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HaileysComet's Blog (5)

Loads of changes

Well holy cow did we ever get a surprise with Comet. It turns out she has no mountain dog in her. However, we've been told by 9 different people who have or have had an irish wolfhound, that she is the smallest one they have ever seen. She has to have some sort of border collie in her, and we can't totally figure out where her ears came from.

Her coat has that weird sparseness, her shape is identical, only a shorter version, and as she is getting older her face fur is getting…


Added by HaileysComet on October 7, 2010 at 8:39pm — 1 Comment

The cold can be an interesting thing at first.........

I had to laugh at poor Hailey and Comet. We woke to a nice layer of ice, and a wind blowing harder then any else this year. Of course Comet has never experienced anything like that, so she was almost frantic to get in after the quickest pe on record. I thought Haley was going to blow over form the strong wind. Poor little thing was too happy to relieve herself hurriedly as well.

Tracking across the ice was interesting as the door to the bulding is downhill. Getting up the hill…


Added by HaileysComet on November 22, 2007 at 9:00am — No Comments

As long as they're with us.......

My girls have become quite the travellers. My hubby has had to go over an hour drive 5x a week for a month, and we took them with us. The hospital we went to has an amazing park-like setting, so the girls got to have wonderful walks and playing and attempts at squirrel chasing. (Hailey did pull her Houdini routine once. Thank goodness she had to poop or I never would have caught up with her.)

They sleep almost the entire trips. We also take them to visit our friend's places. It's been…


Added by HaileysComet on October 28, 2007 at 1:23pm — No Comments

Too much in common. LOL!!

Ha ha ha ha. Yes, another blog post that starts with laughter. What can I say, I like to laugh. I just adopted a virtual pet. His name is Oinkie McSqueeliepants. After putting him on my profile I noticed that he looks amazingly like a pink Hailey. Look at my profile pic and tell me that doesn't look like Oinkie McSqueeliepants. I have, on occasion, mentioned to my hubby that Hailey kind of looks like a little pig. The way her muzzle is all bunched up, it kind of reminds me of a little piggy… Continue

Added by HaileysComet on October 4, 2007 at 8:28am — 2 Comments

OMG What have we gotten ourselves into???? LOL!!

Ha ha ha ha. We finally had to go and buy Comet her new crate. The little one had been fine all this time. All of a sudden on Saturday morning she could't sit up in it. AHHHH!!

We had been checking out prices but had held off till we could get a deal. We went into Belleville on word from the sales girl i phoned that there was a huge crate for only $50. The old saying that if something seems to good to be true than it is? It applies to this. So we inquired at other places and they ran…


Added by HaileysComet on October 3, 2007 at 9:01am — 1 Comment

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