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A conversation starter's purpose is exactly spawn
conversation. I'd love to hear your responses to these questions, and
perhaps we'll all learn a little more about each other (and likely
things we never would have considered asking.) This can be a central place
where we can come and not only answer the questions, but peruse through
each other's responses. Who knows? Maybe you'll meet someone you haven't
talked to before and find you have something in common. You can create
your own dialogue from here.

I'll list three questions. Feel free to respond to all three or any one
of the three. Whatever you are comfortable with doing. Hope this is fun
for all and, above all, creates some laughter and/or sparks some
thought. Don't forget to keep checking back to see what others thoughts
are about the topics posted and to even reply to someone elses posting
to keep the activity going.

1) Does your pet watch television? Can they tell when animals cross the
screen? If so, share a favorite story of your pet being a couch potato.

2) What special thing, if any, do you do with your pet for the holidays?

3) What's the best movie you've ever seen and why do you think this?
This DOES NOT have to be a pet movie.

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LOVE your questions!

1. Absolutely. In fact, if I turn the TV off while I'm working, she will pester me to death. Well, maybe it's more of a comfort thing than actually watching. ;-)

Jazzi Girl goes crazy when any barking starts. And when someone whistles like the Andy Griffith Show (LOL), she starts turning that sweet little head from side-to-side, as if to say "Yeah, what's going on? You talking to me?"

2. Take her to see my Mother and all the Grandkids in the family. Take her to the local pet store for them to see her. When I stop and take the time, we dress up for Halloween, Christmas, and Easter.

3. Geez Suzie, too late to answer this one right. Gonna have to think on it, and then answer.

Okay, but I can't just answer with one "best movie"! And, I know I'll want to add more or change my mind. LOL!
1. Second Hand Lions
2. Chariots of Fire
3. Howards End
Because they are all about triumphs of the human spirit, real living, and real love.

4. Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil - - just because it was partly based on a true story. It's bizarre, spooky, unconventional, interesting, full of historical buildings, interesting Southern characters and charm, and just plain fun - - well except the serious weird parts. I met some of the real people in Savannah, what a wild story and wonderful place.

5. OMG, Phantom of the Opera, the Movie!
6. Casablanca! This question kills me Suzie!
7. Star Wars
8. Gone With the Wind, but only on the big screen at local Historical Theatre - - awesome!
9. Rocky Horror Picture Show whahahahahahahaha
1. raven my pom, never watched tv, but Dakota our Shiba Inu does, when he hear something I have near it down yet but it cool. he's not a couch potato yet he's 4 1/2 months old and now his favorite thing to do now is drive me crazy!!!! :)

2. we haven't started with the holidays yet, but my Raven was alive we would dress her up for the holidays.

3. Well, I have a few good movie I seen this year 2010, but one movie that really stay in my mind is a pet movie, I think it would move anyone and my new dog Dakota looks almost like him this is how I became interested in the movie a neighbor brought it to my attention and when I saw it I wanted to see it and I Cried!!! good movie to point I would watch it again the name of the movie is Hachi: A Dog's Tale? the best family movie that warm and touching...
Hi Wanda,
I've never heard of Hachi: A Dog's Tale - - but sometimes I live under a rock, stay so busy on computers. I'm going to try and find it. Thanks for the suggestion!

I hope your new baby is doing well. I know losing Raven has been terribly difficult. Happy to hear you have Dakota! If you're like me, I feel like my beloved Tillie would be happy about me having little Jazzi.

Take good care,
thank you, I remember you being one of the first who responded to my lost when I first came on board and your message or comment was warm and touching and every now and again I would see that your dropped by and viewed my page, the last time you left me a comment on how it would be to get another dog, at the time I wasn't ready and as the time went by I finally took the leap and now I have Dakota a shiba Inu male right now he's going on five months and he's a hand full, comparing him to Raven there nothing they have in common. It's funny this one makes me angry with him, he's has a mind of his own with no room for reasoning, looking back on how my Raven was totally different, I know like people every has it's own, but wow this one is work, I can't remember this much work. LOL maybe I'm getting to old for this. he sweet and has a lovable face, but he a big dog in a mid size dog body with a big big personality that's very challenging, I can't wait until he get older maybe we can come to some to a middle ground, cause he's a peace of work. sign counting the day's lol!!!!!!! ( it's like he speaks a different language. no mean yes to him. like I said he a challenge.

PetBrags said:
Hi Wanda,
I've never heard of Hachi: A Dog's Tale - - but sometimes I live under a rock, stay so busy on computers. I'm going to try and find it. Thanks for the suggestion!

I hope your new baby is doing well. I know losing Raven has been terribly difficult. Happy to hear you have Dakota! If you're like me, I feel like my beloved Tillie would be happy about me having little Jazzi.

Take good care,
1. Does my Rose watch TV? Oh, gawd, yes! So annoying, especially when animals are onscreen. She takes off and charges at the telly, barking and bouncing up and down on her hind legs. I had to stop watching "The Dog Whisperer" with her in the room and I sometimes have to mute the TV if a dog is onscreen barking. But it's not just dogs, oh no, horses, cows, monkeys, cats, lizards, yeah lizards. Not just the live ones, the cartoons as well! How does she know that a cartoon is a representation of the real thing? I dunno. It's funny and cute if you don't have to live with it on a daily basis. It's what makes her Rose. Gotta love her!
My cat Casey watches TV but only when their are Birds and other small animals, he also has tried to look behind the set to see if what ever he is watching is behind it. Harley comes running to watch when he hears the whistling on Andy Griffith Show. He sometimes watches other dogs. Katie doesn't seem interested.They love to stand at our front door and watch anything and everybody, strange?When a doorbell rings on the TV both of them run through the house frantic barking.
We had a Great Pyrenees that thought the TV was a window or a door as when we were watching TV and she had to go out she would always go to the TV to let us know.
1. No, my cat doesn't watch television BUT she loves to lay on top of it cause it's warm :)

2. Holidays means Special Treats for "Claws". For Easter I gave her an entire rainbow trout fillet, it was hilarious watching her trying to figure out how to eat it! I eventually broke down and cut it into biteable chunks :)

3. Hmmm, this is a toughie. Up until recently I would have said my fav movie was "Brazil" by Terry Gilliam but after watching "Avatar" a couple times I'd say I have a new winner :)
1) Does your pet watch television? Can they tell when animals cross the
screen? If so, share a favorite story of your pet being a couch potato.

My current dogs Lily and Wrinkles I have never seen watch TV plus my boston is deaf so ......
But my Doshia Bear now he would always sit at the foot of the bed and watch TV one time he did for 10 minutes.
Kosmo would catch his ear on dog barking on TV and tilt his head looking

2) What special thing, if any, do you do with your pet for the holidays?
Don't really do much but have dressed Doshia and Kosmo in antler ears LOL

3) What's the best movie you've ever seen and why do you think this?
This DOES NOT have to be a pet movie.
Pay It Forward~I think the reasons are obvious LOL Life would be a better place if people were like in that movie
1. no, he doesnt watch tv but he is a couch potato. he has his very own sofa, with 2 recliners,one at each end and he sleeps all over the whole thing. he also sleeps with lee and i, its really funny cuz he wiggles in-between us and ends up with most of the bed...2. mark all ways gets nwe toys for christmas and we hand them out to him all year long. he has his own christmas stocking also....3. the best movie ive seen is avatar. the reason is because of the morals that exhibited,the love and respect. its not like that at the begining but you watch it grow throughtout the movie. i think its also about putting aside our prejudices and fears of things we dont understand.
1. Harley always comes running when he hears Andy Griffith coming on as he loves to watch and listen to the whistling. He is so funny, when he hears dogs barking on TV he climbs up to look out our front window as he thinks they are outside.
Katie couldn't care less about T. V.

2.They always have presents to open, they also get their own Christmas dish of food

3.Arsnic and Old Lace, it's an old movie, I think it's funny and I love to laugh.

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