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Stupid Pet Oweners should be banned from owning pets!) Thanks )

With my line of work I come across a lot of stupid pet owners (SPO) that I wish i could just tell off, but being that I work for a corporation, speaking my mind is frowned upon.

A man comes into the store with his granddaughter caring a box. This is always a bad sign and I immediately know that he wants to abandon an animal. He walks up to me and asks me to take this dwarf hamster off his hands. He then tell my manager and I that he bought the hamster for his granddaughter about 3 months ago. When his son came back from fighting in Iraq, he bought her a syrian hamster. They took the dwarf hamster and made it live in a box, while the new hamster lived in the cage. They also mentioned the hamster getting loose into the house (duh... you kept it in a box!).

This poor lil hamster was so thin :( On top of this guys already huge stupidity, he then said that if we didn't take the hamster, he would flush it down the toilet! He said this in front of his granddaughter!!! He got a huge glare from me and a "I'm not the right person to tell that to" and turned away from him to let the manager deal with. Needless to say he avoided me after that.

6-22-08 about a week after the first dwarf hamster was abandoned at the store, someone decided to abandon a family of 5! dwarf hamsters at the side of the store! 4 of the hamsters were sharing a crittertrailONE cage (which I myself wouldn't even put one hamster in), and another was being kept in the smallest critter keeper without any water, and the idiot who left them there, left them in the sun! The lil guy in the kritter keeper was also being on non'kiln dried pine and had an irritation on his tummy from the crap. The 4 hamsters were also a pair of females and a pair of males! Lukily the girls weren't pregnant! I know that the economy is bad, but take unwanted animals to the no-kill shelter that excepts small animals! Not the pet store! Oh right, you don't want to look bad and have to pay an abandoning fee. Get over over your self and do the right thing! The no kill shelter is a lot more equipped to handle a lot of animals, as where the pet store we already have a load of animals to care for, let alone ones that arnt ours! (I may sound harsh here, but people, if you are going to take on any pet, then you need to be prepared to keep it the rest of its life. Yes, things happen and sometimes it is best to rehome a pet, but abandoning them at a pet store is not the answer and it sure is not responsible. I could understand if the shelter in the area was a kill shelter, but ours isn't! so stop abandoning animals at our store! Thanks oh, and one thing I forgot, about 2 weeks before the first dwarf hamster was abandoned at the store, someone abandoned a syrian hamster over by our dumster. The only reason we knew he was over there is because a lil old lady saw someone speed away from there and then saw the cage and told us. The poor guys cage was DISGUSTING! and tiny. We ended up throwing the cage away. He ended up going home with a family who was horrified at what someone did to him, and vowed to take good care of him.

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Comment by PetBrags Pet Lovers Paradise on May 27, 2008 at 1:06am
Too sad, poor little baby hammie. A place in h*ll for people like that. Sorry you had to deal with this, and especially sorry for the little hamster.

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