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2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil

1 medium onion, halved and sliced

2 medium Roma tomatoes, coarsely chopped

1 medium red bell pepper, cut into julienne strips

4 jalapeño or habañero chilies, sliced crosswise with seeds

salt and black pepper

1 cup unsalted chicken broth

8 fresh bay leaves

1 pound shaved beefsteak

2 tablespoons chopped cilantro




1. In each of 2 large skillets, heat 1 tablespoon of olive oil over medium-high heat and add half of the onion, tomatoes, bell pepper and chilies, season with salt and pepper, and cook, stirring, until slightly softened, about 2 minutes.

2. Add half of the broth and bay leaves to each skillet and bring to a simmer. Lay beef slices over top, season with salt and pepper and cook, turning beef once, until it loses its pink color, about 3 minutes total. Transfer meat to a platter or plates. Simmer pan juices until slightly thickened, 1 to 2 minutes. Spoon vegetables and juices over the beef and sprinkle with cilantro.


Enjoy it.




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Looks Delicious!!! Yummy. Thanks for posting.


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