Ingrediens for 4 portions
1 ½ kg of pork knuckle ½ liters of broth 250 ml beer, dark 2 onions ,
in fissures cut 3 garlic toes 1 TL tomato paste 1 branch thyme, more freshly 1 branch sagebrush,
dryly 3 sheets of sage 1 TL salt ½ TL pepper 1 TL marjoram, gerebelt 1 TL sagebrush,
shredded 1 TL rosemary, shredded ½ TL caraway, crush fat to the roast perhaps water, hot few sauce binders.
pork knuckle wash, dry up and cut in routes-shaped. The knuckle of pork
with mixed herbs from 1 TL salt, 1/2 TL pepper, 1 TL shredded marjoram,
sagebrush, rosemary and 1/2 TL caraways rub.
In a roaster
roast fat heat up and sear the pork knuckle around brown. The cut onions
and 1 TL tomato paste allow to add and coroast briefly. With the broth
allow to wipe off and boiled. The thyme and sagebrush branch which lay
sage sheets and garlic toes in the roast sentence the stout beer allow
to pour and roast the Haxe in the preheated stove with 170 °C about 2.5
During the done time pour over the knuckle of pork several
times with roast sentence. Roast sentence, perhaps, with a little hot
water fill in. To let become the skin crisp, at the end of the roast
time allow to raise the stove temperature on 220°C and roast another
about 15 - 20 minutes.
The Haxe from the roaster take and
pour the roast sentence by a sieve, postspice, perhaps, with salt and
pepper. With sauce binder thicken quite carefully, the sauce should
remain thin-liquid.
The knuckle of pork serve best of all with bun dumpling and red cabbage.
In addition Bavarian strong beer.Prost!!