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Good Morning!
I am fostering a 1- 11/2 yr old male tea cup chi. He is grossly underweight and in bad shape. Chihuahua is one breed that I really don't know much about. So far he seems very sweet and loving. I want to able to get him back on the road to recovery and be able to get him the best home possible when the time comes. He is just breaking my heart. So any help would be very much appreciated.
Have a Great Day!
PS Any name ideas would be great to. Somebody at work was calling him Minute,(No bigger then a minute)but I don' think it really suits him.

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We had a tea cup Chihuahua that my Mother nursed back to health. He was not only a tea cup, the runt of the litter. lol Anyhow, I'm not sure what all she did, but it took a while. Once he was okay, oh my, he was a pistol to say the least. Full of personality and love. These little dogs have their reputation, but all of ours (2) growing up were wonderful, not mean or irritable at all - - just full of love and sweetness.
On how to help him, I know she gave Bangles (his name) high protein food. She had to feed him with an eyedropper for a short while. He was too weak to make his own efforts to get up and eat. This is really too weird, but typical of my life. I dreamed for what seemed like hours last night about rescuing a little teacup Yorkie. Oh my gosh, he was the cutest little thing. And he was a boy. His name was Lil Bit. The dream went on forever in major details. Mother (now 83 and unable to do this), was up and around in the dream and helping me save and take care of the little baby. How weird is that? I will see Mother tonight. Maybe she can remember some specials things she did. I wish you lived closer. She may not can run around, but I bet she could help and would love it! That is her absolute favorite breed. And she fantasizes about having one, but then says she's not able to care for one. We remind her that someone is with her every day and we could care for one for her. She could just get and receive the love, ;-) Good luck and keep us posted. I'll also ask my Vet tomorrow. She is wonderful, very practical...
Ro, I asked Mother. Oh my, I'm surprised the little dog didn't get pancreatitis. ;-) She cooked him steaks, hamburgers, eggs and bacon, etc... But, he was nice and healthy when she was through. If I fed my Westies that kind of food now, we would be on our way to the emergency room. However, this was 25+ years ago, and back then our dogs were not bred to eat only manufactured dog food. Don't get me started on that subject - - I have a bit of a conspiracy theory on all that. Remember when we were kids we could feed our dogs table scraps and they never got sick and lived forever? ummmm, what's that all about? Know what I mean? ;-) Let me know how he's doing. Wish I could help.
Thanks for the replies. I have him on puppy food, w/ a little wet food and baby food. He seems to like this mixture. And yesterday he finally started to drink water. This had me really worried.He's quite the little trooper. Hey, maybe that is what I will name him "Trooper" I think it works! Poor little guy, skin and bones. I made him some sweaters, and snuggle sacks to keep him warm, and he loves it. A little TLC seems to be going a long way w/ him. He even likes Rosie and Tucker, except when he is on my lap. Doesn't like to share.Again, thanks for your time and have a GREAT DAY!
awwwww, yes Trooper! That's a great name! Glad to hear the update - - ignore my email on this subject ;-) . Sounds like the food mixture is a great idea. I fed Jazzi baby food with her dry, before I started cooking for her. IMHO, do be careful with the onion powder in baby food, not too much of it. But the vitamins will out weigh the bad. All baby food is loaded with onion powder for preservatives (found this out during the tainted dog/cat food nightmare). Supposedly, the onion powder is not good for them. But again, that could be a part of my conspiracy theory. LOL Oh, oh - - almost forgot: children's Pedialite or similar formula is a great way to get them hydrated and electrolytes back in check. Tillie liked the orange. But maybe just the clear (no taste) would be the best. I almost always have a bottle in the cabinet - - great stuff for a sickly animal.
Have a great day,
HIP HIP HOORAY!!!!!!!!! Trooper aka Chi-Chi(my oldest son started calling him that, and he seems to really like the name) has gained a 1lb. This makes me so happy to see him looking better and getting a little fiesty! Still not big enough for the HW test yet, so keep your fingers and paws crossed that he comes up neg. I would hate for him to have to go through that treatment after coming so far.

That's awesome Ro!!! I've been wondering about little Trooper (Chi-Chi)!
How is this chi doing? I own a chi and also volunteer for a chi rescue. I might be able to give you some advice. Let me know if I can help in any way.


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