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From Tilly the rescuedog - Meet the Ancestors? Me, A Wolf?

Hi everyone
The wolf
The other day, Harry, who has been very poorly lately, was sitting looking at a book and he began to tell me about the things he was reading. It was about the ancestors of all us modern day dogs, the Wolf. Apparently all of us, from little old me, to the Great Dane and the tiny Chihuahua, share a common ancestry, being descended from Canis Lupus, or, the Wolf. It seems that there are 39 subspecies of the wolf, including Canis Lupus Familiaris, (that's us, the domestic dog). It's hard to believe isn't it, when you look at some of the breeds of my modern cousins, that we all share a great deal of our DNA with such a proud and noble beast. Harry also told me that one of the species of wolf, the GRay Wolf, is now on the endangered species list, and that made me so sad. What a shame it would be if my ancestors were to die out and not be here anymore for people to look at and admire. After all, it must have taken quite some effort by Harry's and your ancestors to convince the Wolf, many years ago to live in peace with humans and then allow itself to become a domesticated animal. Harry says that's why he wrote Wolf, the adventure story that will be released in June, in an effort to help people understand the wolf and to realize that it is not a vicious and violent predator, but simply another one of nature's great and beautiful creatures, that shares our planet and wants only to be left in peace, to hunt for food and to take care of its young, much as they have done for many centuries. So, I will leave you with the pictures Harry found of my own, and every modern dog's most noble ancestor. Hope you like them.

Lots of love
Tilly (Canis Lupus Familiaris....hehe)

Harry's forthcoming book, Wolf can be pre-ordered from 4RV Publishing at ;

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Comment by Brian L Porter on March 18, 2011 at 7:49am

Thanks Kathi, and yes, there are so many species of my ancestors in decline, I could cry. It's so sad.

Let's hope some humans do something soon to help preserve them for the future of the world.


Lots of love


Tilly XX

Comment by Kathi on March 18, 2011 at 7:28am

That is a wonderful blog Tilly!   Not only is the Grey Wolf endangered but the Mexican Wolf is almost extinct and there are many people fighting to save them.  Let's all hope that they are successful.  Hugs to you Tilly and all your fury  buddies..


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