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Tips to get rid of ANTS & MICE , contact Jerry for bug related questions. Jerry doesn't know about gardens but is an expert on bugs ect

Hi guys,
It's tempting to think that cornmeal, grits or other expanding foods will do what you describe but I'm sorry to say it's just an old tale. Ants cannot eat solid food-- take a look at their skinny neck and you'll see why. They do eat solids but only after they take the big pieces back to the nest and feed it to the larva in the colony. The larva (baby ants) are like big (compared to the ant usually) hungry maggots/grub. They have big ol mouths and consume anything the foragers bring back. Then after digesting, they secrete a liquid (poo) which the ant can and does eat. They actually use this as a protective system for the Queen. The larva grow in stages (up to 5) and the food meant for the Queen is fed to a larva of each stage--then she only eats the food from the last /5th stage as long as no grubs have died--pretty neat. And for your mice--sorry but not even the story of mouse bait making them run for water and 'exploding' is true. Mice are nibblers and do not even require straight drinking water on a daily basis. The cornmeal/grits wouldn't stay in their throats long enough even if it did expand and their digestive system is really quick--up to 150 droppings per day so unless they ate some expanding foam in a can--lol it just isn't something that happens.  I have several articles on ants that may help if you need  and also on rodents and their control. Or you can ask me directly on my Ask The Bug Doctor page--     I'm always happy to try and help. 

So some of u have asked about how to kill fire ants. I have been doing some digging and found this PDF that compares organic to chemicals. From what I have read there r few natural fire ant killing methods. So read this, and let us know if any of it helps. It's 7 pages so grab an iced tea!!

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I'm going to try this for sure.  I've had ant problems this summer and had mouse problems last winter.  Thanks!  Lisa

Will this work on all kinds of ants? I think my kind are fire ants, they are half black and half brown? one bit me!! they are everywhere and are driving me nuts!! We tried ant traps but they don't work!! I have to keep everything I would normally keep out, in the fridge!! Please help!! Thanks!!

Hey friends, fire ants r carnivores so we r not sure if it will work, but it has worked on any ant that is vegetarian !

This is an interesting read for those who have issues with fire ants!
So u should we're a mask when cleaning p mouse droppings they can make u very sick, especially deer mice, thy carry the hanta virus which can kill you, so glove up, mask up.. Looks like with larger mice get a larger corn meal andr don't put a lot out, as they will eat more. I forgot there is another wy to kill mice and it doesn't hurt birds or other animals that may feed off the body!

U know Quinoa might work as well on large mice, how ever it's expensive, I would try any oat that would expand in the throat causing suffocations
I am not sure keep it small doses so small birds don.t get into it.. I requested permission from the bug guy to post a link to his site to ask him questions.

Mandy Slinkard said:

would oat meal maybe work

Yeah shoudlnt hurt the dogs, another way is put a 45 gallon for rats, put bait in bottom, and a piece of wood across the top and they will crawl across and jump in, then drown them!!


Mandy Slinkard said:

I will try the larger corn meal and once they eat that ill put out some oat meal..our main infestation of rats is in the garage so only the rats could get to it not the main concern is eaither having the dogs or cat get to it which is why posine is tricky to use because if our cat gets a rat that has injested it can kill the cat too and same with the dogs...

My sister in law swears by borax and cornmeal, some how it's working!!


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