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katie wilkey
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katie wilkey's Page

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doggie styles in homewood, AL
Hometown, State or Province / Country: We'd all love to know what part of the world you are from.
birmingham, AL / USA
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Pet Name(s):
little man
Parents: (Pet's Owners)
me & chris jones
Breed(s) / Type(s): Nice VIRTUAL PETS Welcome Too! (any embedded code)
heinz 57
Boy(s) or Girl(s):
If "In Loving Memory of your Pet Angel": (and you want to share the dates) Please give their name.
mollie - 06/10/07
Was the arrival of your Pet Kid(s) planned or is there a story?
he wasn't exactly planned. we went to doo dah day thinking that we'd look at all of the different breeds b/c he wanted a boxer (dog he had prior) and i wanted a pitt bull (dog i had prior). we had both lost our dogs due to our previous relationships ending. so...we went. we ended up at the humane society tent and played with this little pup for a while. he seemed SO attached to his handler. we asked him how long he'd been with him and he told us just about 4 hours. we knew that was the one. we wanted a dog that we didn't have to put on a that would stay by our side regardless. so, we adopted him that day and he's been our little man ever since!
Personality Characteristics:
Sweet, Gentle, Energetic, Playful, Demanding, Loving, Social Butterfly, Spoiled, Seriously Spoiled, Funny, Sensitive, Whiny Baby, Loyal, Regal
digging up my back yard (i'm trying to go to china), talking ALL day (not barking...talking, there's a difference!), going to the park, playing fetch (though, i'm very stingey once i get the ball - my parents are working on that with me), eating pears from mommy & daddy's pear tree and leaving the nasty chewed-up remains on the floor in the living room, going to the park, chilling with my friend & my mom & dad's friends, hanging out with natalie's cats (stewart & kitty boy) - even though they try to claw my eyes out sometimes, and being the sweetest little man in the world, oh...and going to the park (did i mention that yet?!?)!
when my mom & dad mess with me. they do stuff just to see how i'll react. i get so irratated with them. but, i still love them. also, i don't like to have to tell them things more than once. i talk, a lot. i just think they should listen to me and give me what i want RIGHT when i want it...duh!
Nicknames / And by Whom:
big boy - mommy
little man bear pig - mommy & daddy
sweet pea - mommy
little dork - mommy
prince - daddy (i have a kingdom in my booty hole - that's why i lick it so much)
My Favorite Toys:
sticks & real bones
My Favorite Treats:
almost anything (as long as it's not spicy - although i USED to eat jalepenos)...but right now, while it's so hot outside, i'm loving my pedigree brand ice cream sandwiches =) YUM!
Favorite Type of Walk:
although i WILL...i don't typicallly walk on a leash. i'm a good dog and my parents trust me. my FAVORITE "walk" is free time with my friends at the park.
Favorite Ride:
C-A-R-R-I-D-E - of course!!! I even know how to spell it now.
My Best Pet Tricks:
i've very obediant. i sit, lay down, jump up, catch, fetch, drop it, and talk on command. my mommy's working on making me say "i love you". i'm getting better at making my words sound like hers...but, sometimes i don't really get what she's trying to make me do. also, i like to "get comfy" (this is where once i lay down, my hips go to the side - so instead of being "ready to pounce", i'm "comfy") - my crazy mommy came up with this trick. they're also trying really hard to make me roll-over. but, i'm still a little too stubborn for all of that.
Favorite Music:
i like anything that my mommy sings to me. she's made a lot of songs for me. i sing with her. i love to sing - la la laaa!
Favorite TV Shows:
my mommy & daddy don't watch TV - only movies. so...anything they watch, i'm cool with. it means that i get to chill on the big comfy sofa with my parents - that's the best time ever!

Comment Wall (2 comments)

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At 2:00pm on October 23, 2010, Wanda P said…

Hello just popping in to say hello, to all my new petbrag friends. I am wandap from Calgary Alberta Canada. I hope you have a spooktacular Halloween!

We have lots of new friends to come and talk with as well as new groups, so come and visit us and say hello..
At 10:45pm on September 14, 2007, nickicat said…
Are you a whosits or a whatsits? lol Great body shot, but what happened to ur face? Are you camera shy? lol

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