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Hi so my name is Macy. I'm a 15 and a half week old puppy. The doctor thinks I'm a German Shepherd / golden retriever mix. I know, I'm cute! Well that's what everyone else says, so I hope I am. I love to play with all my toys, chew on daddy's shoes, play with whats it called? Bra? Ya, that's it, I play with mommy's bra, which she gets mad about. What? I don't have big teeth. I cant tear it. Speaking of teeth, mine hurt so badly! Daddy says it's cause I'm teething, whatever that means. All I know is that it really hurts!

I love my mommy and a daddy. Mommy got me when I was only 10 weeks old. I was so little then! She got me from this lady who found me and my siblings under an abandoned house. So mommy took me in! She's been taking me to the doctor to get my shots, and she even takes me to work! Mommy is a paramedic, and she enrolled me in a special therapy dog program. I know I'm kinda young for it but it doesn't hurt to start early! Daddy doesn't work right now. He's looking for a job but he can't find one.

Here's a picture of me when mommy got me.

Wasn't I little? I'm getting big now though. Mommy took me to the doctor the other day and I weighed 15 lbs! I've gained 8 lbs! Mommy was proud of me that day because I was brave getting my shots. But I'm scared of my next appointment at the end of the month. Not only am I getting more shots, but I'm getting, what did they call it? I think it was called spay. I heard it hurts. Oh and mommy told them to give me a microchip so I wont get lost. Please tell me its going to be alright!!!

So today I'm stuck in my crate, because I'm in timeout. I peed on the couch, which apparently I'm not supposed to do. It's not fair! I just had to pee! I know I have to pee outside (that's what mommy says), but I can't just go up to mommy and say "I need to pee!". I can't talk, which I think is so unfair. Dogs should be able to talk like mommy and daddy can. Anyways, so I peed on the couch and am in timeout till mommy or daddy lets me out.

Mommy just bought me a new shirt yesterday. At first I thought it was a new toy to play with, But then she put it on me. I'm not sure I like having it on, but apparently everyone thinks it's cute. I cant read, but my mommy says that what it says is perfect because I love to give kisses. I do. Everyone deserves a kiss!

Mommy's taking me out to go potty now. I'll be back laters!

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