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Trick or Treat (Some candy can be toxic to your pets)

Chocolate containes theobromine, a chemical similar to caffeine, and sugar-free candy sweetened with xylitol can be fatal to our pets. When you get home from "trick or treating", best to keep all candy safely out of reach.

Candy in general is full of sugar (horrible for the immune system, joints, teeth, etc.), but chocolate in particular is dangerous to pets and can be fatal.(This applies to cocoa mulch as well, so gardeners and dog people, beware.)

Other food substances poisonous to dogs include raisins, grapes, macadamia nuts, mushrooms, alcohol, coffee, uncooked yeast dough, onions, and onion powder. Garlic and avocado are debatable—there is some evidence that they can be toxic to some dogs, so it might be best to avoid those too. Xylitol, which has become a common additive in foods and toothpaste, is also quite toxic.

If you suspect that your dog has eaten something poisonous, please call the ASPCA's animal poison hotline at 1-888-426-4435. (Why not post this number next to your phone, just in case?) It's open 24 hours a day, every day, but you will be charged $55 on your credit card in exchange for advice on how to proceed. Obviously, this service is worth every penny—you're dealing with the life or death of your beloved canine companion!

Do have a safe and happy Halloween!

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Mandy Slinkard said:
If i get a lollipop i let me dog have one lick and thats it..never do i let her have anything with chocolate in it....the garlic thing is one of those things that can be good for the dog if given the right amount but can also kill the dog if given to much so if you want to give your dog garlic for a natural flee repellent be sure to do a lot of research for how much to give your dog..if you give your dog to much it depletes there red or white cant remember now blood cell count and can kill them if not caught on time..
same thing with the cat stuff as well, by girlfriends cat loose her hair with that stuff thanks so much sweetie love ya ww
Be careful of nut mixes as well lelo ate a whole bowl of nuts and fruit and she kept coming to me looking at me with a scared look on her face and sitting on my foot. It was then i found she ate whole crystal bowl full of the mixture. i called the vet, he said no chocolate in it, i said no. "He said well she will be vomiting or pooping", so i locked her in the kitchen, felt her tummy and you could feel all the lumps of nuts, she vomited it all back up but was fine. How ever mommy got greyer. i watch the candy bowls lol thanks mandy love ya ww
xxoo got more work done feeling better. may putse

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