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Hi! Great to be a part of the PetBrags Exotic Pets Group! I am the director of Critter Camp Exotic Pet Sanctuary - be sure to check out our site!
We care for over 200 homeless exotic pets of 30 different species!
I'll be happy to answer any questions anyone has about exotic pets as best I can :)
PS- Check out our latest bulletin:
This is an e-mail from 'AnimalHelp Animal Shelter Campaign'
http://shelters. animalhelp. com/
****UPDATE 6/12/08: (As posted on our website today)
We apologize but because of several disasters in South Georgia and the midwest, I have been away from internet access to update the new shelter of the month for June. Helping the communities and animals that needed immediate aid had to come first! I am now back home and I see many emails from people asking about the June shelter of the month. Wow, already the 12th!
Well, we do not want to slight the next shelter so Danielle and I would like to make a challenge - lets give Critter Camp until the end of June. We have raised $644 for them during May - lets try to make it at least an even $1000 shall we? If you were not able to give one dollar last month, please do so now! Our goal will be just $366 more by month's end and then we will begin raising funds for Much Love Animal Rescue in Los Angeles, CA.
Thanks to all of you who donated last month!
Jodi & Danielle Witte
http://shelters. animalhelp. com/

Message from Critter Camp Exotic Pet Sanctuary:
Thanks so much for giving us a few more weeks! This is great & much needed! We recently took 14 of our 21 ferrets to the vet and they all needed, shots, medications and or implants!
We have a huge vet bill to pay down- every bit helps!
Please visit our website:
www.crittercamp. biz and see the rest of the 200+ rescued critters too!!
We have new videos up & more!

Please share this message with anyone & everyone!

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My lizard!

Started by Lumpy!!. Last reply by Splashstorm Sep 2, 2012. 3 Replies

Which exotic pets do you want?

Started by Splashstorm Sep 2, 2012. 0 Replies

written by Shnauzer

Started by Lumpy!! Aug 26, 2009. 0 Replies

Critter Camp news 7-2-08

Started by Beth Randall Jul 3, 2008. 0 Replies

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