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Lori & Becker Lynn Radford
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Lori & Becker Lynn Radford's Page

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Can I just say right from the start that I HATE that picture of me! I look like an old woman, and am sooo much cuter in person! ANYWAY, Becker... Best 4 legged friend anyone ever had. Becker is an amazing creature. He is smart, very animated and playful, catches the ball in mid air and will play until he's blue in the face, although it's hard to tell if he's blue due to the fur. He is so much like me....can't get enough "lovies", loves to go for rides, likes pizza and ANYTHING with ranch dressing on it. He eats salads. Tomatoes and all. Yuck. He is 6 years old. He is MY HEART on a LEASH.
Where did you hear about
Hometown, State or Province / Country: We'd all love to know what part of the world you are from.
Eagle, Idaho
Pet Name(s):
"Becker Lynn", "Bagheera Lynn", "Abbey", and "Rafferty"
Parents: (Pet's Owners)
Lori (Laney) Radford and Brad Hererra
Breed(s) / Type(s): Nice VIRTUAL PETS Welcome Too! (any embedded code)
Becker is a blend of Beagle and Lab
Bagheera is a blend of Black Lab and Great Dane
Abbey is a Red Sorrel
Rafferty is an Appaloosa
Boy(s) or Girl(s):
Becker is my baby boy, pride and joy
Bagheera was my big girl, a very loving but dignified young lady
Abbey, is a beautiful, funny girl who loved to be brushed and given "lovies"
Rafferty is an male Appaloosa, who we were foster parents to. He was a great guy, he even gave kisses.
Pet Birthday(s):
all adopted, birth dates unknown
If "In Loving Memory of your Pet Angel": (and you want to share the dates) Please give their name.
Bagheera was an angel on earth, and I can only imagine how large and luminous her wings have grown since leaving this earth. Bagheera was 2 or 3 when we adopted her, and we had her for 6 years. She became ill very suddenly. She got up from the living room floor to go toward the kitchen and as soon as her feet hit the tile floor, her back right foot slipped underneath her. Around 10 or 11 that same night as I was going to bed, I heard her panting. It was late summer, but this panting was very markedly distressed. I laid down on the floor next to her and petted her and tried to comfort her. Nothing calmed her down. My heart felt like it weighed 1000 pounds; I knew there was something very wrong. In the morning, she couldn't get up. My husband helped her to the front yard and she sat down and pee'd. She simply could not stand up. She looked absolutely humiliated, like she had done something wrong. It BROKE my heart. Clearly we had to take her to the Vet. We did, and her Dr. gave her a shot of Cortizone and said they would keep her overnight. When we went to see her the next morning, two young ladies brought my girl to me on a stretcher. I thought I was going to pass out. Dr. Francis came in and told me it was time to let her go. If a human heart could actually shatter into pieces on the floor, that would be an accurate description of what happened to me, and what I was hearing in my head. Bagheera was very well taken care of, diet, meds, Dr. visits. She was also very spoiled. She loved being covered with blankets when she slept. I brought an afghan with me, the first one that my mom had ever made. It was older than me, and meant a lot to me. I lost my Mom when I was 15. We covered her with this afghan, we loved on her, told her what a wonderful girl she was. We sat on the floor with her for about an hour. Dr. Francis sat with us. He was the BEST Vet EVER, and an amazing human being to pet parents. He told me what could happen, that it might sound like she was gasping for breath, but he assured me she would not be struggling. Gosh, this is hard to write. I told her that Grandma (my Mother) would be right there, waiting for her. I took her beautiful face in my hands, and as soon as he gave her the shot, the light in her eyes melted away....I let out the most horrible sound ever uttered by a person I think. It was awful. I was inconsolable for weeks. We had a private cremation for her, and I have her urn and pictures, i.d. tags and leash, in a lighted cabinet, by pictures of my Mom. In my will it states that her ashes, and any others I have by that time, are to be combined with mine, and released somewhere in nature.
About Me/Them: (Please ask your Pet Kid(s) what they want you to say about them.)
My sweet Prince, Becker, would like you to know that he may be sweet, but make no mistake, he is the man of the house. And he is. I am now divorced. Becker is very smart, if he was human he would be an Olympic competitor of some sort. He is a maniac when he plays. He has the sweetest, most loving spirit I have ever seen or heard of in an animal. When we go for drives, he actually puts his front left arm around mine, and holds on to me, like we're on a date. That never ceases to tickle my heart. He was a devoted little brother to Bagheera, and was sort of lost when she never came back home. Becker LOVES all my friends, but especially my adopted daughter Emily. He has been in love with her since the day he met her. Emily and her husband Derek came to stay for the weekend a couple weeks ago. One morning I opened the bedroom door, and that little traitor was lying in the arms of another woman, Emily. He had a look on his face like he was caught with his paw in the cookie jar. Priceless.
Was the arrival of your Pet Kid(s) planned or is there a story?
My husband and I adopted Bagheera from the CFO whom I was an Executive Assistant for in Nashville, TN. Becker was a gift, the best gift I have ever been given, by my adopted and beloved son, Brad. Abbey, the Sorrel, belonged to Brad and his family, and she came to stay in our pasture sometimes. Rafferty, the Appaloosa, was our foster boy for about 9 months when his owner didn't have a place for him. He is what (who) made me decide that I do want a horse or two someday. Soon I hope! I may consider adding a new husband to the menagerie at some point,,,,
Personality Characteristics:
Sweet, Gentle, Energetic, Playful, Loving, All Bark and No Bite, Seriously Spoiled, Funny, Sensitive, Loyal, Regal
Italian food, ranch dressing, cheese. ATTENTION, AFFECTION, being talked to like a person, always gets the last bite of whatever I'm eating, long moonlit walks on the beach...sorry....couldn't NOT write that....
tub-baths, getting toenails clipped, being left in the car and not being able to see where I am. The lawnmower, (I don't really like the darn lawnmower either), brooms, the vacuum. Mom (that would be me...) coming home smelling like she has been with another dog.
Nicknames / And by Whom:
Becker: babyboy, pooh, boobear, sweetboy, little prince; it's actually kind of nauseating how many sweet names I have for him. Brad calls him "Buckwheat".
My Favorite Toys:
Any ball. Rope toys, Anything with rubber that he can chew up and leave for me to pick up, just like a husband does. Funny though, Becker never says anything when I bring home a new pair of shoes....
My Favorite Treats:
Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory LARGE size dog cookie dipped in White Chocolate. It's carob, but all he knows is it is G O O D. He also loves whipped cream. I made the mistake of leaving a Iced Mocha in the car with him for a few minutes, and he managed to stick his tongue in the hole where the straw goes, and licked all the whipped cream off. (Yes, I still drank the iced mocha.) He likes to clean the inside of cool whip bowls when I make something with Cool Whip. Then he chews up the bowl. And I pick up the pieces and wipe the whipped cream of his nose and eyebrows.
Favorite Type of Walk:
Anytime, Anywhere. HE WALKS ME.
Favorite Ride:
A nice long ride anywhere as long as I don't get out of the car for more than 30 seconds.
My Best Pet Tricks:
Catching balls in mid air. Making whipped cream disappear. KNOWING ALL MY FRIENDS AND FAMILY (MY FRIENDS ARE MY FAMILY) by NAME.
Favorite Music:
Country. Gospel hymn's, sung by me, accapella. I swear.
Favorite TV Shows:
Loves Animal Planet and HGTV. But only because thats what I watch, therefore I must be home, and probably sitting on the floor scratching him.

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At 10:16am on June 18, 2008, JACQUE said…
Hello Lori and WELCOME to Petbrags! What a sweet and gentle loving spirit you have! God bless ya!Photobucket
At 11:22pm on May 30, 2008, PetBrags Pet Lovers Paradise said…
IMHO, that's a very nice picture of you, silly! Well, I read it all, and almost cried when I read about when you lost Bagheera. I went through a similar experience with my Tillie. PetBrags was created in her honor and memory. She was my child, my heart for 15 1/2 years. And she will always be a huge part of my mind, heart and soul. Lost my Dad less than 2 weeks later, bad times to say the least. My silly little Jazzi keeps me laughing. I will always believe Tillie sent this little angel to me. Well, actually a little devil-angel. LOL She's a mess! You will see them both on my profile page.

So happy to have you Lori. Thank God for people who love animals.
Best Regards,
At 12:36pm on May 30, 2008, PetBrags Pet Lovers Paradise said…
Becker is beautiful! Welcome to PetBrags! I wasn't able to read all of your profile right now, but will soon (before end of day for sure). It's so nice when we get new members who are so obviously real pet-lovers! We have some awesome members on PetBrags. I think you will enjoy making friends with them - - real pet-lovers, genuinely wonderful and caring people.

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