or by ensuring you distract yourself while time passes.

Bereavement is an entirely individual experience. No one can tell you how you will or should feel. Everyone grieves in their own special way but there are some generally accepted and recognised reactions:

You may at first feel totally numb, as if paralysed
You may find yourself unable to believe the person really is dead
You may find yourself very angry at being deserted
You may feel an enormous sense of unfairness
You may find yourself crying uncontrollably and unable to function as normal
You may feel guilty about surviving, about not having said goodbye; about leaving things unresolved
You may feel an aching void, as if you have lost a limb, which you feel will never be filled again
You may be traumatised if the death has been in any way violent such as through an accident, suicide or murder.
Comment by wanda farrow 19 hours ago
Delete Comment I 've just join this website and as I learn how to get around the site I ran across this form for loss pets and was truly glad to join. I loss my baby raven 12-18-08 I had to put her to sleep because she was suffering from a narrow wind pipe in her neck, i still wondering what could have cause to act out, I ask myself could have been taking trips to the groomer and the tool they use to keep them still could have been to tight because she wasn't a fighter she was a lover to everyone she came in contact with. I wonder about a lot of things I guess if I could of, would of, should of I think all the time so for everyone who have loss I feel your sorrow. by wanda / raven
I lost my MRT yesterday I feel like I am walking around with a hole in my heart and keep on thinking about him and crying its very difficult I almost cried at the shopping mall today
Awe sweetie i am here for you all my love wanda

Kim Hosken said:
I lost my MRT yesterday I feel like I am walking around with a hole in my heart and keep on thinking about him and crying its very difficult I almost cried at the shopping mall today
i dont think you ever forget a beloved pet they live on within  our heart and happy memories that you shared together . ive had many pets in my life and i remember everyone one of them and their traits


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