Animal Communication is widely recognized by rescues and humane societies all over the world as a means to understand an animal’s perceptions. Mental energy is transferred between animal and communicator, mind-to-mind. Physical distance is irrelevant to the process. Information is related in pictures, words, emotions and physical sensations.
Have you ever thought that your pet is trying to tell you something but you're not sure what?
Do you want to know what more you can… Continue
Added by Cherie Vergini on January 7, 2009 at 9:07pm —
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We had a unique and amazing adventure here at Critter Camp this weekend! We rescued a former pet juvenile American Alligator on Friday and on Saturday Bob, a wonderful licensed handler, came and picked him up. Alligators are not legal as pets and are obviously very DANGEROUS! More pics here:
And visit our site…
Added by Beth Randall on January 6, 2009 at 10:29pm —
1 Comment
Hey peeps! I hav'nt been on in FOREVER! I forgot my email :P,I missed all you guys!!!!!alot has happened,I moved again! so now we only have Rover Snickers cocoapuff Holly Kooty and Rocky :( I miss my baby's :*( But Rachel got a yorkie! Her name is,..Good luck and have fun
Added by December Mcarter on January 6, 2009 at 8:16pm —
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Help me!The first day of 2009 I found my hamster Buddy dead in his cage.I broke out crying and couldn't stop.My mom said I forgot to give him water and that made me feel even worst because then I thought that his death was my fault .I thought that 2009 was going to start better but I guess I was wrong.On the plus side I am getting a guinea pig and I hope that I can keep him longer.
Added by meghan on January 2, 2009 at 10:03pm —
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Critter Camp Exotic Pet Sanctuary
Season's Greetings Wishing you...
every happiness this Holiday Season and in the New Year.
All the best to you and your family, and the furry, scaly, and/or feathered critters in your life!
Critter Camp Exotic Pet Sanctuary
Added by Beth Randall on December 22, 2008 at 11:06pm —
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Have you ever wondered what your animal thinks about you?
Would you like to discover if they really have a sense of humor?
Are you concerned about their health or curious about their thoughts and feelings?
If your animal has recently passed, have you ever wondered what are they doing on the Other Side?
An animal intuitive consultation can open up a whole new level of communication and understanding between you and your pet.
Understanding your animal's…
Added by Cherie Vergini on December 17, 2008 at 8:04pm —
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Although you may think all pet food manufacturers have your pet’s best interests in mind, this is not always the case. Current pet food regulations allow manufacturers to use ingredients that you would never knowingly give to your pet. In fact, you may be shocked to learn what some brands of pet food really contain. Please go to and scroll down to the page and watch this short presentation before you commit to a brand of food for your loving companion.
Added by Christiana on December 10, 2008 at 12:30pm —
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Added by Beth Randall on December 2, 2008 at 4:12pm —
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Want to buy stuff with your pet’s photo on it? Or buy a great gift with a photo of the recipient’s pet on it? For a limited time we are offering to add YOUR photos to products for you to buy! Wouldn't grandma love a coffee mug with a pic of her little puppy on it? Little Suzy could share stickers of Fluffy her kitty with all her friends! The possibilities are endless! What great one-of-a-kind Holiday gifts!…
Added by Beth Randall on November 20, 2008 at 10:23pm —
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Add your Pet to PetBrags, today! It's FREE!
The Dachshund & Pink the Pig
This Dachshund is fostering this little guy for another mom who couldn't take care of him.
He had his eyes closed, but now they are open. He is just a little bigger than her other pups.
She loves this little guy as much as the other…
Added by PetBrags Pet Lovers Paradise on November 20, 2008 at 12:30pm —
His name is Duke and he's 1 year old. I can't believe this is finally happening! He still acts like a puppy and needs a lot of training, but I'm ready for it. I'm going to meet him, and 9 chances out of 10, take him home tomorrow afternoon! He's going to sleep on the couch in my room. It really happened fast...3 days fast...
Pepper is going to be grumpy, but he'll get over it. This big boy just wants to play all of the time! The organization that picked him up gets the dogs that need…
Added by Schnauzer on November 19, 2008 at 11:38pm —
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why does wvrything go why is the sky blue why is the grass green why am i a girl why do i have long hair whywhywhy theres so many questions in the world but some of us can figure it out...........
Added by luccy4lyfe on November 7, 2008 at 9:20pm —
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Added by Truff and Randi on November 4, 2008 at 2:15pm —
1 Comment
Pepper is only 7 years old and is wasting away. There are only two possibilities: a pancreatic deficiency OR cancer. He may be the fastest dog that comes to the dog park (second only to a Greyhound), and he may carry 4-6 pounds on his back for 1.5 hours and still have energy to burn, but he's sick. He lost 1.4 pounds of muscle in 2 months. In a year he has lost 4 inches around his neck of pure muscle. He can now fit in his puppy collar. He went from 15 inches around the neck to about 11. You…
Added by Schnauzer on October 30, 2008 at 9:00pm —
Foods to avoid are....
Pear pips, the kernels of plums, peaches and apricots, apple core pips (contain cyanogenic glycosides resulting in cyanide posioning)
Potato peelings and green looking potatoes
Rhubarb leaves
Mouldy/spoiled foods
Yeast dough
Coffee grounds, beans & tea (caffeine)
Hops (used in home brewing)
Tomato leaves & stems (green parts)
Broccoli (in large amounts)
Raisins and grapes
Cigarettes, tobacco,…
Added by JACQUE on October 29, 2008 at 8:28pm —
Veterinary toxicologists at the Animal Poison Control Center are currently investigating cases where dogs have developed kidney failure after ingestion of large quantities of grapes and raisins. The veterinary toxicologists are attempting to determine the causative agents or disease processes. Pet owners whose dogs have ingested large quantities of grapes or raisins, or veterinarians managing such cases, are encouraged to call the ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center (888) 426-4435…
Added by iadybug423 on October 29, 2008 at 5:19pm —
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Mother duck's 'bird brain' saves ducklings
She grabs police officer by pant leg to lead him to her brood trapped under grate
Nicholas Read Vancouver Sun
Ray Peterson, Special to the Sun / Mother duck shows police officer where her ducklings fell through a grate into a sewer underneath the Granville Street Bridge.
Don't mention "bird brains" to Ray Petersen, because after what happened this week, he won't hear a word of…
Added by JACQUE on October 29, 2008 at 8:13am —
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Jet Li loves to share Turtlemann's food, rich in greens, or lettuce and often with grapes and apples.
We have to watch Jet Li because he will eat far more than his share and then throw them up. Other Pug owners have shared that their pug soes the same thing.
My brother sent me this note:
-Veterinary toxicologists at the Animal Poison Control Center are currently investigating cases where dogs have developed kidney failure after ingestion of large quantities of…
Added by iadybug423 on October 27, 2008 at 7:52pm —
Southern Toads and toads in general are not considered social animals, but rather solitary. I have kept Southern Toads (and one Woodhouse) since I was 9 years old. I am am never without at least one toad for more than a few weeks and have found quite the contrary to be true. Every toad I have had has done better with at least one other toad. When by themselves, especially after the death of all other tank-mates, they stop eating. My male toad was in…
Added by Schnauzer on October 26, 2008 at 1:15am —
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Added by JACQUE on October 21, 2008 at 2:57pm —
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