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Claire and Pets
  • 32, Female
  • Franklin Park
  • United States
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Claire and Pets's Friends

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Claire and Pets's Page

Profile Information

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Hometown, State or Province / Country: We'd all love to know what part of the world you are from.
Franklin park, Illinois
Pet Name(s):
Archie, Max, Stephanie,Grace, Kazia.
Parents: (Pet's Owners)
Breed(s) / Type(s): Nice VIRTUAL PETS Welcome Too! (any embedded code)
Archie-Box Turtle
Max- Border Collie-Dog
Stephanie- Koi-Fish
Grace- Koi-Fish
Boy(s) or Girl(s):
Stephanie- girl
Pet Birthday(s):
Archie- Jan 1, Max, July 7, Stephanie- March 20, Grace-Jan 21, Kazia- May 12
If "In Loving Memory of your Pet Angel": (and you want to share the dates) Please give their name.

October 2000- May 2002
About Me/Them: (Please ask your Pet Kid(s) what they want you to say about them.)
About this turtle

Hey! My real name is Arcinka but everyone calls me Archie!

In real life my best friend is Max, my family's dog. I enjoy going

outside in the summer!

Favorite Food

I really like to eat avacodos, apples,and corn. I get fruit every two days :)

Basic Info

- I'm a female box turtle

- I'm six years old

- I was named after my family's old turtle

- I was born on Jan 1, 2002

- My parents got me at a store called Bit-o-tropics


- Archie

- Cin

- Miss Princess Cin


I'll do more later xD
Was the arrival of your Pet Kid(s) planned or is there a story?
Archie-My first turtle Cin died in October. I had no other animals than fish then. I wanted another turtle. In September 2002 I had to go to a store. On my way to the store I saw a store called "Bito Tropics Pet Supplies" and decided to check it out. I went inside the store and saw spiders, snakes, fish, cats, and turtles. The turtles I saw were box turtles. Cin my first turtle who died was a box turtle. I looked at the cage and saw a really tiny turtle with yellow spots. The turtle had it's head out. I fell in love with that turtle. I bought her for 75 dollars and took her home. She reminded me of Cin so I named her Archie which is was Cin's nickname. She is with me for five years already, and she is six years old.

Max-I wanted a dog for so many years. After 5 years of waiting for a dog my dad let me search for a dog. I looked at many beautiful dogs. Only one caught my eye. The dogs name was Tuxedo. Tuxedo had already been adopted once. His family didn't want him any more because something happened. He was sent back to Iowa. I called Tuxedo's owners but they did not reply. I searched for other dogs. I knew Tuxedo had to be mine. After a few days Tuxedo's owners replied. I told them I would like to adopt Tuxedo and we set up when I would adopt him. On October 21, 2006 I drove to Iowa. On October 22, 2006 I arived at The Border Collie Kennels. As I parked my car I could see 3 border collies playing in a field. As I stepped out of my car. They greeted me. They jumped on me and licked my face. The first one to greet me was Tuxedo. I didn't think Tuxedo was the right name for my border collie. He acted like a human so I gave him a name for a human. Now his name was Max. I saw Max's family and then he said good-bye. I put Max inside the car. He started whining and soon he fell asleep. We arrived to Chicago. I put on his collar and leash. He didn't enogh know what a walk was. I carried him home. He sniffed every corner. When my turtle Archie was moving he started barking at her. I love Max. He is my best friend. He makes me happy he is my guardin angel.

Stephanie-When my fish died I wanted a new one. I searched for a new one for a few weeks. I went to Petsmart and saw Stephanie. I bought Stephanie and brought her home.

Grace-Grace was one of my first pets. She has been with me really long. My dad brought her home when one of my fish died. I had other fish in the pond outside so for a while she was in a container. She grew up. She left in the pond in winter,too. She had 3 other fish in the pond with her. In the summer of 2007 all her other tankmates died. Lester, Joanna, and Martha were tankmates. Lester got eaten by a raccoon. Martha, Joanna, and Grace were in the pond when the water pump stopped working. We didn't notice. I came outside to feed the fish. Martha and Joanna were dead. Grace was trying to take in air. My dad fixed the pump. We got new fish. The fish are little and Grace loves them. Grace is my best fishy friend.

Kazia-In th summer of 2007 one of our fish was killed by a racoon, and two others died. Grace was the only one of our fish left so we decided to get her two new companions. We went to a local petsmart store and picked out two Kois, one was black and white (Kazia) the second one was orange and white (Stephanie).
Personality Characteristics:
Sweet, Gentle, Energetic, Playful, Sleepy, Demanding, Loving, Shy, Social Butterfly, Quiet, Spoiled, Seriously Spoiled, Funny, Knows they're Funny, Sensitive, Just Self-Confident, Never Complains, Loyal
Archie- Water, she loves water =]

Max- This is easy-food xD

Grace- People, their hands against her scaly skin.

Stephanie- Food, she's sort of fat.

Kazia- Other Fish.
All of them are scared of loud sounds, Kazia is scared of human hands xD
Nicknames / And by Whom:
Archie- Archie is the nickname,.

Max- Maxy, Smurf. Fuzzy Bum

Grace- Amazing Grace :P

Stephanie- Stef

Kazia- Princess Kazia
My Favorite Toys:
Only Max has toys, the other are small animals. He likes his blue squeaky bone so much =]
My Favorite Treats:
Archie- Apples and Avacodos.

Max- Meat or cheese- Delish =]

Kazia, Stephanie, Grace- Goldfish Flakes
Favorite Type of Walk:
Only Max can take a walk. He likes long walks to the school's field.
Favorite Ride:
Car ride 8D
My Best Pet Tricks:
Archie- Weaving through bowling pins.

Max- High 5, Paw, Down, Sit, Stay, Play Dead,
Embedded code or widget code.

Favorite TV Shows:
Family Guy xD

Comment Wall (6 comments)

You need to be a member of PetBrags Pet Lovers Paradise: Pet Community for All Pets to add comments!

At 11:47am on July 24, 2012, Wanda P said…
At 12:17am on July 25, 2010, Wanda P said…

At 6:16pm on July 12, 2008, said…
Hi! This is Sophie, Jake, and Gigi.

Check out this site our mom created to help dogs in shelters/rescues across the country! matches people with the right dog.


Very cool.
At 9:57am on June 6, 2008, miley cyrus said…
i am the real HANNAH MONTANA k
At 11:16pm on June 5, 2008, PetBrags Pet Lovers Paradise said…
Sorry Claire, got fumble fingers tonight. I actually left 3 messages, and deleted the first 2 because of typos. LOL So, your email will say you received 3.
I hope you enjoy making friends and bragging on your pets, here on PetBrags.
Take care,
At 11:14pm on June 5, 2008, PetBrags Pet Lovers Paradise said…
Now, that is for real, a great pet-lover's photo! Welcome to PetBrags!

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