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As we pulled onto the fairground lot, there were Dachshunds as far as the eye could see.  The first two beauties took our breath away as we stepped out of our car.  They both had luxurious, long hair that blew in the chilly September wind.


This was our very first trip to the Midwest Dachshund Festival!  The event is held annually at the Vermillion Fairgrounds in Oakville, Illinois.  I am very thankful to my father-in-law for loaning us his super-spiffy camera so that we could capture all of the wonderful doxiness.


 I had a blast at my first ever Dachshund Festival!

 Look at this gorgeous fur!

 All heads turned when this stroller arrived on the scene.  There are eight Dachshunds tucked inside!  The two at the top are both IVDD survivors who love to be chauffeured around.

 These glamour girls looked simply fabulous in their dresses and matching hats.

 Meet Daphne!  She is a double dapple Dachshund that lost one eye to cancer and is completely deaf.  But, she doesn't let anything stop her from living her best life.

 I just love this little dapple doxie!

 One of my dreams came true that day.  I got to witness my first set of Weenie Races!

 “Are ‘ya coming?"

  The most weenspirational moment was when Shadow’s dad removed his cart about ¾ of the way into the race and Shadow walked, unassisted, over the finish line!  You rock, Shadow!


  We also picked up a custom made carry bag in a fun Dachshund for our own little ween bean, Hope.  As you can see, she loves it!



I cannot wait to return to the festival next year!

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Comment by Lauren Kramer-Theuerkauf on September 17, 2014 at 8:19pm

OMG!!!!!  Lelo and Roxy are soooooooo adorable!  And I love the little sweater!  I have officially subscribed to your youtube page.  I don't want to miss a minute of these two cuties.

You are such an amazing person for taking such good care of Zena.  It takes a truly special person to love a special needs animal.  I agree about the husband eating last, too!  I do that with mine all the time.  He knows his place...after the fur babies!  That is such a scary thing that happened to Lelo.  I am glad that she made a full recovery.  She is very lucky to have you as her mom.

Comment by Wanda P on September 16, 2014 at 4:00pm
Here's crazy LELO playing, I had to b careful as she would run a way off leash, being, eagle, owl, hawk, country I was going to let that happen!
She made friends w the white kitty cat, now she won't chase them, but just checks em out!
Comment by Wanda P on September 16, 2014 at 3:47pm
I know they feel no pain on the pain killers, she would wait until I turned my back, and sit pretty, I'm yelling no!!! Poor thing, could not understand why mommy was locking her in her kenny, and yelling every time she'd roll, try and jump, or sit purity.. I could see her big brown eyes, going MOM, WTH just chill! But my vet was adamant keep her quiet 6 weeks, at the time I had ZENA who was blind diabetic, needed to go pee ten times up and down.. So mom was FRAZZELED and dad well I would say u have to watch LELO while I care, feed, give shots and (ZENA)walk the dog! Or I WILL not FEED YOU husband lol! He always got fed last lol.
I can not stress enough to people, get stairs, block access so dogs can not jump off the backs of couches, I use stools, tables.. That's how LELO got injured was I went to the hair dresser and came home, she jumped down 5 feet. I didn't notice her for about 2 hours, she was shivering under our blanket, I picked her up and she was straining to get away from me, like it hurt. I immediately called my vet, she said, crate her bring her in, straining is a sign of a disc or nerve injury. We had NO money, I was beyond devastated. Sobbing, my vets r wonderful ladies, gave me pain killer, and prescription for an ant inflammatory so I wouldn't have to pay for the more expensive pet drug.. I crated/kennelled her and now she's doing well! Knock on wood!
Comment by Lauren Kramer-Theuerkauf on September 16, 2014 at 11:26am

Wow, Wanda!  I know that when Theo, our long-haired Chihuahua, had bladder stone surgery, it was harder than heck to try to keep him calm.  He does not like being inactive.  I am soooo paranoid about Hope's back.  I keep reminding my husband to be VERY careful when picking her up and to ALWAYS use both hands.  Since she is a mini doxie, she weighs hardly anything and he tends to scoop her up.  I tell him that the starting cost for an IVDD surgery is $5,000.  That gets his attention!  I totally agree about the stairs.  We are actually going to purchase a set this weekend.  Hope is one hopping weenie!  She loves to swan dive off of the couch, the bed...she is pretty crazy.  I am glad that Lelo got pottie trained.  Holy, cow!  -45??  I totally could not handle that!

Comment by Wanda P on September 15, 2014 at 4:01pm
She was such a good girl, I would have her crated, she only whined when she had to go pee. I was supposed to keep her back strait 24/7 but would give in and have her lay on my tummy for an hour ever night, then feed her, then directly to the piddle pad and she was shy to pee, so I would have to stick my head in the bedroom, gave her her pain killer, and back in the crate. I did massages on her to take pressure off the disc.. But about 5 weeks in, every time I would turn my back, she'd roll, I'm like NOOOOOOOO. I needed eyes in the back of my head lol.. Now I recommend that every small breed, like Bichons, poodles, Dauhschnd, should have stairs up to the couch, or beds, carpets on all slick surfaces.. Also insurance for dogs would good. The best thing other than saving LELO, was she's now completely piddle pad trained, which is important as it can go down to -45 here!
Comment by Lauren Kramer-Theuerkauf on September 15, 2014 at 2:34pm

Thank you, Wanda!  I am so glad that your little Lelo made a full recovery!  Dogs have amazingly strong spirits.  Yes, Hope loves her new carry bag.  There is a clip inside that hooks onto her harness and it does limit her mobility, which is good because she is quite the wiggly weenie!

Comment by Wanda P on September 13, 2014 at 5:35pm
So cute, my LELO recovered from a pinched nerve, it was pure hell, crating 24/7 for 6 weeks. 2 years ago, her spine is curved so she could not have a successful surgery! But she's good now at 11. I saw this wiener costume and thought, that's a great way to stop dogs w disc issues from jumping or rolling!

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