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What do you think of pet psychics?

Do you think that pet psychics are for real? Do animals really communicate telepathically and if so can we humans really enter into that discussion? Well I say yes. I am a professional animal interspecies communicator and I have been doing this for over 15 years now.  When I first started I was a s big a skeptic as there is. But after a 3 day workshop in which animals told me things I could not have otherwise known, I was converted.

So say you do believe it is possible. Do you believe that YOU can do it? Well the answer to all these questions is everyone can do it. "psychic ability" is not a special gift. Intuition is not something to scoff at or relegate to "women's intuition". It does take putting aside our skepticism, our "empirical" mindset, our left brainitis. It is a right brain function. And like any other skill it takes practice, practice, practice.

So how do you start? By "listening". Listening is in and of itself a skill and one many in the western world do not have in the same abundance that those in the eastern world do. Can you do that? Can you "listen"? Can you learn to meditate? Can you set aside your skepticism about "telepathy"? If you can then you can begin. Once you are really relaxed and open, picture in your mind the animal you want to talk to. Look deeply into their eyes. Look into their soul. Then still imagining them call their name three times as you imagine their name landing on their back. Ask permission to speak with them. Respect for the animal you want to talk with is critical.

But don't be surprised if the animal is surprised that YOU can hear THEM. Most animals long a go gave up on humans re-member-sing the telepathic means of communication. Then practice, practice, practice. Find books to read on telepathy and animal communication. Practice telepathy with people. Listen to cds or watch DVDs on animal communication. Take every opportunity to learn and to practice.

Remember - everyone CAN do this. You have to WANT to. You have to have an open mind. You DON'T have to believe when you begin. I didn't. But you do have to at least be open to the possibility. If you are, soon you will be happily conversing with your animal friends - "and they can talk with you!"


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I always wanted to talk with my dogs    :)

Does it work with cats? How about other pets?

Works with all sentient beings...even insects...
Personally I think they are frauds. I do think you can get a sense of what your animals are feeling occasionally an idea as clear as a spoken word. Mind you it could be your brains largest wish to see your fourlegged animal that way. or maybe there is more to this than any of us know for sure.I think it is more a case of feeling what your animals want than anything else now how this works is hard to say but as for pet psychics I don´t believe in them at all. 

Lisbeth, I respect your position. I very honestly did not believe it either. 15 years ago when I went to the first workshop I WANTED to believe. But I didn't. I told the group the first night that I was a total skeptic. Fraud is a hard word because for me it implies that I am "intentionally" trying to fool someone and I have way to much respect for humans and animals to ever do that. Believe me I struggle with it all the time. I verify and verify to make sure what I am doing is authentic and done with integrity. When I went to that first workshop, a dog told me things I could never have known. The dogs person was a cop and would not tell us what happen to the dog before she got her. The dog told me she had been shot in the face. And she had been. I can only know what my experience tells me.
Sorry if I sounded harsh When I used the word fraud in this context. I can tell you it is based on experiences with socalled psycics that I have encountered. They were frauds and hence my rather negative view of this subject has been coloured by that. However having had quite a few strange experiences over the years I can say that there is more betwixt the heavens and earth than any of us know about. I have seen and felt things that should not be there but they were I can´t explain it nor do I try to I simply accept them as is. So I know how you feel Thanks for sharing its always refreshing to hear more than one perspective of a given subject. 
Thank you SO much for that response.
You are welcome if you want to see pictures of my lads merely have a look at the photoes on my profile page.
I would love to be able to talk to my dogs, I frequently 'talk for them' and my fiancee sometimes thinks that I'm channeling their thoughts. lol Mostly because it just sounds like something they would say if they could. I don't know if it's all for real, but I'd love it if it was.

Well, for starters, it isn't true that a dog's bark would be a spoken thing in their language as it just do not work that way.  But it would be safe to say that they have their own way of communicating, whatever thing they have going with them.

Pretty much like how ants do it.  Obviously, some would argue that they could speak softly which is way beyond how they could be audible, but they have their own way of communicating with others as well.

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