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Lorraine Ondera
  • Jeffersonville, IN
  • United States
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Lorraine Ondera's Friends

  • Kathi
  • Brianna Henson
  • Gladys   Rydbom
  • Laura~PBP Admin

Lorraine Ondera's Page

Profile Information

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Hometown, State or Province / Country: We'd all love to know what part of the world you are from.
jeffersonville, indiana
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Pet Name(s):
Timmy and Alley
Parents: (Pet's Owners)
Lorraine and David
Breed(s) / Type(s): Nice VIRTUAL PETS Welcome Too! (any embedded code)
Pomeranian mix and Maine Coon mix. Both rescues.
Boy(s) or Girl(s):
Timmy the dog is the boy and Alley the cat is the girl.
Pet Birthday(s):
Alley was found in an alley on November 8, 2008. Timmy was rescued from the shelter in August of 2010
If "In Loving Memory of your Pet Angel": (and you want to share the dates) Please give their name.
Molly. My beloved cat when i was growing up of 13 years. She was more like a dog. Waiting for the school bus by the road and all.
I had many pets and many angels growing up and all recently passing by the time i left my parents home. All are angels now. My dog Heidi. My cats smokey, patsy, dusty, sally, thomas, L.T. spookey, Callie, Sassy. My geese, Egore amd Sady chicken lucas and rabbits.
About Me/Them: (Please ask your Pet Kid(s) what they want you to say about them.)
Timmy is full of life and loves to wrestle with his daddy, my fiance. He is energetic and certainly a "big dog in a little body." Once timid and shy, Timmy the timid little doggy man is now full of spirit. Alley is extremely rotten! She gets into absolutely everything and often times pulls Timmy into her schemes. She loves anything rubber with rubber bands being her absolute craving. Rubber bands must be kept way from her at all times. Alley and Tim love each other and act like brother and sister. She enjoys playing in the toilet and getting into trouble!!!!!
Was the arrival of your Pet Kid(s) planned or is there a story?
Alley was certainly not planned. I did an internship at a youth shelter my senior year of college. In taking out the recycling one evening I found Alley in the alley by a dumpster. She was a very small very dirty, very hungry little one that I couldnt resist taking home! 2 years later....She grew into a big girl that in too smart for her own good. She still acts like an alley cat although she is an inside kitty!
Personality Characteristics:
Sweet, Energetic, Playful, Sleepy, Demanding, Loving, Shy, All Bark and No Bite, Seriously Spoiled, Funny, Knows they're Funny
Timmy loves anything thats food and his beloved rope. Alley loves tuna, shrimp, fancy feast, and rubber bands. She adores knocking things over and adores watching the splat! And the humans scream her name ALLEY!
Timmy-pretty much is go with the flow. Alley hates you to touch her belly!! Or get too much her diva face space.
Nicknames / And by Whom:
Alley- Alley wally stink stink or just Stinker! She has stinky poop and is always up to no good!
Timmy - Timmy Boy and Silly Boy
My Favorite Toys:
Alley- Anything she knocks off and can bat around. Timmy- his rope or a ball.
My Favorite Treats:
Alley- tuna or shrimp
Favorite Type of Walk:
Alley and Tim both walk on a leash. Both just want to be outside
Favorite Ride:
Tim loves to go see his playmates!
My Best Pet Tricks:
Figuring out where mommy hid her hair ties or rubber bands
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Watch Alley and Timmy wrestling and loving on one another.

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Lorraine Ondera's Blog

Mischievous Alley

Posted on March 11, 2011 at 11:55pm 2 Comments

As from my brief profile of Ms. Alley and Mr. Tim it would come to your attention that Alley is the mischievous deviant that pulls Tim into her schemes. It never ceases to amaze me the ability of our pets to amuse themselves. I keep Alley's food bowl upon our kitchen table for which has become the table of miscellaneousness. Her food must be elevated as Timmy finds her food way more scrumptious than his own. A noise this afternoon…


Comment Wall (10 comments)

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At 6:20pm on May 25, 2011, Wanda P said…
wishing u a very happy birthday cheers wandap
At 5:17pm on May 25, 2011, Brianna Henson said…

I love your pics!! So cute! Alley and Timmy!


At 11:51am on March 25, 2011, Wanda P said…
Welcome to pb/plp, please make your self at home, cheers wandap
At 2:33pm on March 20, 2011, Gladys Rydbom said…

Joanne's Glitter Designs Hi Lorraine, Just stopping by to say hello and to see how you are. Your pictures are so nice and both of your babies are just the cutest. I also like the ones of all the cats looking in the window, cute! Looks like all is going good at your house!! Love to you my friend, Gladys
At 8:47pm on March 11, 2011, Gladys Rydbom said…

Joanne's Glitter Designs Hi Lorraine, Welcome to our pet lovers site, glad you have joined us. Your pets sound adorable and lots of fun. You are sure to meet many wonderful friends here so just enjoy checking out all the good things we have on this site.
Gladys, PB/PLP & my 3 fur babies, Harley, Katie & Casey Kitty
At 6:51pm on March 11, 2011, Brianna Henson said…
welcoem to petbrags Lorraine!!!
At 2:15pm on March 11, 2011, Kathi said…
I loved the video!!!  Thanks for sharing.
At 1:28pm on March 11, 2011, Laura~PBP Admin said…
Hello Lorraine..So glad that you joined our community! If you have any questions,  please don't hesitate to ask. :) Laura~PBP Admin
At 12:01pm on March 11, 2011, Regina D.-PBP Event Admin said…

Cute profile. 

WELCOME!!! Glad you could join. If you have any birthdays or events that you like to celebrate, please let me know. If you have any pets that you would like their picture on their event page, please send it along with their name and birthday. It will be added. Thanks. 

At 8:11am on March 11, 2011, Kathi said…

Welcome Lorraine, glad you are here.  I enjoyed reading about your pets, what would we do without them!!!!

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