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Italian Greyhound Did You Know?

The Italian Greyhound is the smallest of the family of Gazehounds (sighthounds).

The Italian Greyhound is believed to have originated more than 2000 years ago in the Mediterranean basin, possibly in the countries now known as Greece & Turkey.

The Italian Greyhound was a favorite of the Italians of the 16th century with whom miniature dogs were much in demand.

The Italian Greyhound was frequently included in Renaissance paintings by such famed artists as Giotto, Carpaccio, Memling, Van der Weyden, David, and Bosch.

Favorite of various royal families, including the consort of England's James I, Anne of Denmark; Mary Beatrice d'Este of Modena, the Italian consort of James II; Frederick the Great of Prussia; Catherine the Great of Russia, and Queen Victoria.

The first volume of the English Kennel Club's Stud Book listed 40 of the breed; Volume III of the AKC Stud Book (1886) contains the first Italian Greyhound registration in this country, although it was not until 1950 that as many as 50 were registered in this country.

President John Tyler bought his wife an Italian Greyhound named "Le Beau."

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I knew this but did you know that the whippet is considered as old as the IG? did you know that greyhounds were royal companions until 1912 when the first mechanical hare was invented and the use of greyhounds for racing became entertainment and that the fall from grace for the greyhound has continued till our day. Did you know that they die in their thousands when they are not fast enough or they get injured at the racetrack. Did you know that most racing greyhounds never see their third birthday. These ancient and most noble of all sight hounds the greyhounds. I like the IG they are lovely but admittedly I love greyhounds and whippets as well. Just thought I would let you know what goes on. Not to spoil your fun but merely to let you know that thousands of the oldest breed of dog known to man needs all the help they can get. Just to let you know what I spend my days doing taking care of my lads and helping to rescue/alert others to the plight of racing greyhounds.


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Italian Greyhound..... Did You Know?

Started by JACQUE. Last reply by Lisbeth Mønsted Larsen Oct 12, 2010. 1 Reply

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