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animal_lover5's Page

Profile Information

Where did you hear about
Hometown, State or Province / Country: We'd all love to know what part of the world you are from.
Pet Name(s):
Tinkerbell, Sylvester, Muffin, Piglet, Holly.
Parents: (Pet's Owners)
Jessica, Kirsty
Breed(s) / Type(s): Nice VIRTUAL PETS Welcome Too! (any embedded code)
Tinkerbell, Sylvester: Black Shorthair cats, Muffin: dwarf x lop eared bunny Piglet: Shorthaired Guinea Pig, .
Boy(s) or Girl(s):
Girls- Tinkerbell, Muffin, PIglet, Holly Boys- Sylvester
If "In Loving Memory of your Pet Angel": (and you want to share the dates) Please give their name.
In loving memory of Holly our beautiful English Springer Spaniel sister, 23 December 2006
About Me/Them: (Please ask your Pet Kid(s) what they want you to say about them.)
Well I'll start (Sylvester) I love to play in my purple cat gym and annoying Tinkerbell, and my favourite food is my biscuits! Okay my rurn (Tinkerbell) I enjoy dinner best of all and sleeping is great too...I also make sure I steer well clear of Sylvester...!! Well I'm Muffin and I love to play with Sylvester! I also love chatting with Piglet and going to our next door neighbours house. I hop round the garden all day long and stay well away from our other neighbours that have a dog! Oh memememe! It's my turn! Well I'm Piglet and I love everything to be neat and tidy. I chat to the other 3 while they're eating breakfast and catch up on everything thats been going on in the day. See I am in my cage and the others aren't but I quite like it that way, my cage all safe and warm! Oh and I love to eat!!!
Was the arrival of your Pet Kid(s) planned or is there a story?
Well me (Sylvester) is quite a story...I was in an old little pet shop on a rainy day stuck in a tiny metal cage with my other brothers and sisters. Jessica and her Mum Kirsty then came in. They began sticking their fingers through the cage and giving my brothers and sisters tickles under the chin. I being the small and lost one just sat in the corner. It wasn't until Jessica said she wanted me that I suddenly came to life...I was eventually bought and carried in a cardboard box through the rain and all the way to my new home!
Personality Characteristics:
Sweet, Gentle, Energetic, Playful, Lazy, Sleepy, Demanding, Loving, Shy, Quiet, Spoiled, Funny
Oh they were all mentioned in the part about us!
Nicknames / And by Whom:
Sylvester- Silva, Silvy, Boy, Boy Boy Tinkerbell- Tinks, Tinker, Winks, Winker, Winkerbell, mow mow, Piglet- Pig, Piggie, Miss Piggie, Muffin- Muffies Muffs
My Favorite Toys:
Sylvester- Purple Cat Gym
Tinkerbell- Earplug
Piglet- Paper Bag
Muffin- Sylvester!
My Favorite Treats:
Oh theres way too many!
My Best Pet Tricks:
Well I guess you could say we don't do tricks!
Favorite Music:
Well we all listen to Hilary Duff coz Jess is always playing it so we love that and yeh...
Favorite TV Shows:
We all like the trashy soaps and Big Brother and Neighbours and stuff....

Comment Wall (3 comments)

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At 3:33pm on October 23, 2010, Wanda P said…

Hello just popping in to say hello, to all my new petbrag friends. I am wandap from Calgary Alberta Canada. I hope you have a spooktacular Halloween!

We have lots of new friends to come and talk with as well as new groups, so come and visit us and say hello.. Here is a shot of me and one of my furr kids lelo

At 5:37pm on December 17, 2007, JACQUE said…
At 6:21am on October 20, 2007, animal_lover5 said…
Me Piglet bein a rapper!

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