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So, I will tell you all the updates about my animals and about them all.

Maggie (Magnum Diesel) is my Blue Heeler mix. She is about a year old. I got January 25th I believe, of this year. She was born sometime last November, I never found out the for sure date yet sadly. I got her one day because one day me and my sister were on a walk and the puppies came out onto the road. I saw a truck and quickly gathered them up and took them back to their house. The owners weren't home so I let them follow me home. It was Maggie, Bentley (he brother, he looks like a Golden Lab w/ Chow hair on his face), and Lucky (Maggie's sister. She used to be ours but we had to give her away :( She looked like a German Shepherd.). We got ahold of the owners (who take HORRIBLE care of their animals) and they said that they had to get rid of two more puppies, so we bugged our dad into letting us keep them, and since then we had to give Lucky away but I still have Magnum. She is a great watch dog, she loves to play with other dogs but she hardly ever plays with toys. I believe her and the other puppies were abused while their previous owners had them because sometimes Maggie will lay down if you are going to pet her on the head or anything, and Lucky was so jumpy, she was scared of everything. But now they both have great homes, Magnum here and Lucky about 10 minutes from here. Magnum is my only personal dog, and the best one out of the three we now have. ;)

   Lexi we got a few months ago, probably around August or so, she is a Lab/Husky her previous owners said. She is about two or so. We got her because my younger sister was basically heartbroken when we had to give her puppy Lucky away, and my dad gave in and got another dog. She is stubborn as they come and she loves to play. Sometimes she plays too much! Haha. She doesn't know any tricks (she knows sit, thats it lol) or she didn't, until a few days ago I found the patience to teach her stand up, lay down ,and crawl. Whats annoying is if you want her to come inside she will just sit there and stare at you, so you have to go and get her. Lol.

   Ruby is about 6 or 7 years old. She is a Chocolate Lab. We got her when she was probably around 3 years a few weeks after my old dog Miley (RIP Miley). Her owner lived in an apartment and had gone to obedient school when she was younger. But the lady had just found out she was pregnant and her husband said it was the dog or the baby. So she chose to give the dog away, thats how we ended up wit her. She knew Sit,shake, lay down, come, stay,and sit pretty when we got her, we since have taught her roll over, crawl, and high five. She loves to sleep on your bed when she thinks your not watching. But overall shes an okay dog. 

   Buddie, oh wow, I can't tell you much about him, other then we have had him since he was born and hes 2 or so now, we had his mom and he was born on my sisters bed, my sister basically hated his mom because she was still at home, where as Buddie's mom's (Heidi) twin sister (Missy) had run away. She was still getting over that when Buddie was born, and she fell in love with him and has had him since. Sorry, I really can't tell you much about him, lol.

   Buckwheat, our newest addition, is a black kitten, with a little white spot on her chest. Shes about 8 months old. We got her a month or so ago, some people from school were giving away kittens and my sister brought one home and surprised my dad and he finally agreed to not take the kitten back, lol. She is rarely called by her name, we just call her cat or kitten lol. My sister renamed her because she didn't like the name Teddy Bear haha. She loves to annoy you by laying next to your head on the pillow and purring all night, keeping you awake, its not a soft purr either, its a loud, annoying one. Lol.

   And right now I am taking care of my sister-in-law's dog and guinea pig. I love the guinea pig, but the dog is so annoying! Shes a 1 yr old Puggle and boy does she make noise! Shes always barking or whining even if shes out of the kennel. She kept me awake all night with her barking last night. o_0 Also, I am hopefully getting my friends bay Quarter Horse filly. :D Sorry this was so long, I haven't been on to tell you about my pets before though. :)


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