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When Mali was a young puppy she would try and hide her toys in the house, this would include an occasional chewy or bone that she tried to burry behind the stove or in a rug. As she has grown older this has not changed she has continued to try and bury her inside bones and chewys. Now Mali is much more magnanimous with her toys. Actually, she likes to share them. She thinks everyone should have a toy and makes it one of her personal jobs when she is not being my service dog to make sure everyone dogs and people included all have a toy or chewy close by just in case they might need one. Now if you do not take notice of this gift she went out of her way to place before you she will pick it up a couple of time and replace it, then out of utter annoyance of the fact you did not take notice she will toss it at you. So please if ever visiting, take notice!

As many of you know, I feed the girls raw food. Last night, we were feeding the girls raw pieces of chicken on a sheet on the kitchen floor. The other two girls had finished eating and Mali who always eats a little slower was just finishing up. Steve and I were leaning against the kitchen sink talking when Mali picked up a thigh and brought it over to us, and dropped it on the floor at our feet. I bit my lower lip to keep from giggling as Steve picked it up thanking her for sharing. She watched him closely fully expecting him to eat it, which I teased him he should do while trying to not laugh. Steve pretended to eat it, making chewing sounds, like he could fool her. Then he put the piece behind his back.

I could read her expression, it was less than 30 seconds before she took a step and looked behind his back at the piece of chicken and then up at him, like what the heck? He offered it to her, which she flatly said no way it is yours. He brought it back in front of him and offered it to her again. She gave him a look like if you did not want it you should never have taken it and then took it gingerly and went to try and bury it in the corner under the rug.

Steve reminded Mali no burying food in the kitchen. She had to eat it or all food is picked up, so she ate it and went back to her dish to eat more. We left the kitchen for a few moments and when we came back all the dishes were empty. After checking all the likely places for her to bury in the kitchen we cleaned up the sheet, and washed up the floor and told the girls it was time for their after dinner nap.

This morning I got up early so Steve could sleep in to let the girls out. When I came to the kitchen they were as happy as ever to see me however Mali was talking with her mouth full but whatever was in it she held way back so I could not see what it was. Usually she wants me to see what she is carrying, so she can show off, but this morning she was hiding it.

After unlocking the door I let Rani out and then Yuki, but I stopped Mali at the door and said, "Okay Mali what do you have in your mouth?" She answered in Wooos.. I don't have anything in my mouth. Sure she didn't! she was mumbling and her teeth were slightly opened. I said, " Mali tell me the truth what is in your mouth". She whimpered and sighed, but did not drop it. At this point I told her to drop it or she was not going out. I swear if there was dirt to scuff she would have. She backed up a step and spit out a yucky piece of old chicken she had stuck somewhere last night. I opened the door and out she went, and into the trash went the chicken.

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