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Comment by Kathi on January 25, 2011 at 4:25pm

Like the song "I did it my way"!  I am like that also, it actually is easier to do it myself than to go through a lot of stuff trying to get it done!!!!

Comment by Crystal Landreth on January 25, 2011 at 4:11pm
i have two boys seven and nine and i do work full time so yeah its kinda a lot but no complaints, i have things i have to do and things i want to do. the snakes do have some reaction technically its really a tolerance to being handled. and you have to handle frequently or they could forget it ok. mine does seem to always "gravitate" towards me especially when someone else is holding her i do know they know scents and im sure they prefer some over others and we did have one male ball origianl that would strike at me everytime i walked by the cage but only me not the dogs or larry or the kids ???? i duno what was up with him but i gave him to someone with more patience for it than me! especially when i do most of the cleaning feeding holding,etc. i couldnt even get mine out without him scaring the crap out of me and he was over 4 ft 3in round i wont keep anything that truly bites. boy a womans work really is neeeeeeever done! when i clip nails i clip 20 and grind 36 or something like that and my hubby... nothing :) thats ok i would rather it be done my way anyways
Comment by Kathi on January 25, 2011 at 3:00pm

I am stubborn also and don't give in easily!!!  How many kids do you have?  Do you work full time as well as all the rest of what you do?

I would love to meet your crew, not so much the snakes but if they are locked up okay!!!  A woman's work is never done!!!!  Mine doesn't even feed the dogs, loves to mess with them, but no grooming, feeding, or nail clipping.  Do snakes have any reaction to you as a person?

Comment by Crystal Landreth on January 25, 2011 at 2:51pm

mine says the same thing! lol i hate having outside pets they just get food thrown at em and forgotten about! i actually have argued that the snakes get more attention and are cold blooded!!! wont even snuggle back or be excited to see you! hahaha! but the man is opinionated and so am i and neither of us give in   :)   he says i have too much going... dogs, tring to train fred, play with clay, groom them weekly...nails...baths...etc, i do it, snakes, plants, kids, house work, job and occasionally my girlfriend... i tell him he can take the snakes, housework, and grooming and kids homework and i would feel much better   :)  he ignores me...hahahha

i do wish you could come meet my crazy lit crew at least stink and see that pet snakes are waaaay different than wild ones! 

Comment by Kathi on January 25, 2011 at 2:43pm
My husband was the same way, he was raised where dogs stay outside!!!  It took time but he came around and I am glad for that.  I don't think if you have a dog they should be relegated to living outside, that is no kind of life and you sure can't  be a good companion to them or them to you.  Tell him snakes should be outside!!! LOL!!!  If Stinky has bad breath maybe try changing the food he eats or giving him those greenie things.  I give mine a bone or rawhide daily and their teeth and gums are beautiful, no stinky breath either.  That is great about your son, I think kids have to learn tolerance and understanding of animals, it is harder for some than others.  I have had dogs all my life and can't imagine being without them.  I just love them more than anything in the world.  My husband says I have OCD!!!!!! 
Comment by Crystal Landreth on January 25, 2011 at 2:21pm

aaawwww thanks your so nice , i just love talkn dogs with someone who really cares for animals like i do! its mostly his breath. smells like hot trash from time to time, iknow i should get the b/w done prob will when we do have the money but i just cant even think of loosing him and its hard to get my hubby on board for paying! he just hasnt experienced inside dogs like i have and is still coming around to liking having them in the house. i grew up with two or more inside big dogs at a time and they were family and he thinks dogs are animals and should be kept outside,   :(     but im showing him how wonderful it can be and how great it is to watch the kids with em and our autistic son has really taken to Fred and hes usually very untolerant to animals.   :) hubby likes that!

Comment by Kathi on January 25, 2011 at 1:55pm

Crystal, some dogs do have a stronger odor than others so it might not be anything at all.There are a lot of good shampoos for dogs that might help with the odor.  I know it is scary to have the blood work done but it would be better and put your mind at rest.  Besides it might be something very minor.  Think about it anyway.

Hugs Kathi

Comment by Crystal Landreth on January 25, 2011 at 12:09pm
he is that love able too, just watch out he earned that name... lol... he really does stink pretty bad even after a bath! i think too many dumpster dives before has caused a changed in his...body chemistry ...?  i really duno, he has good teeth and gums and chews real bones pretty regular but if you get a good whif you kinda choke a lit bit but. to be honest im afraid to go have blood work done on him he otherwise seems pretty happy but im afraid of what the might find or stir up. but the smell dont stop me from kissn his face i just dont do it as much! i just cant believe no one wanted him hes really great no chewing, house broken, his hair does cause wuite a bit  of a BIG mess but he is gentle w kids and a great great GREAT WATCH DOG!
Comment by Kathi on January 25, 2011 at 11:59am
I just want to grab his beautiful face and plant a kiss on that nose!!!!!

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