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I have a hobby called geocaching , have any of you heard of this, i take my dog with me and he loves to route around for the little containers that we find.

For those of you who don't know what geocaching is, let me explain.

It's modern day treasure hunting using a handheld gps receiver, i get the co - ordinates from a website ,, download them to my gps, make a note of the difficulty (and of course whether they are dog friendly), make a note of the clue and then off we go.  You follow the gps to the co- ordinates (this is called ground zero or GZ for short), and using the clue you look for a small contaner , this is either a film cannister or it can be as large as an old ammo box, but mostly they are tupperware containers.

Inside each container there is a log book that you sign with your geocaching name, (mine is , ' cachehunny'. ), then you can swap little trinkets, the idea is , if you take something , you leave something of equal or greater value for the next person to find.  Then when you get home you can log your finds on the web site.

I have found about 410 of these since i started in October of 2009, i've visited places i would never have known about , and seen some amazing things, not to mention the friends i've made.

I can definetley recommend this hobby (which kids love) as it is a mixture of computer , gps  and treasure hunting, it gets the kids out of the house and is a really cheap way for the whole family to have fun and spend time together.

Does anyone else geocache with their dog?

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I have never heard of that Jacqueline, but it sounds like fun!!  I will go to the web site and check it out.  Thanks for sharing.

Have a great day. Kathi

I'v never heard of it, but I think it sounds cool. Like a scavenger hunt using technology. I'm checking out the website. :)
like i said, i love it and so does my geohound, kids love it too as it combines computers with hunting for little trinkets, i've been doing it for a little over a year now and i've made so many fantastic friends, we hold something called a mega event every year where we all camp out and talk all things geocaching, last year the event was in Perthshire in Scotland , England , it was fantastic, and every month we all meet in our regions at a pub usually and eat and discuss again, all things geocaching, they're a great bunch and i'm glad i met them

Brianna Henson said:
I'v never heard of it, but I think it sounds cool. Like a scavenger hunt using technology. I'm checking out the website. :)
I never heard of that, but it must be a joy for the dog? I have no idea!
SOUNDS REALLY COOL! ill have to try that with my boys!
kanga  likes to play treasure hunt  i hide either one of his favourite toys or his favourite chewy bone i count to ten then tell him to find he goes crazy with excitment  looking for the treasureonce found  he looks at me as if to say  found it mum  next one please, he  also loves  it when i hide something for him to fetch in bags he digs deep tail wagging and when retrieved munch munch as quik as possible
I have never heard of geocache before but I am sure this is a game my Princess Ruby would love. She likes to follow trails and find little things hidden in the fields.
this sounds like a blast, i have never heard of it!! but so cool.. thanks for sharing

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