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Critter Camp News


Critter Camp Exotic Pet Sanctuary

caring for over 200 critters, comprised of 30 different species!

The only animal sanctuary of its kind in the U.S. and possibly the world!!

Critter Camp entered the

Stateline FastPitch Competition 2008 &

and was selected as one of 12 finalists out of 63 entries!

(Video of the finalists is supposed to be posted soon on their site)

We pitched our proposed GREEN Sanctuary building

to a group of over 100 area business people on Tuesday June 24.

Read our pitch here:

Hopefully there was just the right investor in the audience!!!


Critter Camp had a great time at the Freeport Pretzel Festival on Sat. June 28!


Welcome our newest Critters:

Hedges the hedgehog & Ari, Raz, Buddy & Buster the ferrets

Ari, Raz & Buster have adrenal disease, and Buddy had a stroke

** Thanks so much to SOS Support Our Shelters

For their help with the ferret portion of our vet bill !!!!!


Our newest fennec fox, Gizmo, is taming down really fast! We can hold him already & he has been exploring all over :)


We are currently not able to accept
the following pets because we are at
capacity in their enclosures:
Guinea Pigs

Once we have built our proposed sanctuary
we will be able to take these types in again.
We do still have room for all other exotic

We will have young and baby gerbils
available for adoption soon too!

Email or call for details!

Planning to schedule a tour?

Please note:

We are all booked up on the weekends through September!!

We do have some weekdays available in August yet, so call soon & plan ahead!!


Have you been planning to donate but just haven't gotten around to it? Well, do it now!!!!

Go to PayPal

or Network for Good

& give what you can!

No donation is too small, (or too large, for that matter! :)


The deadline is fast approaching to nominate your favorite Animal Hero!

The winner gets $10,000 donated to their animal charity, and a trip for 2!!

And the nominator gets $1,000!!!! So fill out the form now!!!!!


Animal Help has extended Critter Camp as the One Dollar One Month One Shelter Campaign recipient to the end of June!!!

So spread the word! We can still make this go "viral"!!

For just one little dollar per person! Really!!!

Send the site out to everyone you know!

Tomorrow is the last day!!!!!


Save the dates:

We will have a table with a few critters at German Valley Days

Friday July 18 (5-8) & Sat. July 19

11-1 & 3-7

We will also have a table with some critters at the Stephenson County Convention and Visitors Bureau Information Center on Rte 20

on Friday Aug 8 from 2-6pm


See our latest videos!!!!

and cute pics here:


Have you sent in your monthly or annual sponsorship yet??
Please do so now!

Critter Camp has vet and insurance bills to pay asap!!!


Welcome to all of our brand new subscribers!!!!

Of course with anything new, there are always glitches to work out- so, please forgive us if you did not want to receive this newsletter, or if you received duplicate copies of it. To unsubscribe please reply to this email with "unsubscribe" in the subject line, or send an email to ; if you received duplicate copies of the newsletter please respond with "duplicate" in the subject line. Thank you!!!

To unsubscribe to Critter Camp News please reply to this email with "unsubscribe" in the subject line.

Critter Camp is a registered 501c3 tax exempt not-for-profit charitable organization. All donations are tax deductable. Receipts available upon request.

Critter Camp is a member of the Rockford Chamber of Commerce and the Northern Illinois Center for Nonprofit Excellence

Please forward this email along to share with anyone & everyone!

Thank you!!!

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My lizard!

Started by Lumpy!!. Last reply by Splashstorm Sep 2, 2012. 3 Replies

Which exotic pets do you want?

Started by Splashstorm Sep 2, 2012. 0 Replies

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Started by Lumpy!! Aug 26, 2009. 0 Replies

Critter Camp news 7-2-08

Started by Beth Randall Jul 3, 2008. 0 Replies

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