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Its easy to active for animals  at any age,there are lots of things that you can do to help save animals that dosent require much cash  just some of your time,energy and a little bit of dedication

I myself am a vegetarian,i refuse to eat an animal, i dont need meat in my diet, Now im not pushing you in to turning vegetarian but just to think about these facts

animals on factory farms  suffer terribly, before they show up in neat tidy packages, at the grocery store,your favourite restaurant,or fast food joint

they live in crowded conditions,and suffer painful conditions,likebranding,dehorning,debeaking,even having their tails cut of or their teeth sawn off,all without painkillers.They are crammed onto trucks in crates and carted off to the slaughter house

Did you know that each vegetarian saves 100 animal lives  per year

Eating animals  contributes to health heart disease,strokes,obesity amongst many more. meat, eggs and dairy products have no fiber they are full of fat and cholestral

Did you know that it takes about 300 gallons of water to produce food for a vegetarian and at least 4000 gallons if not more to produce food for a meat eater

heres another statistic. every vegetarian  saves an acre of trees every year,and more than 260 million acres a year of forest is cleared to grow crops to feed animals that are raised to be eaten by humans

fifty-five square feet of rain forest may be cut down to produce one quarter pound burger

other things to help save animals is

your local shelter would appreciate your time ,volunteer  your help

Dont visit circuses, these poor animals suffer horribly

Educate others! educate your kids on the well being of animals and how precious they are

look in newspapers for up and coming events like charity events for animals  go along and give your support

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saving animals

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