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Treasure Hunt 2008

PetBrag's Treasure Hunt has concluded! The key is to find hidden treasures throughout PetBrags! Treasures can be found in many flavors & find the treasures based on Bragger's clues. Read game instructions for details. Jacque is our 1st Winner!

Members: 35
Latest Activity: May 21, 2011

Welcome to PetBrag's 2008 First Annual Treasure Hunt! CONCLUDED

PetBrag’s Treasure Hunt 2008
Treasure Hunt Begins: January 3, 2008
Treasure Hunt Ends: April 5, 2008
As of April 5, 2008

Jacque is our BIG Winner!
Congratulations Jacque!
Janine is our Jr. Member Winner! Congratulations Janine!

The 1st PetBrag's Treasure Hunt has concluded.
For Future Treasure Hunts:
The key is to find hidden Treasures (formerly a Treasure was called a "Treasure Hint") on pages throughout PetBrags! The Treasures can and will come in many flavors. You find the Treasures based on Bragger's clues. REMEMBER: The Treasures can be anywhere, on any page - - except within Groups!  There are many treasures to find throughout the Treasure Hunt.  When a hunter finds a Treasure, they collect points.  Read game instructions below for more details.

Game Rules:
How To Enter:
For official entry, you must join the Treasure Hunt Group. You must enter to win. Absolutely no purchases are involved to join the Treasure Hunt. It is free and open to all Braggers, except any one affiliated with PetBrags the Company. This includes affiliation by way of employment, ownership, family or personal friends.

Who Wins? The Bragger who collects the most points throughout the Treasure Hunt will win! Points can be earned in several ways. You will learn more ways to earn points, as the Hunt progresses. The primary ways to collect points are (1) Find Treasures (2) Answer Questions correctly that are attached to Treasures. For more details, see below under Game Instructions.

What are the Treasures/Gifts? The Treasure Hunt Winner will be awarded the Grand Treasure Gifts of a $150 (One Hundred Fifty Dollars) gift certificate to the Bragger Gear Store, and a $100 (One Hundred Dollars) donation given to the Pet Foundation or Pet Shelter of their choice. PetBrags will award the donation on your behalf, with proof of receipt for you.
There may be a Junior Treasure Hunter winner.  This will be true in the event that the overall winner is not a Junior Treasure Hunter.  A Junior Hunter cannot be awarded the Grand Treasure Gifts and the Junior Treasure Gift. In the event that a Junior Treasure Hunter is NOT the overall winner, the Treasure Hunter whom Bragger considers to be of a Junior age, with the highest points, will be awarded a $50 (Fifty Dollars) gift certificate to the Bragger Gear Store.  The Junior Hunter Winner will need a parent or guardian (in charge of the member account) to claim the gift for the Junior Hunter.

Claiming Gifts: You must be 18 or older to claim a winning gift. If you have permission to use your parent or guardian’s account when you joined PetBrags, they may claim the gift for you.

Treasure Hunt Game Instructions:
There is no definite pattern to the game; its path can and will lead you in many directions.  After all, it is a Treasure Hunt. You will receive Clues from Bragger throughout the hunt. The Clues will be announced via the Treasure Hunt Group, Latest Activity Announcements and/or Emails. Each Clue will send you on the hunt for a Treasure. So, throughout the Treasure Hunt, you will be dealing with 4 elements: Clues, Treasures, Questions and Emails! The key is to understand the difference between the Treasure Hunt Elements:
(1) Clues come from Bragger. Clues help you find Treasures. There could be many Clues for each Treasure.
(2) Treasures will be found hiding on fellow Bragger pages, or ANY page on PetBrags (except Groups). They can come in many flavors. Once you find a Treasure, you must be the first to send an email to Bragger. And you must name the correct location of the Treasure. The first email Bragger receives with the correct location (page) of the Treasure, the treasure hunter sending the email, will collect the points for the found treasure. The amount of points won will be noted on each Treasure. Treasures are very special. They are how you win the game!
(3) Questions - Each Treasure has a Question attached. Not only do you collect points for finding the Treasure, you will collect double the points for correctly answering the question attached to the Treasure.  If you find the Treasure and cannot answer the Question within 24 hours, Bragger will post the Question in the Treasure Hunt Group. The first player to answer the question correctly, and who sends the first email to Bragger, will collect the double points. Note: The original Treasure finder will have 24hours from the time Bragger receives their first email (containing correct Treasure location), to answer the Question. If that time expires, the Question is then posted to the Treasure Hunt Group.
(4) Emails - You must send an email to Bragger the instant you find a Treasure. The first email received with the correct Treasure location, collects the points! Also, the hunter who found the treasure, must send an email within 24 hours with the correct answer to the Treasure Question, in order to collect the Question points. Critical Note: If you have not joined the Treasure Hunt Group, you will not receive the points!

Extra Points: Bragger may decide to award points for just about anything. You might receive points for being the most courteous Bragger, inviting the most new members, posting the nicest ADDS while hunting for Treasures, being the friendliest, the kindest, or most creative Bragger. Who knows? Bragger will definitely award some extra points! But time will only tell “for what“, and “to whom”!

Bragger will announce winners of each correct Treasure location and each correct Answer to the Hint Question, via the Treasure Hunt Group. Bragger will also announce the Bragger’s Name and Points Won, via the Treasure Hunt Group. Note: You must remain active in the Treasure Hunt Group to play.

Game Duration and Treasure Locations: There will be between 35 and 50 Treasures to find, depending on the how the hunt progresses. PLEASE DO NOT LOOK FOR A Treasure UNTIL BRAGGER ANNOUNCES THAT IT EXISTS. Treasures will be placed throughout the site as the game progresses. Each time a new Treasure is hidden/posted, Bragger will announce the Treasure and a Clue(s) of it’s location via the Treasure Hunt Group. Each Treasure has a question attached. Once a Treasure is located, Bragger may or may not delete that Treasure from the playing field.

How To Lose Points:
Any game player who emails Bragger about the Treasure Hunt other than (1) When they find the Location of a Treasure and/or (2) Give the Answer to the question attached to the Treasure - - will LOSE POINTS. Each time you send Bragger an email asking questions about the Treasure Hunt, you will lose 150 points. You must go to the Treasure Hunt Group for your questions and answers. Obviously you will have to read the game instructions carefully.

Legal Mumbo Jumbo: Here’s the Deal. The Treasure Hunt is free to all Braggers. We will take absolutely no responsibility for anything related to the game or players (winners, losers, gifts, etc). For legal reasons, we will call the treasures won "gifts".  It’s all for fun, and we will reward the winners with our promised gifts. If you lose, sorry. If you win, GREAT. Whatever problems you may experience during the hunt, whether they be technical, mental or mood, sorry - - we are not responsible for you and your involvement in any way. If you choose to enter and play the game, enter at your own risk. You are responsible for anything and everything that has to do with your involvement. PetBrags refuses to take any responsibility or liability of any kind. All decisions made by PetBrags are final and may not be appealed or contested.  PetBrags is not responsible for any damages whatsoever, whether direct or consequential.  Let’s just have fun! By entering this game you agree to all of the terms above.



Discussion Forum

Clue for Treasure #49 - SOLVED AND CLOSED!

Started by PetBrags Pet Lovers Paradise Apr 5, 2008. 0 Replies

Clue for Treasure #48 FOUND AND CLOSED.

Started by PetBrags Pet Lovers Paradise Apr 3, 2008. 0 Replies

Clue for Treasure #47 - SOLVED AND CLOSED.

Started by PetBrags Pet Lovers Paradise Apr 1, 2008. 0 Replies

Clue for Treasure #46 - SOLVED AND CLOSED.

Started by PetBrags Pet Lovers Paradise Mar 29, 2008. 0 Replies

Clue for Treasure #45 - SOLVED AND CLOSED.

Started by PetBrags Pet Lovers Paradise Mar 28, 2008. 0 Replies

Clue for Treasure #44 - SOLVED AND CLOSED!

Started by PetBrags Pet Lovers Paradise Mar 25, 2008. 0 Replies

Clue for Treasure #42 - SOLVED AND CLOSED!

Started by PetBrags Pet Lovers Paradise Mar 20, 2008. 0 Replies


Started by alexis. Last reply by PetBrags Pet Lovers Paradise Mar 19, 2008. 1 Reply

Clue for Treasure #41 - SOLVED AND CLOSED!

Started by PetBrags Pet Lovers Paradise Mar 18, 2008. 0 Replies

Clue for Treasure #40 - SOLVED AND CLOSED

Started by PetBrags Pet Lovers Paradise Mar 16, 2008. 0 Replies

Clue for Treasure #39 - SOLVED AND CLOSED.

Started by PetBrags Pet Lovers Paradise Mar 13, 2008. 0 Replies

Clue for Treasure #38 - SOLVED AND CLOSED!

Started by PetBrags Pet Lovers Paradise Mar 11, 2008. 0 Replies

Clue for Treasure #37 - SOLVED AND CLOSED.

Started by PetBrags Pet Lovers Paradise Mar 8, 2008. 0 Replies

Clue for Treasure #36 - SOLVED AND CLOSED

Started by PetBrags Pet Lovers Paradise Mar 6, 2008. 0 Replies

Clue for Treasure #35 - SOLVED AND CLOSED.

Started by PetBrags Pet Lovers Paradise Mar 4, 2008. 0 Replies

Clue for Treasure #34 - SOLVED AND CLOSED.

Started by PetBrags Pet Lovers Paradise Mar 1, 2008. 0 Replies

Clue for Treasure #33 - SOLVED AND CLOSED.

Started by PetBrags Pet Lovers Paradise Feb 28, 2008. 0 Replies

Clue for Treasure #32 - SOLVED AND CLOSED.

Started by PetBrags Pet Lovers Paradise Feb 26, 2008. 0 Replies

Comment Wall


You need to be a member of Treasure Hunt 2008 to add comments!


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Discussion Forum

Clue for Treasure #49 - SOLVED AND CLOSED!

Started by PetBrags Pet Lovers Paradise Apr 5, 2008. 0 Replies

Clue for Treasure #48 FOUND AND CLOSED.

Started by PetBrags Pet Lovers Paradise Apr 3, 2008. 0 Replies

Clue for Treasure #47 - SOLVED AND CLOSED.

Started by PetBrags Pet Lovers Paradise Apr 1, 2008. 0 Replies

Clue for Treasure #46 - SOLVED AND CLOSED.

Started by PetBrags Pet Lovers Paradise Mar 29, 2008. 0 Replies

Clue for Treasure #45 - SOLVED AND CLOSED.

Started by PetBrags Pet Lovers Paradise Mar 28, 2008. 0 Replies

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