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I am going nuts with my cat-I had him at the vet. a few months ago when he got sick for the first time in his 12 years of life-he threw up,and did not eat or drink? Well they charged me $200 w/ xrays ,and blood work ,gave him a shot of water in his back to rehydrate him,and got him to eat some can food-but did not know what was wrong with him! Now he has quit eating again and no bowl movements-he drinks water and urinates,and dose not throwup! But-he has been doing this now for 2 weeks-he is going to die -I have tied to feed him every thing I can think of,and all he has had is a few paws of hair ball past,and some tuna juice! I can't get another vet. to look at him unless I bring money,and I don't have $300-the HUMANE SOCIETY WOULD NOT HELP EITHER,i TOLD THEM ALL i WOULD MAKE PAYMENTS,BUT NO THEY DID NOT CARE ABOUT THE CATS HEALTH -JUST MONEY! W ell if I can get him out from under the bed during the day ,I am going to take him to one of them ,and say this is how much I have please look at him,and I will pay off the rest-maybe if I am in the office they will take him? I can not take this ,and I am sure he is thinking the same thing! Has any one had this happen to their cat,and if so-what is it?

Thanks Diana Oliver -For Employee of the Month

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No one is going to be able to diagnose him properly without seeing him. It's a horrible situation to have a sick pet baby and not have the funds to help them. I'm still paying off huge bills for one of mine. It really is ridiculous. I'm sorry the two of you are going through this. It could be so many things, and not even going to go there.

He's probably too sick to drive to vet to vet. But maybe get on the phone, and calmly ask every local vet if they will take payments? I don't know what to say. There just aren't good words for a situation like this. Just know I'm thinking about you. Here's what comes to mind. Take him back to the Vet where you paid them $200. Be very calm (do a good acting job), but extremely concerned. Don't talk about money. That's a mistake. Just calmly state that you will pay payments (will not can). Insist that they look at him again and get to the root of the problem. Then, they really have no choice but to take payments - - if you can talk them into looking again. I feel if you paid them $200 you may be able to get somewhere with them. Did they do blood tests? I can't imagine any vet looking at a really sick animal and not checking their blood. The results can indicate so many different health issues.

Last but not least, do you have an Animal Hospital? Not an emergency clinic - - they always demand money up front. An Animal Hospital with an emergency entrance. That may be a good thing to try. I swear if I were a wealthy person, and not the first time I've said this - - I would open free Animal Hospitals across the World.

Thanks,but I had called all the vets in town,and the Humane So.,and this town is such pet lovers-if you have $$$-So I sold some things for part of the bill and went to a new vet.-still owe money-and I have to go back to the new one ,so I will have to sell my body I guess? LOL! he was in kidney failure she said? I am giveing him water out of a drip bag like you see in the hospital? If you have ever had to stick a cat w/ a needle under the skin every day and think he's going to just lay there while you wait for it to go in-well you cat people understand! He took his first bite of food by him self after 2 1/2 weeks-but it was just a bite,I do not know what is keeping him alive? I hope he starts to eat more ,because I can not aford a feeding tube! He has to stay on (-not cheap )kidney food for the rest of his life-not that I fed him cheap food ,but this is like $17 a small bag-4lb's,but if it helps I will get it,and you can't get it at any store-you have to get it from the vet.-So you make sure you have it on hand,that is if he gets better-I hope and pray he dose! I know he will die some time,but I can't stand to watch him suffer,I want him to go easy and in his sleep -ya know? I can wish -or I want him to live for 10 more good years! Thanks From Scratched & broke! Diana!
Hi Diana,
I understand these types of life issues with our pet children. I've really been in a pickle before trying to raise huge funds for my baby Tillie - - her diabetes, cataract surgeries and final stomach surgeries. It was more $ than I even want to admit. But, it all worked out over time. I'm very happy to hear that you were able to get some help, even if it meant selling a few things. Because I know it's not only helping your sick baby, but helping you too. Keep your chin up, and I'm still thinking about you two with healing thoughts and prayers.
Best to you,
PetBrags said:
Hi Diana,
I understand these types of life issues with our pet children. I've really been in a pickle before trying to raise huge funds for my baby Tillie - - her diabetes, cataract surgeries and final stomach surgeries. It was more $ than I even want to admit. But, it all worked out over time. I'm very happy to hear that you were able to get some help, even if it meant selling a few things. Because I know it's not only helping your sick baby, but helping you too. Keep your chin up, and I'm still thinking about you two with healing thoughts and prayers.
Best to you,
Thanks a lot for your help,it ment so much! I had to go back,get more bags-he still will not eat-I don't think he's going to make it? I just spent my rent money now ,and people said just let him die! ( I hate some PEOPLE) I can not keep up the bills any longer! Hope he starts to eat?
Thanks Diana
I'm so sorry to hear that he's still not eating. I wonder what would happen if you put his food in a blender? That might make it easier for him to digest, and entice him to eat?

I'm so very sorry you're both going through this. It's so difficult.
The food he gets is blended,he likes his dry once in a great on top of all of this my very,very best friend-like a mother to me,passed away in Ark. and I can't get there either! She has helped me for the last nine years with all my ills and some money problems when I was in a wheel chair! I did get to go see her in Oct.! She did live here but moved,and I was going w/ her ,but I had to stay and take care of my Dad,and go through a year long treatment for my liver! Now I have lost the only 3 big people in my life in the last 2 years1 I have a son ,but because I don't belong to the cult church he dose,I don't get to see him much,they have him all the time-thats a long story! I just can't take any more? I don't know what is going to happen now,she was my person that kept my feet on the ground,if you know what I mean,because of not enough money to do every thing-I missed the service in Arkansas! I am glad I went in Oct.,but what to do the rest of my life with out her to talk to?
Thanks for your support Diana
It tough, and life can be so hard. Believe me, I know. Lost my baby Tillie (West Highland Terrier, and why PetBrags was born) -- anyhow, lost her, 2 weeks later my Dad, and 1 year later my best friend to Cancer. The money thing, don't even want to go there.

Take it a day at a time. That's all we can do. The past 5 years have been the hardest of my life, and I'll leave it at that. Everyday this is what I do. I sit quietly. I thank God (sorry if that's sensitive for you) for every little tiny thing I have, that I'm grateful for. It's amazing what all comes out of those few minutes of thanks. Believe me, I understand.

I'm very sorry to hear of your huge loss. Like my best friend and rock told me, she will always be in your heart and mind.

Chin up, and stay strong.
Best Regards,

Employee of the Month said:
Thanks for all of your kindness,now I am going to go force feed a kitty,I can't stand any more! I have started shooting food down its throat,and then back to the vet.if they will take me w/ no money this time?I may really have to drop my internet business and all my sites,its just getting to bad! I can go to the library and get e-mail,but I don't want to! I hope all stays well with you and yours if I don't get to talk at you again!
See Ya and Thanks Diana & Kitty

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